Keith Murphy's interview with Chris Doyle

DEI is like this...

...So I finally hit my boiling point of madness and I decide that goddammit, I'm getting this thing to start and run if it kills me. So I drain the gas tank and fill it with 100% ethanol, and I absolutely douse the intake with a huge shot of ether because no matter what shape my engine is overall, ethanol and ether are going to fire off for sure. So I hit the ignition and sure as shit the engine fires off. When it starts to chug I hit with ether until if takes off again. And low and behold once that pure alcohol hits the carb that thing is running like a bat outta hell, harder, hotter and louder than it ever has before. I WIN, right? Yep. Right up until the thing explodes into shrapnel because I've thrown the ends out and only been focused on the means...
Ha. That's good.

To make it even more analogous would be to add oversight organizations that would have punished you with a poor "Car Maintenance Equity Score" if you HADN'T filled your tank with 100% ethanol and doused the intake with ether...