Fran Lost me today!!

Let's compare stats from yesterday:

Oglesby 2-6 FG, 2-6 3pt, 0-0 FT, 3 Reb, 1 Ast, 3 Stl, 0 TO, 6 points in 25 minutes.
Jok 2-7 FG, 0-2 3pt, 0-0 FT, 5 Reb, 1 Ast, 0 Stl, 0 TO, 4 points in 26 minutes.

Hmmm. Plus yesterday Jok was getting beat consistently on D whereas Ogs was getting beat once in a while; and Ogs was in better help position and helped to stop drives by opponents for teammates that Jok did not do. Neither one was doing much on the offensive end.

I would have rather seen Clemmons 1-2 FG, 1-1 3pt, 0-0 FT, 0 Reb, 4 Ast, 0 Stl, 0 TO, 3 points in 12 minutes. With jNW going smaller on all players but Olah, he would have been a better perimeter defender than either Jok or Ogs and he definitely had a better line yesterday.

I don't have a problem with Oglesby over Jok. Jok got his normal minutes. I do wish we had gotten Josh a 2 minute breather somewhere in there.

I wanted Clemmons on the floor on both ends of the court. And I think Gesell also could have used a 2 minute breather at some point down the stretch and into OT.
We'll have to agree to disagree on the passing, particularly around feeding the post. I personally think Pete does a better job in this area than anyone on the team...

I agree. Jok is very good at feeding the post. And he actually knows how to do a proper bounce pass to feed the post.
I expect Jok to improve as much from this year to next year as he did from last year to this year. That's going to be a scary player for our opponents to face the next 2 years. I think Uhl will make an even bigger bounce from freshman to sophomore year than Jok has. I think Uthoff has a good chance to be 1st team all conference next year.

And to address the title of this thread...I'm still firmly in Fran's corner. For perspective...I thought Davis should have been retained. I thought Alford and Lick needed to go when they departed. So it's not as if I blindly stand by the incumbent coach.
I expect Jok to improve as much from this year to next year as he did from last year to this year. That's going to be a scary player for our opponents to face the next 2 years. I think Uhl will make an even bigger bounce from freshman to sophomore year than Jok has. I think Uthoff has a good chance to be 1st team all conference next year.

And to address the title of this thread...I'm still firmly in Fran's corner. For perspective...I thought Davis should have been retained. I thought Alford and Lick needed to go when they departed. So it's not as if I blindly stand by the incumbent coach.

Omg so he's going to go from 7.0 ppg to 9.6 ppg? He'll be averaging double digits by the time he's a SR. (If he doesn't jump to the NBA before that). I'm sure Wisconsin is just counting their blessings right now before they have to go up against that steamroller.
Omg so he's going to go from 7.0 ppg to 9.6 ppg? He'll be averaging double digits by the time he's a SR. (If he doesn't jump to the NBA before that). I'm sure Wisconsin is just counting their blessings right now before they have to go up against that steamroller.

Well you're definitely a negative thread killer.:rolleyes:
Jok scored points against minesota, he also couldn't stop Holins to save his life and had a bunch of ugly out of control drives that resulted in turnovers.

Yes Jok is a little bit better but neither is very good and Josh is as good of a passer and better defender. I knew saying that would ruffle some feathers but it's not like Jok is some kind of all conference player. He wouldn't see much time for most big ten teams.

And Oglesby should be playing at Coe.
Omg so he's going to go from 7.0 ppg to 9.6 ppg? He'll be averaging double digits by the time he's a SR. (If he doesn't jump to the NBA before that). I'm sure Wisconsin is just counting their blessings right now before they have to go up against that steamroller.

Jok will probably average close to 10 per game over the last half of this season.
Omg so he's going to go from 7.0 ppg to 9.6 ppg? He'll be averaging double digits by the time he's a SR. (If he doesn't jump to the NBA before that). I'm sure Wisconsin is just counting their blessings right now before they have to go up against that steamroller.

Shouldn't you be worried about the phenomenal progress Matt Thomas has made. He was of course the can't miss, best shooter coming in who was going to be averaging 20 ppg as a freshman.
Shouldn't you be worried about the phenomenal progress Matt Thomas has made. He was of course the can't miss, best shooter coming in who was going to be averaging 20 ppg as a freshman.

I don't know anyone who is worried about Matt Thomas as much as Iowa fans. It's kind of like the Lickliter-Fran deal. Small hot dogs I guess.
I don't know anyone who is worried about Matt Thomas as much as Iowa fans. It's kind of like the Lickliter-Fran deal. Small hot dogs I guess.
Apparently you haven't been home lately. There's an entire thread about what a failure he is. Something you can identify with.
Apparently you haven't been home lately. There's an entire thread about what a failure he is. Something you can identify with.

So it doesn't sound like anyone is worried about it. Sounds like they are accepting the reality of the situation if what you say is true. I can't say the same thing for people here coming to terms with what Fran McCaffrey is. Or what every player outside of JU is on this Iowa team.
So it doesn't sound like anyone is worried about it. Sounds like they are accepting the reality of the situation if what you say is true. I can't say the same thing for people here coming to terms with what Fran McCaffrey is. Or what every player outside of JU is on this Iowa team.

I see you couldn't even manage 6 consecutive non troll post (just like I said)....
Clichelosername lives on this board trying to be relevant. I'm guessing his loser buddies kicked him out of cyfan. What a pathetic life continuing to post on a rival's message board trying to establish a brand for the clowns who are recognized as being the worst college in history for athletics. Now if you were posting about the human-animal mating that goes on at ISU I could at least respect you for being honest. As it is he's living in the delusion that all cyfans are.
And Oglesby should be playing at Coe.

Jok is better that Ogelsby but people acting like it's some kind of no brainer that Iowa wins if Fran makes some different subs are fooling themselves.

and Woody vs gabe? Please, Gabe hasn't done anything in over a month.

No one on this team is consistently very good outside of Uthoff. You are gambling no matter who's in.
Jok is better that Ogelsby but people acting like it's some kind of no brainer that Iowa wins if Fran makes some different subs are fooling themselves.

and Woody vs gabe? Please, Gabe hasn't done anything in over a month.

No one on this team is consistently very good outside of Uthoff. You are gambling no matter who's in.

Respectfully, but completely disagree, on your second part. Just take the NW game. Olaseni actually finished at the basket and had a couple of nice powerful dunks. Woody on the other hand couldn't make a shot to save his life. He either missed, got fouled and missed, or got blocked. On top of that Olaseni is at least as good of a rebounder, and is faster and more athletic. Give me Gabe ALL day over Woody.
Respectfully, but completely disagree, on your second part. Just take the NW game. Olaseni actually finished at the basket and had a couple of nice powerful dunks. Woody on the other hand couldn't make a shot to save his life. He either missed, got fouled and missed, or got blocked. On top of that Olaseni is at least as good of a rebounder, and is faster and more athletic. Give me Gabe ALL day over Woody.[/QUOTE]

No doubt x1000! Woody left a **** ton of points on the court Sunday!