Frank Martin

I will agree, he has slimeball written all over him. But he can clearly recruit big talent and he stands up on the sidelines and coaches unlike the previous coach at Iowa. I don't think he specifically is the guy we want, nor would he come, but someone like him IS exactly what Iowa needs. Anybody know where he came from?

I don't know how you can say Frank Martin has slimball written all over him, that is a pretty uneducated statement. I am in no way a KSU fan, but Frank Martin seems to very good to his players and they love him regardless of how he appears on television. Frank came to KSU with Huggie Bear and remained when Huggins left for the WVU job. Frank essentially was retained as coach to make sure that Michael Beasley, the #1 recruit at the time stayed with the KSU program. His HC experience was limited to HS coaching in the Miami area. KSU has been very lucky in what Frank Martin has brought to their program.
Some of the people on here are amazing, you think because a coach is winning he must be cheating and is a slime ball, whatever happened to maybe the guy just works his *** off.
Among other, more significant issues, Iowa kids would not want to play for Frank Martin. You can't win a NC with just Iowa players, but you still need to get a handful of the better kids in the state. The kids in this state who are mostly brought up in a culture where respect means something would not want to play for a guy who treats his players in public the way Martin does--nor would their parents, for the most part, want them to.
omg...what is this 1900? If his f bombs can motivate the team to get some W bombs who cares? It's not like the team is made up of 8 year olds that can't handle a little language.

If you are worried about the players hearing "f bombs" then they shouldn't even be able to walk on campus.
Among other, more significant issues, Iowa kids would not want to play for Frank Martin. You can't win a NC with just Iowa players, but you still need to get a handful of the better kids in the state. The kids in this state who are mostly brought up in a culture where respect means something would not want to play for a guy who treats his players in public the way Martin does--nor would their parents, for the most part, want them to.

Dude are you living in a WB TV show?
I don't know how you can say Frank Martin has slimball written all over him, that is a pretty uneducated statement. I am in no way a KSU fan, but Frank Martin seems to very good to his players and they love him regardless of how he appears on television. Frank came to KSU with Huggie Bear and remained when Huggins left for the WVU job. Frank essentially was retained as coach to make sure that Michael Beasley, the #1 recruit at the time stayed with the KSU program. His HC experience was limited to HS coaching in the Miami area. KSU has been very lucky in what Frank Martin has brought to their program.

Internet slander is an amazing thing.
Some of the people on here are amazing, you think because a coach is winning he must be cheating and is a slime ball, whatever happened to maybe the guy just works his *** off.

I'm not assuming or guessing just because he's winning. I know some smaller school coaches who know him and they say he is a great guy and a great coach, but he is one of the dirtiest recruiters.
Some call it intensity, I call it acting like a dick. I would not want to have to watch him, game in and game out, much less play for him.
I don't know how you can say Frank Martin has slimball written all over him, that is a pretty uneducated statement. I am in no way a KSU fan, but Frank Martin seems to very good to his players and they love him regardless of how he appears on television. Frank came to KSU with Huggie Bear and remained when Huggins left for the WVU job. Frank essentially was retained as coach to make sure that Michael Beasley, the #1 recruit at the time stayed with the KSU program. His HC experience was limited to HS coaching in the Miami area. KSU has been very lucky in what Frank Martin has brought to their program.

First I said slimeball. Second, Why is that an uneducated statment? Wether its the accusation of hitting a player or using dirty recruiting tactics, I would consder that to be slimey or sleazey.
If you read my previous post I also complimented his coaching style and his fiery attitude. I said that I thought a personality and coach like him would be the type of guy Iowa should be looking for. I like the guy and like what he has been able to do, there is just something about him that comes across sleazey or slimey. Nothing uneducated about that statement.
And by the way coaches drop F-bombs all the time. I don't know who people on here are fooling. I've sat in the first 5 rows behind the Iowa and visiting team benches at Kinnick, coaches shout obsenities on a regular basis. It happens at high school games. To me obscenities are almost a sign of emmotion. I have read Ferentz lips say "bulls***" on TV multiple times.
Some call it intensity, I call it acting like a dick. I would not want to have to watch him, game in and game out, much less play for him.

i'd like to play for him. It looks like his formula is pretty simple. Play your butt off on defense and you get to shoot as many times and from wherever you want to on offense...that is my kind of style.
i'd like to play for him. It looks like his formula is pretty simple. Play your butt off on defense and you get to shoot as many times and from wherever you want to on offense...that is my kind of style.
Iverson did that in the pros...except i dont recall him playing defense
First I said slimeball. Second, Why is that an uneducated statment? Wether its the accusation of hitting a player or using dirty recruiting tactics, I would consder that to be slimey or sleazey.
If you read my previous post I also complimented his coaching style and his fiery attitude. I said that I thought a personality and coach like him would be the type of guy Iowa should be looking for. I like the guy and like what he has been able to do, there is just something about him that comes across sleazey or slimey. Nothing uneducated about that statement.

slime·ball (slīm'bôl')
n. Slang
A despicable or disgusting person.

Having not personally met Frank Martin but going by what I hear in the Kansas City area from his players, KSU fans and other B12 coaches, Frank Martin is well liked. I would say he does not fit the definition above. Unless you have had a negative personal experience with coach Martin, I would say you are correct your comment may not have been uneducated, it was more along the lines of ignorant.


/ Show Spelled[ig-ner-uh
nt] Show IPA
–adjective 1. lacking in knowledge or training; unlearned: an ignorant man.

2. lacking knowledge or information as to a particular subject or fact: ignorant of quantum physics.

3. uninformed; unaware.

4. due to or showing lack of knowledge or training: an ignorant statement.

Also please if you are going to go typo cop on other post, please make sure your posts are free from error as well.
Actually more impressed by demeanor of Chris Mack; apparent rapport with players and nearly pulled off win.

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