Fred Hoiberg Fired


King Kong
Wonder if he regrets leaving Ames where he was worshiped. I also wonder if Steve Prohm's seat just got a fire lit under it by the fans
That whole franchise has been a dumpster fire since Rose first got hurt years ago. I honestly almost feel bad for Fred but he had to know what he was getting into with an aging team that had no shooters to play the style he wanted to play. I believe he also interviewed for the Warriors job before they gave it to Kerr. Night and day difference between the teams lol.

The question now becomes what jobs will be available and if he will be interested in them.
He seems like he'd be a good front office guy, so my question is, would you take him as our AD?
Fred got a pretty raw deal as far as having a chance at being successful in Chicago. They were in a full on rebuild and after the Jimmy Butler trade, their main piece (Dunn, Lavine and Markkanen) were constantly injured.

My guess is he doesn't return to college unless there's a blue blood sitting out there. He probably belongs in an NBA front office somehwere
Fast Freddie is campaigning for Alfraud's job in Westwood, I see. LMAO! Fred could do well at UCLA. Way better than Alfraud ever could.
I doubt it. He made a lot more in the NBA than college, plus he has openly said he hates recruiting. Prohm has done a pretty good job in Ames, is a better recruiter plus no way Hoiberg will ever go back anyway
Yeah, you’re right. he’s not going back to ISU. He likes the gigs he can get in the NBA.

Plus, there aren’t that many MBB jobs that are better in college basketball than ISU that those programs can’t find a better recruiter and that didn’t fail in the NBA (which I think the head coach position is highly over-rated anyway for effecting game play; at that level, you either have talent to compete or you don’t compete).
Why would you go back to the grind of coaching if your net worth was well over $15M ?

If its a blue blood you probably would. Look at Calipari, Izzo, Coach K, or Roy toy Williams. They certainly don't need the money. Recruiting is a lot easier at those schools, plus you're worshiped on campus and your team almost always goes to the NCAA tournament.
Wonder if he regrets leaving Ames where he was worshiped. I also wonder if Steve Prohm's seat just got a fire lit under it by the fans
I think he relied too much on transfers to build his roster. The cupboard was bare of future players when he left. Other than Niang he didn't have much for high school recruits when he was there.
I think he relied too much on transfers to build his roster. The cupboard was bare of future players when he left. Other than Niang he didn't have much for high school recruits when he was there.

I think Morris, Thomas, and Long were HS recruits as well. Not sure on any others. The team was stacked with veteran talent Prohm's first two years but not much on the bench which is why they struggled last year.
How many more purges do Gar Foreman and John Paxson survive? They've churned through at least five coaches.

I got a funny feeling the Bulls brass won't be looking to Iowa State anytime soon, however.
Fred made a lot of coin while there. Chicago is a great city but the Bulls front office may be the worst in all of professional sports! I feel he is lucky to be out of there. With his heart issues, he can now find a job that suits him that is less stressful.
He could out coach Fran blindfolded.

Fred sure wasn't afraid to embrace and abuse the transfer rules. It worked out quite well for him for the most part. Meanwhile Fran hates the transfer rules and doesn't seem to want to participate at all.