Freeh Report

Haven't you been reading the posts of treychase??
The cover-up = LoIC
NCAA will play a large role in the eventual punishment of PSU.

Again, though, this is one "incident". It's not multiple offenses or occurences before the NCAA (Which, IMO, is why PSU needs to be out of the B1G. Let NCAA do what they're supposed to do, and let B1G actually do the right thing).
Serious questions, since you are an attorney:

Why was McQueary not questioned? (The guy was an eyewitness!)

How did they get e-mails from 1998? (Seriously. Unless stored on a hard drive made of titanium and/or deliberately saved...)

How were they able to get stuff the prosecutors and state's attorneys couldn't? (Is there a serious problem in Pennsylvania beyond PSU?)

How come Nobody seems to think Jay Paterno knew anything?

It could have been that the University told Freeh not to concern himself with McQueary and instead focus on the people he did, or that McQueary refused to participate, or that he felt he could just use McQuearys testimony and didn't need to interview him.

Im guessing that the documents they used the prosecution had access to as well and either was not admissible or was not relevant to the Sandusky trial. Now when it comes to Spanier and and the others trials then they will be relevant but some might still be inadmissible.
True, but it shows their actions were selective in nature. I don't think it is a smoking gun, but some of the people involved were the same and it shows them in a different light in this case.

Haven't you been reading the posts of treychase??
The cover-up = LoIC
NCAA will play a large role in the eventual punishment of PSU.

Guess I need to work on my sarcasm. :D

Here is another article on the subject: Graham Spanier, disgraced ex-Penn State president, epitomized NCAA hypocrisy - Yahoo! Sports

To summarize, buying a nice suit for a student athlete who has declared for the NFL draft and is appearing on a ESPN awards show is wrong but sodomizing little boys in the locker room is ok.
I would say that this moreso ponts out the hypocracy of the NCAA. The fact that the suit infraction would be a no brainer, and that this massive coverup of a child rapist has probably 75% of people guessing the NCAA will not step in. Spanier is just following the NCAA's lead here.
Only something as heinous and surreal as the pedo state nightmare would bring Thunder out of Teh Cave and in to the General Population.
Good to see you again, TH. Swing that machete with gusto, bro.
skip bayless uses jim rome as a role model
'nuff said

He might go ahead and find a new role model...Rome wants Pedo State banned from competing this season.

I wonder how these apologists would feel had it been their sons being raped.

I think I know.
He might go ahead and find a new role model...Rome wants Pedo State banned from competing this season.

I wonder how these apologists would feel had it been their sons being raped.

I think I know.

This was, is, and always will be THE question for everyone defending the people who perpetrated this nightmare.
Any of these idiots who say, "oh, joe didn't do anything wrong" or "bu-bu-but what about all the good things joe did??" should be compelled to answer that question, preferably in front of their kids AND the victims. :mad:
This was, is, and always will be THE question for everyone defending the people who perpetrated this nightmare.
Any of these idiots who say, "oh, joe didn't do anything wrong" or "bu-bu-but what about all the good things joe did??" should be compelled to answer that question, preferably in front of their kids AND the victims. :mad:

Yeah...that's like saying, well, Hitler killed millions of people...BUT he did bring back the German economy and built some sweet cars! Just gotta take the bad with the good, right, Pedo State?
Someone with audio/video editing skillz should find that clip of joepedo saying "we're linebacker U!" and change it to have him say "we're fudgepackin' you!"
Scorp, you re doing a good job of keeping Thunder ranting outside of the poli forum, and I like his passion here, and agree with him on things for a change.

keep beating the drum thunder, something needs to be done for the integrity of football at this level to be put in context.
This was, is, and always will be THE question for everyone defending the people who perpetrated this nightmare.
Any of these idiots who say, "oh, joe didn't do anything wrong" or "bu-bu-but what about all the good things joe did??" should be compelled to answer that question, preferably in front of their kids AND the victims. :mad:

This is why Penn State needs the death penalty, these people are to blinded to realize just how bad it is. People claiming this is not fair to existing players and just need to take away scholarships & bowl games don't get it. Football & Joe Paterno's legacy has been like a drug addiction to these people and the only way you cure is drug addict is to take away the drug, in this case football. By giving them more of what they want you are only feeding what got Penn State into trouble in the first place, and sending the message that the Penn State football program and Joe Paterno's legacy IS more important than what happened to all these victims. The message needs to be sent than no 1 person and no football program is bigger than following the laws of this country and covering up/enabling a pedophile.
This is why Penn State needs the death penalty, these people are to blinded to realize just how bad it is. People claiming this is not fair to existing players and just need to take away scholarships & bowl games don't get it. Football & Joe Paterno's legacy has been like a drug addiction to these people and the only way you cure is drug addict is to take away the drug, in this case football. By giving them more of what they want you are only feeding what got Penn State into trouble in the first place, and sending the message that the Penn State football program and Joe Paterno's legacy IS more important than what happened to all these victims. The message needs to be sent than no 1 person and no football program is bigger than following the laws of this country and covering up/enabling a pedophile.

We stand in full concurrence.

Well stated.

If Penn State plays football this season, the actions of the Foultastic Four to conspire to conceal are validated:

Football retains primacy over the welfare of children.

Just f'n think about that statement for a moment. Think of your kids and then think about that value judgment.
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