Fran told to cool it

And Fran's response was:

[ame=]DX got 2 Words 4 ya... S*** IT ! - YouTube[/ame]
I can understand asking a coach not to throw chairs, and maybe this is what it was all about. But if they want Fran to sit there and bury his face in his hands when things aren't going well like Lick used to do instead of getting T'ed up and/or getting on his team's case, then the league can go to h*ll IMO.
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Oh geez. While I get that maybe the chair slam was a bit much, how many other coaches in the B10 have thrown tantrums on a daily basis for years? Do you think Delaney has gotten an earful from some other coaches in the conference who feel threatened by what Fran is doing over here in Iowa City? To that I say, shut up and let them play.
If this is just about the chair then it is fine. Fran should not have slammed the chair down.....even though I liked it.

But if it is about his demeanor on the sidelines then Izzo and Bo should have gotten the exact same lecture from the commish.
the commisioner needs to get on the refs as well, for the way they call games so one sided
the Wiscy vs Nebby is a prime example 20ft to 2 Advantage Wiscy, Nebby didn't shoot them until there was 5:15 left in the game then never shot another and they called 5 fouls on Wiscy in the 2nd half, no team is that good
as for Fran he should tell Delany where to get off.
we have a coach who is not going to let this team be pushed around by the ref's
Oh geez. While I get that maybe the chair slam was a bit much, how many other coaches in the B10 have thrown tantrums on a daily basis for years? Do you think Delaney has gotten an earful from some other coaches in the conference who feel threatened by what Fran is doing over here in Iowa City? To that I say, shut up and let them play.

My best guess is that this is about the chair. Fran has been T'ed up numerous times before without (apparently) any comment from the league.

That said, I would hate to think that Delaney is being influenced by other coaches who want the league to put a leash on Fran now that Iowa is starting to win some games...
This is awesome to have a coach with passion. The chair slamming thing is a bit much but I can completely understand where he is coming from as I was wanting to slam a chair just watching the game on TV, I might have felt like punching someone had I been there.

Note to Fran, bolt the chairs down. :D
Maybe Delany should send an email to Indiana telling Crean to cool his freakshow sideline antics. Or how about Wisconsin tapping the ball after every made basket to slow down opposition? How about the flopping Bo Ryan coaches his players to do?
So did they talk to him before his press conf? I sure hope so, cuz that shows Fran doesn't give a toot what Delaney thinks. BIG better watch themselves cuz Fran's lawyer just has to put together a compilation of BIG bb coaches going off and any judge would rule in favor of Franny.
Oh and I hope that Barta is talking back to Delaney. We don't need Fran to leave cuz Delaney thinks his pecker is big.
I do not think it was his verbal altercation with the refs as you all are right, other coaches are guilty of this as well. But picking up chairs and slamming them down is a bit much and I have not witnessed other coaches recently that have done something like this.

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