The "you don't know my struggles" card is getting a little played out.
Almost as much as the "Back in my day" card.
The "you don't know my struggles" card is getting a little played out.
but oh snap you PWN3D me
Hells ya I did. I'm so beast, dawg. So, so beast. I am. Me.
Translation: I am a kernel of corn in the poo of chrisMwilliams.
Almost as much as the "Back in my day" card.The "you don't know my struggles" card is getting a little played out.
So it is cool for a grown a man to go on a hypocritical rant on social media in response to an immature and impulsive teen's stupid facebook message?
That guy's "back in my day" card is no better than the football player's "poor me" card. So I'm suppose to be impressed this guy had a black-n-white television (lots of people of had black-n-white TV's in the 60's, same with the radio), or that he had to work through college to pay drastically cheaper college tuition, or that people 3 generations ago had to build a life for themselves?
Lot's of people do that. And most of those people don't tell feel the need to lecture others because of it. The whole thing reeks of bitterness or inferiority. The message also shows the football player's point--although its hard to feel sorry for athletes or famous young people, there certainly are different social costs that come with the territory.
I agree with you.
This geezer is pry one of those old creeps that use facebook exclusively to complain about all his life's problems. Forget doing anything about them, Im just gonna blast them on facebook and expect people's sympathy.
Lemme guess...you're one of the entitlement generation he's referring to. That mirror can be a beatch...but looking into it will set you free.
I agree with you.
This geezer is pry one of those old creeps that use facebook exclusively to complain about all his life's problems. Forget doing anything about them, Im just gonna blast them on facebook and expect people's sympathy.
Or he is tired of hearing a college athlete that receives free schooling and everything else he could need for 4 yrs whine and b**** about this "struggles"? He used some things hes gone through to help express how easy others have it compared to some, didn't seem like he was looking for sympathy just proving a point. I agree with him didn't feel sympathy for him but can understand where hes coming from, considering I FINALLY paid off my student loans and just upgraded my 14 in black and white to a 18 in color with HD rabbit ears.
So it is cool for a grown a man to go on a hypocritical rant on social media in response to an immature and impulsive teen's stupid facebook message?That guy's "back in my day" card is no better than the football player's "poor me" card. So I'm suppose to be impressed this guy had a black-n-white television (lots of people of had black-n-white TV's in the 60's, same with the radio), or that he had to work through college to pay drastically cheaper college tuition, or that people 3 generations ago had to build a life for themselves? Lot's of people do that. And most of those people don't tell feel the need to lecture others because of it. The whole thing reeks of bitterness or inferiority. The message also shows the football player's point--although its hard to feel sorry for athletes or famous young people, there certainly are different social costs that come with the territory.
Or he is tired of hearing a college athlete that receives free schooling and everything else he could need for 4 yrs whine and b**** about this "struggles"? He used some things hes gone through to help express how easy others have it compared to some, didn't seem like he was looking for sympathy just proving a point. I agree with him didn't feel sympathy for him but can understand where hes coming from, considering I FINALLY paid off my student loans and just upgraded my 14 in black and white to a 18 in color with HD rabbit ears.
If I was an 18-23 year old D1 football player I would get tired of having washed up, wanna be, was never good enough to play in college 40 year old ex high school football players stalk me on facebook and twitter.
How about if one of them wore a replica of your jersey to the game?![]()
Far from it.