Fran talks about season 1

What I like best about FM is the way he didn't force his system when the team wasn't ready for it. He's an uptempo, pressing, trapping, kind of guy. But we just didn't have the depth for that especially defensively. So he threw in a little trap here and there then got out of it. I thought it was very effective when we did it.
Can't wait until we get the personnel to get back to more of a full court pressing and trapping team!
Great first season FM. I'm excited about Hawkeye bb!
Jaryd was the heart and soul of the team this year and carried the team to some very significant victories, for instance, UNI, MSU and Purdue among others. He will be difficult to replace, however I am certain that Josh and Aaron will fill the scoring gap if nothing else. Even if Fran doesn't find a decent center we wil still be improved from last year. Consider the improvement JC made his last year. Outstanding for certain. Look at the improvement Brommer made in one year. Jaryd had a lot of playing time under Lick, Brommer had none and was vastly improved. Archie was adequate at times and helped in a few games with his rebounding, defense, and a occasional basket. With improved positioning and footwork, they should contribute enough to replace Jared's contributions. We certainly will have a lot more firepower with Oglesby and White. Opponents will not be able to concentrate on Gatens like they did


Jared eventually got back to the type of player we saw before the injury. His development was not player development. The talk about Brommer's improvement is radically inflated. He wasn't brutal in a couple of games, but he is so far away from Cole's level right now.

As I have said many times, I expect big things from White. However, I don't expect much from Josh in the first year. I just don't see him taking a ton of reps from Gatens, Marble, and May.

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