Fran's got a great gig...


Well-Known Member
2016-7: Well you can't expect much we only have one really good senior all these freshman but NEXT year is the year we surprise people!
2017-8: WHOOPS LOL we didn't mean this year it's next year too many young players no point guard no idea how that happened but NEXT YEAR we'll be great we promise!
2018-9: SURPRISE YOU CAN'T FIRE ME FOR FOUR MORE YEARS because the best players are my kids LOL!
Chances are, if you coach for Iowa, you have it very made. As long as there are asses in the seats, you will be fine.
2016-7: Well you can't expect much we only have one really good senior all these freshman but NEXT year is the year we surprise people!
2017-8: WHOOPS LOL we didn't mean this year it's next year too many young players no point guard no idea how that happened but NEXT YEAR we'll be great we promise!
2018-9: SURPRISE YOU CAN'T FIRE ME FOR FOUR MORE YEARS because the best players are my kids LOL!

Ever since we ran Tom Davis out of town because he couldn't make it past the 2nd round, piss poor BB is the name of the f***ing game. Alford makes the NCAA 1 time in his first 5 years and we bring him back for year 6 (I don't care that he made the tournament that year, you should never get a 6th year with results like that). He misses 3 NCAA tournaments in a row, and he is brought back. F***ing Todd Lickliter was gonna come back for year 4, until Barta found out even more mass exits were going to take place.

What a shit show. You shouldn't miss 2 NCAA tournaments in a row, let alone 3. You should be fired every last time for missing 3 in a row, and I would fire guys for missing 2 in a row (unless decimated by injury).
Fran talked big when he got here but hasn't backed it up! Talk is very cheap! Just say what everyone wants to hear and it'll be ok! I used to get really excited because the Hawks were playing but my goodness just how is anybody supposed to be excited to watch this product.
Fran talked big when he got here but hasn't backed it up! Talk is very cheap! Just say what everyone wants to hear and it'll be ok! I used to get really excited because the Hawks were playing but my goodness just how is anybody supposed to be excited to watch this product.

If we lose to Penn St. at home this weekend, I will be officially checked out of BB for the rest of the year 8 games in.
This team, sad to say, needs CW...who left for some reason...not that it would make much difference.
If we lose to Penn St. at home this weekend, I will be officially checked out of BB for the rest of the year 8 games in.

If we lose to Penn St. at home this weekend, I will be officially checked out of BB for the rest of the year 8 games in.

I'm already pretty much checked out, to be honest. With this start... Disappointing place to be when it's still November, I agree, given that I thought this year's team would be an NCAA squad. Doesn't look likely now. Guess I shouldn't give up on the season so quickly, but after the last couple decades, it's pretty obvious that I'm suffering from a fatigue of some sort. Call it apathy if you want. Seen this movie too many times. Even best case scenario? The team rebounds and sneaks into the dance, and gets destroyed in the 2nd round by a 1 or 2 seed? We just don't have the talent to hang with the big boys.

I'm probably going to get roasted for this, but I'm at the point where I'd like to see someone like John Calipari on our sidelines for 5-10 years before he bolts, just to see what he can do. There, I said it. I know, I know - it's not happening, but one can dream. I just want a taste of high level basketball even if it's just a few years. Sure, I'd prefer we do it the "right way" too, but realistically... it's not realistic. To me, it's just basketball. Not the Red Cross.

I'm tired of thinking back to the 1986-87 season for the only time in my lifetime where Iowa had an elite team. Ancient history. Give me a Sweet 16 or Elite 8, even.

All that said, I will stand by my word and give Fran through next season before I join the lynch mob.
It will be interesting to see if we win 10-12 games what we do with Fran. Probably nothing, but it's probably time to start over.
I watched last night. Have we regressed or something? We looked like totally lost. It was not what I expected, not at all. Terrible defense, slow reaction, and the Franimal being all Franimal. We will be below .500 that's for sure. WTF
2016-7: Well you can't expect much we only have one really good senior all these freshman but NEXT year is the year we surprise people!
2017-8: WHOOPS LOL we didn't mean this year it's next year too many young players no point guard no idea how that happened but NEXT YEAR we'll be great we promise!
2018-9: SURPRISE YOU CAN'T FIRE ME FOR FOUR MORE YEARS because the best players are my kids LOL!

ph, i'll give this credence if you will confirm you're also fed up with kirk. the main different between basketball and football, as i'm sure you're aware, is that in basketball you can lose games at the beginning of the season and play horribly, but then turn it around and still win a conference championship and more. if football, if you lose early games, you're not as likely to contend for conference championships. I have not given up on this team or this season. We have a boatload of talent. They looked disorganized last night and they got their *sses handed to them. not being organized is coaching. but part of it is also because JBo is a liability on defense and there is no way around that until he steps it up. defense is want to. Pemsyl missed how many layups? Baer looked like he was playing his first game of the season and Garza looked stuck in no mans land. This team is searching for an identity and I believe they'll find it.
It will be interesting to see if we win 10-12 games what we do with Fran. Probably nothing, but it's probably time to start over.
You'll see a lot more empty seats, but yeah, I doubt anything's done (maybe a new assistant if anything). If he misses the NCAAs next season I'm sure he won't be around anymore.
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Show of hands. Who, that have responded to this thread with a negative opinion of Fran, is a supporter of kirk?

OK, I'll play.

Depends on how you define a "supporter", but overall, I feel that KF has done a good job here and has always done JUST enough to keep me from becoming completely disenfranchised with him. In my view, the 2000's were excellent but things have grown stale in the 2010's. IMO KF is nearing the end of his head coaching career, and has taken us as far as he can. It's probably about time for some fresh blood. That's where I stand as I write this.

I'm starting to wonder if I'll be saying the same about Fran pretty soon, too.

Honestly, I feel pretty similarly about Fran and KF, with one big difference: Kirk has won a couple conference titles, 4 Top 10 finishes, and won an Orange Bowl. Been a while, though. Fran is yet to come anywhere near those heights, so he's built up less good will with me than KF did in the 2000's. Honestly, Fran hasn't done anything that Mr. Davis didn't do nearly every year, or that even Alford didn't do. A few NIT's and early NCAA exits. Doesn't look likely that his resume will improve this year either, judging by how November went.

That answer your question?
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