Fran talks about season 1

Good article, I am glad to see I am not the only crazy up this late or early whatever the case may be for you.
Thanks for sharing! Awesome article. I really like Fran, and I know the comparison has been made and a lot of people immediately shoot it down and bring up the contrasts between the Captain and Fran, but reading that article, I couldn't help but think back to the days of Mr. Davis, and liken Coach McCaffery to Coach Ferentz. Basketball might seem all doom and gloom lately, but as an Iowa fan, I feel incredibly fortunate to have both of these individuals as OUR head coach.
For the first time in a long time, I'd be excited if basketball season started up again in a few weeks.
Outstanding read, Fran just needs to catch a break and some how get a blue chipper to commit (Ronnie Lester), once that happens look out Hawkeye fans!
Agree, it is an excellent read. It is obvious this situation isn't too big for McCaffrey. He isn't afraid to acknowledge shortcomings and hits the nail on the head IMO with his assessment of what they need to do better next season. Definitely anxious for hoops season. Wow, did I just type that?
Agree, it is an excellent read. It is obvious this situation isn't too big for McCaffrey. He isn't afraid to acknowledge shortcomings and hits the nail on the head IMO with his assessment of what they need to do better next season. Definitely anxious for hoops season. Wow, did I just type that?

Feels good, don't it? :)
For the first time in a long time, I'd be excited if basketball season started up again in a few weeks.

Amen brother. I'm psyched for the next few weeks of recruiting news and totally pumped about next season. These guys are going to improve. No question.

The boo-hoo'ers out there will boo-hoo about anything. There is no doubt Franny is the m'f'n Manny!
Fran is a great coach. The recruiting has been like pushing a boulder up hill, but I think there may be some light up ahead for Fran on the recruiting trail.
Fran likes the word phenomenal. I noticed it during the course of the season and he doesn't disappoint in this piece. Not hating, just think it's funny. :)
Fran likes the word phenomenal. I noticed it during the course of the season and he doesn't disappoint in this piece. Not hating, just think it's funny. :)
You are probably right, although I have not noticed so much. Certainly what I have noticed is that Kirk likes to use the word "certainly".
Totally agree, Jon. Things are definitely looking up. The experience gained last season will pay dividends this year. No matter who Fran adds to the team, we will be better with Oglesby and White. They add two players who are court savvy and shoot and pass the ball very well. Can't wait for the season opener.

I often wonder why the Clowns invade Hawkeyenation. Perhaps they are merely wannabe Hawks dangerously envious with a fatal attraction syndrome.

Hey BigD. Cmoon here.
Totally agree, Jon. Things are definitely looking up. The experience gained last season will pay dividends this year. No matter who Fran adds to the team, we will be better with Oglesby and White. They add two players who are court savvy and shoot and pass the ball very well. Can't wait for the season opener.


Saying the Hawks will be better is a bit premature because of the loss of Cole. I believe White will do good things, but his position is NOT the one of most immediate need. Without a strong post presence, team's will double Mel like MSU did and shut him down.
Saying the Hawks will be better is a bit premature because of the loss of Cole. I believe White will do good things, but his position is NOT the one of most immediate need. Without a strong post presence, team's will double Mel like MSU did and shut him down.

Losing JC certainly hurts, but saying the Hawks are going to be better isn't even close to premature, they will without a doubt be a better basketball team next year. To say they would be dramatically better would be a stretch...but the improvement, as it was this past season, will again at the very minimum be noticeable. That is the key, the trend of noticeable improvement eventually puts the Hawks back on the map.
Jaryd was the heart and soul of the team this year and carried the team to some very significant victories, for instance, UNI, MSU and Purdue among others. He will be difficult to replace, however I am certain that Josh and Aaron will fill the scoring gap if nothing else. Even if Fran doesn't find a decent center we wil still be improved from last year. Consider the improvement JC made his last year. Outstanding for certain. Look at the improvement Brommer made in one year. Jaryd had a lot of playing time under Lick, Brommer had none and was vastly improved. Archie was adequate at times and helped in a few games with his rebounding, defense, and a occasional basket. With improved positioning and footwork, they should contribute enough to replace Jared's contributions. We certainly will have a lot more firepower with Oglesby and White. Opponents will not be able to concentrate on Gatens like they did last season. At times he and Mel were the only offensive threats. Not any more. There is no doubt in My mind that we will be better. We shall see.

Who knows, maybe Fran will offer Cougill a scholarship as a last resort. Cougill gets a lot of criticism, but he can play inside. His first year he rebounded well and played tough defense, not being afraid to knock people down if needed. He can play very tough similar to Jared, and of course we know about his three point expertise. He might have been the best three point shooter on the team his first year, remember the game at Indiana. He isn't exactly the type of player Fran is looking for, but he could fill Jared's shoes very well. Hopefully he could afford to walk on, saving a scholarship. The Hawks are on their way back to past glory under Fran. It will come and with patience we will once again bask in the glory of Hawkeye greatness. Just wait and see.

Free throw practice would benefit everyone on the team. Even Gatens missed some crucial free throws last season. Archie would benefit the most from hours of practice. I am certain that Fran has that on the summertime agenda.

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