Frank Martin

Some call it intensity, I call it acting like a dick. I would not want to have to watch him, game in and game out, much less play for him.

Yeah I'm sure that if he coached for you, you would look the other way. See your wrestling program. You call Brands full of intensity, i call it acting like a dick.

BTW, I have no problem with Brands or Martins intensity, just calling out a double standard.
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No double standard here. Wrestling is a whole different type of animal than basketball. The two sports aren't even comparable, so your thoughts make no sense.

Yeah I'm sure that if he coached for you, you would look the other way. See your wrestling program. You call Brands full of intensity, i call it acting like a dick.

BTW, I have no problem with Brands or Martins intensity, just calling out a double standard.
No double standard here. Wrestling is a whole different type of animal than basketball. The two sports aren't even comparable, so your thoughts make no sense.

Define how you mean different animal. Both are competitive sports. Both involves coaches that are highly intense. 99% of basketball coaches are not as intense as Martin. 99% of wrestling coaches are not as intense as Brands. If this would be your reason for not wanting him as a head coach you would be a total hypocrite.
How is basketball different than wrestling? Are you kidding me? Are you serious?!?
Let's see:
Wrestling -- players are supposed to throw players to the ground, inflict pain, force submissions, pin opponents for a three count

Basketball -- players are supposed to run up and down a court, AVOIDING CONTACT, while tossing a ball into a hoop

Brands intensity is perfect for the sport he coaches. He gets guys jacked up on adrenaline to do exactly what the sport entails, beating their opponents into submission. That same approach would contradict the needs of a basketball team. Last I checked, basketball players are not allowed to beat the crap out of each other. There's a reason why 99% (as you stated) of basketball coaches AREN'T like doesn't make sense to be like Frank...

Define how you mean different animal. Both are competitive sports. Both involves coaches that are highly intense. 99% of basketball coaches are not as intense as Martin. 99% of wrestling coaches are not as intense as Brands. If this would be your reason for not wanting him as a head coach you would be a total hypocrite.
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How is basketball different than wrestling? Are you kidding me? Are you serious?!?
Let's see:
Wrestling -- players are supposed to throw players to the ground, inflict pain, force submissions, pin opponents for a three count

Basketball -- players are supposed to run up and down a court, AVOIDING CONTACT, while tossing a ball into a hoop

Brands intensity is perfect for the sport he coaches. He gets guys jacked up on adrenaline to do exactly what the sport entails, beating their opponents into submission. That same approach would contradict the needs of a basketball team. Last I checked, basketball players are not allowed to beat the crap out of each other. There's a reason why 99% (as you stated) of basketball coaches AREN'T like doesn't make sense to be like Frank...

Maybe if your basketball team, ( Or if ISU for that matter ), would play or coach with the type of attitude that you describe, and play tough physical basketball, we wouldn't be watching basketball on tv tonight, rather in person.

Plus, does Martin force his team to beat the crap out of each other?? He gets everything out of his players and they play tough hard basketball.
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I'm not sure I would want them to play THAT physical :) I'm not saying he tells his players to beat up other players; I think you're missing the point -- I'm thinking more of the mindset that that type of coaching exemplifies. But your point is well taken. I'm not a big fan of the Martin-type coach, and you are. Everybody has a certain style they like, we don't all have to agree on one. And, yes, it would be nice if the two largest state schools could figure out a way to get back into the NCAA Tournament on a regular basis. It would make this time of year a lot more fun.

Maybe if your basketball team, ( Or if ISU for that matter ), would play or coach with the type of attitude that you describe, and play tough physical basketball, we wouldn't be watching basketball on tv tonight, rather in person.

Plus, how does Martin force his team to beat the crap out of each other?? He gets everything out of his players and they play tough hard basketball.

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