Georgia fan rips own player on Facebook.

If I was an 18-23 year old D1 football player I would get tired of having washed up, wanna be, was never good enough to play in college 40 year old ex high school football players stalk me on facebook and twitter.

Don't put your business out there for the washed up, wanna be, never good enough to play college football to comment on then. Could have easily have made the speech in the locker room with his teammates in private, he was obviously looking for a response after posting that. He could have gone a different route then taking it to twitter is all I was saying not agreeing with old men creeping.... but don't necessarily disagree with what the old man said either.
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Without getting too into my life story I started out in Criminal Justice, had to put degree on hold after moving to Nevada because of costs of out of state tuition. I ended up changing my major and I am 32 and have done both the community college and university route, not going to get into life story as to get accused of looking for sympathy.

That wasn't my angle, vegas, and I sincerely appreciate that you took a minute to respond to my inquiry. I was curious; I figured you were right out of school, like 22 or something.
Be well. :)
Without getting too into my life story I started out in Criminal Justice, had to put degree on hold after moving to Nevada because of costs of out of state tuition. I ended up changing my major and I am 32 and have done both the community college and university route, not going to get into life story as to get accused of looking for sympathy.

I wasnt taking a jab at you, and Im not sure why you think I was.
:) Wish I was 22 again...

I hear you, bro.
The perfect fantasy is to be 22 years old again, but with my current financial situation and in possession of all the knowledge and wisdom I have accumulated in the 25 years since I was that age! :)
i love what that guy wrote, but it does remind me of this...

[ame=]The Simpsons - History with Grandpa Simpson - YouTube[/ame]

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