Fran needs to get his anger under control

I wonder if me may be taking a pre-game glass of wine or a benzodiazepine or a little weed.

Something because that was terrible yesterday, but I am used to it watching BIG basketball. I watch other games in conference to see if it is as bad and not surprisingly, it is.
Have you seen any of the other coaches you mention pound a scorer's table, angrily slam a chair, kick an advertising board or kick a notebook off the media table?

Oh, that's right ... one of those did toss a chair across the floor one time and supposedly threw things in his office. Whatever happened to him again?

If you can't see the difference between an emotional reaction and an anger that occasionally gets out of control, I can't help you.

Except to suggest the next time you get really mad at work go out and slam a desk, kick a wall or knock the keyboard off the secretary's desk. See how far that gets you.

Indianas nerd of a coach likes to beat up scorers tables as well. In fact in a game a couple of weeks ago he was yelling at it. Funny as heck!
Usually, the poster calling another poster a troll, is a troll. Why else would you call someone a troll? "Cause your opinion is better? No, it's to stir things up.. That's what trolls do.

I mean, who's really the troll, here? The one who posts his opinions or the one who gets 'hurt' by those opinions and calls the other a troll? Hum?

Looks like I have a new stalker. Sweet.

Fran pales to Bo.
Yeah, do you know what analogy means?

Edit - My bad...didn't see the 9 post troll alert. User (long time troll) liking the post should have my tip off...have to pay closer attention.

You realize certain things only happen in Hollywood right?

I personally don't care if you think I am trolling or not, that was just a stupid statement.
You realize certain things only happen in Hollywood right?

I personally don't care if you think I am trolling or not, that was just a stupid statement.

The announcers took a jab at Fran because Iowa lost the game. If Iowa had won the game no one would question Fran at all. I see nothing wrong with a coach that cares and works as hard as Fran does being emotionally involved in the process. He hasn't done anything really way out of line. I think Fran is a pretty passionate guy. Its a good thing, and the players seem pretty comfortable with the situation. If I was the coach, I don't think my job would be to make the officials that comfortable. From my observations, if anything, Fran is to nice.
Fran is just fine... People just need to grow a pair. seriously Tirico made me sick last night talking about decorum. What about referees that can call a better game the front row of spectators. I'm tired of coaches taking criticism but refs are so protected and off limits.
Other coaches flip out all the time. I think the difference with Fran is that it looks like he loses control and needs to be held back by cooler heads. He damn near charged the officials in Madison.

Izzo and Bo are completely animated by I don't know if I can ever recall either guy slamming chairs, kicking the scorers table, etc. With Fran it happens in the same season multiple times.

He's developed a reputation and he needs to be aware of that.
If he's such a genius why doesn't he walk the walk instead of talk the talk. His job is to call the game.

Tirico is a man of great moral character. If there's one person who has a right to call out Fran it's Mike. He would never behave in an unprofessional way or use his position of power to belittle others.
Indianas nerd of a coach likes to beat up scorers tables as well. In fact in a game a couple of weeks ago he was yelling at it. Funny as heck!

Yeah, I was watching when he yelled at the scorer's table...also thought it was quite humorous.

And Beilein yells at the floor or at his sneakers, or both, rarely if ever face-to-face at a ref. See, that's the key -- Fran goes directly at the refs. He looks like he's ready to go outside of Carver and duke it out. They don't like it and T him up. If he yelled but didn't direct it at them, more likely he'd get by with it and stay in the game.

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