$$$ Fran McCaffery $$$


Well-Known Member
Just for the topic of discussion, I was doing some brainstorming. The amazing job that Fran and Co. have done so far with this program has been amazing in this short period of time. Due to his tenacity on this rebuilding project to bring us back from the dead. With his continued success that I am sold on and sure will continue. Do you think a major college program notices this and tries to swoop him away for some big bucks??? I am nervous about the Hawks getting good too QUICKLY (I know sounds crazy doesn't it) due to this possibility. I would be heartbroken if this was ever to come to fruition. Getting attached to FRANTASTIC already. :) This ever cross someones mind as well? Plus I don't think very highly of Gary Barta too and wonder what Fran thinks of him.
Not sure if serious.

But if you are, my take is that Iowa is coming back but is only halfway there. I would not expect anyone to make a serious run at Fran for at least another year. Further, I think there are only a handful of jobs Fran would leave for and at least one of those -- ND -- looks to be locked down for a while. Now, if Temple opened up -- or even Penn State -- would Fran leave? I don't know.

The other factor is Marg and the kids. As the kids get older, they get more settled and it becomes harder on them to move. OTOH, is Margy comfortable in Iowa City? My sense is that at times she might not fit into the social strata of progressive doctors, lawyers, academics, and their spouses, that is Iowa City. Sure, Iowa City is a step up from their last stop. But Binghampton is on the East Coast and less than two hours from New York City. Do they miss that excitement ?

Here's a thought: does Iowa risk losing Fran because Barta, feeling stung by criticism of the long and lucrative contract he signed with Ferentz, is slow to sweeten the pot to keep Fran at Iowa?
Those are two of the most difficult to read posts I have encountered in a long time. But to answer your somewhat incoherent points: 1) Iowa pays for performance. If Fran is able to win in the Big Ten and have success in the dance, his pay will rise accordingly. And, 2) Marg's parents live in Minnesota, which is one of the primary reasons they wanted to get to the Midwest. She did not grow up as an East Coaster.
Those are two of the most difficult to read posts I have encountered in a long time. But to answer your somewhat incoherent points: 1) Iowa pays for performance. If Fran is able to win in the Big Ten and have success in the dance, his pay will rise accordingly. And, 2) Marg's parents live in Minnesota, which is one of the primary reasons they wanted to get to the Midwest. She did not grow up as an East Coaster.

You must skip over Herb and Foval's posts then
Those are two of the most difficult to read posts I have encountered in a long time. But to answer your somewhat incoherent points: 1) Iowa pays for performance. If Fran is able to win in the Big Ten and have success in the dance, his pay will rise accordingly. And, 2) Marg's parents live in Minnesota, which is one of the primary reasons they wanted to get to the Midwest. She did not grow up as an East Coaster.

Give Fran an incentive based contract. If he moves on, he moves on because he wants to, and money is not going to stop that. ND is not a move up. In New York you are lost in the shuffle. Margy does not want to move the kids from IC, who would?
Not sure if serious.

But Binghampton is on the East Coast and less than two hours from New York City. Do they miss that excitement ?


Fran came from Siena, which is just outside Albany, NY in Loudonville.

Binghamton is instate a bit in the mountains near Elmira. Doesn't mean your point isn't valid, but both places are very similar to Midwestern cities like the Quads or CR minus the mountains and the smell.

It is probably easier to fly to Newark or JFK and get to Manhattan than it is to drive from either of those locations.
Binghampton and Albany make Iowa City look like Rome.

And no I'm not kidding.

And everything I've heard is that Marg absolutely loves Iowa City.

It's not like he left from St. Johns and was living in the East Village people.
Fran obviously has us heading in the right direction but if you think other major universities will be waiting to snatch up a coach that has yet to make a trip to the NCAA tourney at his current position, youd be mistaken.
I think it is fair to say that other programs won't be calling anytime soon as Iowa isn't quite there, but the groundwork has been laid and if Fran were to actually go somewhere else, I think Andrew Francis is the guy that will take over Iowa if/when Fran decides that his time at Iowa is over.

There is one job that scares me actually, but maybe a little less as they are doing well right now and the coach is seemingly off the hot seat: Minnesota. His wife's family is from there and I think if Iowa and Minnesota were open at the same time, Iowa doesn't get him. That said, as Iowa improves I have a difficult time thinking Fran would look anywhere else given his age, not to say that he can't coach for 15 more years because he could.
Those are two of the most difficult to read posts I have encountered in a long time. But to answer your somewhat incoherent points: 1) Iowa pays for performance. If Fran is able to win in the Big Ten and have success in the dance, his pay will rise accordingly. And, 2) Marg's parents live in Minnesota, which is one of the primary reasons they wanted to get to the Midwest. She did not grow up as an East Coaster.

Hahaha! Yeah sorry readers, I just read my post. I didn't get home from work until 430am this morning and was completely exhausted. Was thinking about this topic for most of the day wondering how a major program couldn't notice the job he has done and give him a TON of money somewhere else. The hole Alford and Lick dug us was almost to the point where it was unfixable. Once again sorry everyone for the difficult read.
Fran hasn't proven anything yet that a lot of different coaches could have done. The B1G this year and all of next year will be the sign. He knows that.
didn't this just happen too? he's gonna need to make the dance before he gets another bump, and that ain't coming till after next year.

MeatMan, I love your sig, has anyone seen JohnstonHawkeye since he made this amazing prediction?

Considering Iowa is now 2 very easy wins away from 11 BEFORE Christmas, I am guessing he is going to stay hidden or he is going to claim he was being sarcastic.
Binghampton and Albany make Iowa City look like Rome.

And no I'm not kidding.

And everything I've heard is that Marg absolutely loves Iowa City.

It's not like he left from St. Johns and was living in the East Village people.

It would be difficult to find a better city to raise children than Iowa City......


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