Frost at nubby

Neb will never do anything in the West with defense and line play they’ve shown the last 7 years. They aren’t just going to turn that around in one year. Plus, they just aren’t tough.
If, and this is highly probable, Nebraska is 5-6, it will be a real interesting game to end the season. Iowa will be their play in game..............

In 2015, we were 11-0 and they were 5-6. Didn’t matter then and won’t matter now. They’re such a pussy program these toughness whatsoever.
Even with the trouble we’ve been having on offense, I can see the Hawks easily hanging 30+ points on the Husker D. What I want most against Nebby is to hang a big goose egg on them.
All the guys on the BTN pregame show were picking Nebraska by at least 2 touchdowns. I can't figure out why they keep hanging onto the Husker train. You'd think they are getting bonuses for picking Nebby.
No way will the pick us to beat Nebby. None. We could roll Wisconsin and Minny and go into that game 9-2 amd ranked 10th-12th in nation and they will still find some angle to favor the Huskers.

Not that it matters. We were 11-0 and ranked 6th or thereabouts in 2015 and we're 2.5 point dogs in Lincoln on Black Friday. Didn't stop us from getting to 12-0.
He hasnt gotten his recruits yet. I would be wary of writing him off just yet. After next year his legacy at Nebby will be written. He will be the savior or the pretender. I think next season is the year we find out if he has what it takes to be a B1G coach.
He will need to tweak his system, stop getting his QB's killed, and give his defense a break. Not to mention clean up the mental mistakes and the off the field debauchery. Or it won't matter what kind of recruits he has.

He keeps losing close games because his exhausted defense can't get off the field on the fourth quarter. Can't he see this?
Neb will never do anything in the West with defense and line play they’ve shown the last 7 years. They aren’t just going to turn that around in one year. Plus, they just aren’t tough.
Physically and especially mentally. They're mentally one of the weakest teams I've ever seen. From Colorado last year through the present.
If, and this is highly probable, Nebraska is 5-6, it will be a real interesting game to end the season. Iowa will be their play in game..............
I've predicted that scenario for at least two weeks.....

Some are saying Frost will turn this around, he just doesn't have his recruits left. Let's compare Frost 2019 to Ferentz 2000. We won only three games in 2000, but we're holding our own physically by late October and November every Saturday. We were smacking people. People like Fred Barr, Benny Sapp and Bob Sanders had broken into the lineup. It was a harbinger for better times ahead. I would wager that 1991 Wisconsin, the second year of the Alvarez era, saw similar glimmers of hope.

I'm not seeing this with Frost in 2019. Add the on the field mental lapses and I see no indication that it will improve in 2020. And even when (if) they get to the day where their stick is the same size as their competition, it may take them another year or two to relearn how to win.
In 2015, we were 11-0 and they were 5-6. Didn’t matter then and won’t matter now. They’re such a pussy program these toughness whatsoever.
I Saw 19S try NOT to make a tackle and avoid contact on 2 plays during Purdue’s winning drive. Mouth-dropping.

Frost said that defense played “great” and the coaches need to do “better”

Steven Sipple said the defense “collapsed” and is willing to not call them blackshirts.
So all of a sudden Husker fan is saying they forgot how to coach?

Let us not forget Frost is the Second Coming, no way can he be at fault.


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