Future Attendence

HappyChef and I sealed the deal on no more season tickets after the Ball State game. We really dislike what happened to our seats despite making the full donation every year bince the re-seating and then some. When the Hawks are not playing well, being with your long term group for moral support is great, but when that got broken up, a big piece of the stadium experience took a nose dive for us. I was so angered by what I saw at the BSU game that I skipped ISU and went to NASCAR that weekend.

At the end of the day, I can support a crappy team. Love the Hawks and always will, but the money grab from that re-seating really upset me and after this nonsense last weekend, I am done shelling out $100 a seat per game, especially given that 2015 schedule. I know you guys don't want to hear it, but I have a lot more fun going to Northwestern games because I don't get fleeced and I can walk home rather than driving for 3.5-4 hours each way. I also don't really get too invested in the outcome, which makes watching the games more fun irregardless of who wins. Heck, I'm so mad after Saturday that I'm not even willing to drive down to Champaign because I think we have a good shot to lose and even if we win, I'm not expecting an exciting game which makes me reluctant to sit outside in 31 degree for 3.5 hours plus tailgating time.

I think that between the performance of the team, the ongoing schedules with the big teams all moved to the East division, the incremental diminution in the "experience" outside of the stadium, the sky high prices for decent seats, changes in viewing habits of the youngsters and the great TV coverage, Barta and Company are going to have some serious hardships in the coming decade.
Pitt and ISU still give us two Power 5 opponents, which is as many or more than most Big Ten schools. On that list only NW has two power 5 opponents.

I do not begrudge anyone bailing, as life does intervene. Maybe a slight dip in attendance will prove to be a wakeup call for Barta and co.

C'mon, JH ... that is McCarney level spin with the "two Power 5 opponents". Might as well really raise the bar and stack the schedule by adding an SEC school -- say, Vandy? How 'bout Vandy, Wake, ISU and Colorado -- there's a meaty schedule.

Thing is, it isn't about having more than one "Power" (loose use of the term) conference opponent. It's about having just one big name. One alone is worth all four combined because it generates anticipation, the possibility of a night game caliber opponent, excitement for a true measuring stick.

That said, it really isn't so much about the schedule / opponent for me. I left UNI, Ball State and ISU early and have sold off all but NwU of this season (putting the proceeds toward next week's trip to NYC to watch the bball team). I have zero intention of renewing next year. I'm just tired of watching KirkFer's football strategy become less and less competitive, resulting in decent to good teams being squandered, season after season. I'll be back when he and / or that G.d. G.D. leaves.
If the overall pulse of Hawkeye fans are in any reflected by the sentiment of HN....I think things will be pretty dire in Kinnick next year.

I am pretty darn bummed out all around.
I'm not disagreeing with anyone here, I'm just curious:

What would make you more likely to go to games (other than the obvious, a better football team)?
I'm not disagreeing with anyone here, I'm just curious:

What would make you more likely to go to games (other than the obvious, a better football team)?

1) Not taking away my season tickets after 8 years of donating $1600 plus a little extra due to their extortionary scare tactics that put old folks in front of young folks for seating priority

2) Not having some manlet police officer from Solon ruining my bottle of water by putting his mousy little nose over the opening so he could smell it for contraband alcohol

That's about it. I sat through some pretty bad games. Hell, the Western Michigan game in 2007 didn't even induce me to cancel, but on a scale of 1-10 of butthurt about the re-seating and ridonkulous jack booted thuggery of the cops around the tailgates, I've gone from about a 2 to 9.5 for stuff that has little to do with the on the field product.
For starters get rid of the corporate/over-commercialized atmosphere in Kinnick. I have already paid for the game, several times over. If I want to be bombarded with ads I will stay home and watch it on TV. If you are going to show ads, maybe have someone besides a high school AV club produce them...I'm talking to you CENNEX Man/Pancheros/Delta Dental, you make me never want to buy your products again, no matter how much I love Pancheros burrittos. And have the announcer quit shilling for donations the entire game, I already gave.

Let people go out again at half-time. I understand that this was supposed to be a security measure post 9/11, but wasn't it just another attempt to curb drinking? If people are blasted don't let them back into the stadium. Along with security, I am pretty sure my 50 year old wife is not a security threat, use some commonsense. If you want to save/make more money cut the security thug force in half. Along with the halftime freedom, maybe set up some more porta johns in the parking lot, we should not have to spend all of halftime standing in line to take a leak.

Upgrade the schedule, yeah I understand it is too late for next year...but come on do you think anyone wants see these cupcakes. I would rather watch them lose to a USC than beat a Western Illinois.....although how it is gone lately we would probably lose to them too.

I understand that college football has become all about the money, and if there is a good product out on the field fans will put up with alot of BS, but there isn't. So curb the greed, because you are about to lose alot of fans in Kinnick......because guess what; all of the games are on TV.
Wow. That is a rotten home schedule next year. Some of those games are barely worth watching for free on TV. I can't imagine paying for a ticket.
I used to get season tickets when I was single & was not an issue. But things really change when you add a couple kids along with your wife. You're looking at least $300 per game by the time you travel there & get goodies or tailgate. The games are outpricing the consumers and now the boys are getting the age where some Saturdays will be for activities and I'm not about to try to find a home for 4 tickets a game, not when there's DVR & an HD at home.

I like to go to games. Don't get me wrong, but right now is not feasible. Wish it was but it just is not.

^^^^^^^^This pretty much sums up the GenXers and even the loyal babyboomers with the time and disposable income are finding other things to do. It is not only Iowa, but other schools as well, even the almighty NFL. I know people do not like to hear this, but you have to cater to the bandwagon/casual fan, you already have the diehards.
Did anyone else get that survey emailed to them like a week or two ago? It was from the U and had questions all about fan experience, value of my season tickets, product and suggestions etc. I thought it was interesting, I had never gotten anything like that before from the U that actually seemed to care what I thought.
Wow. This thread is kind of depressing, which I suppose is predictable given the poor performance by the Iowa football team this year. Certainly, the view that Iowa does not play "exciting" football is prevalent among the posters on HN. I sure cannot argue that point for the last 3 years.

I recognize the displeasure with next year's home schedule, but I have a different slant. First, we have no choice but to schedule Iowa State every year. Personally, I hate games like that, which are "everything to lose and nothing to gain." But, get over it, because they will be on the schedule forever. Pittsburgh: I disagree; this is a good, well known football program. They may be in a down cycle right now, but we did schedule them a long time ago.

As to the balance of the schedule: Yes, we have drawn some of the weaker teams in 2015. But, that is not something Iowa has any control over. I do like it that MN finally has to come back to Iowa City. And, frankly, this schedule sets up well for a 7-0 record at home, at least on paper...guess we will see. As for me, I will continue to have 2 season tickets for as long as I can make the trip.
Be careful Guys. There are wives/girlfriends across the State that are planning family pictures, weddings, shopping trips, and other stuff to do on Saturdays now.

I'll still watch at home but wont be signing up for season tickets.
And, frankly, this schedule sets up well for a 7-0 record at home, at least on paper...

2015 Iowa Football Schedule:
Sept. 5 Illinois State
Sept. 19 Pittsburgh
Sept. 26 North Texas
Oct. 10 Illinois*
Oct. 31 Maryland
Nov. 14 Minnesota*
Nov. 21 Purdue*

Ouch. I live in FL so can't make it Kinnick anyway, but even if I still lived in Iowa, I wouldn't bend over backwards to make it to any of those games.

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