Fran Looking Around?

The real question is, do you think Fran is the coach who can lead Iowa to a conference title, get Iowa to the elite 8? Final Four, perhaps win a national championship?

If the answer is no, then any news of him leaving doesn't mean much. You can find another average coach any day of the week with your eyes closed. I mean "you" not referring to the AD.
Isn't the last Big Ten coach they signed Brett Bielema? Not the sharpest pencil in the box, that state.
Personal hygiene is an oddity there. I was scared to take a shit in public restrooms there. Arkansas will be the first state that transfers the AIDS virus from just sitting on a toilet
I am, my place was good, but a lot of friends and family took a hit. Donated a lot of time and man hours to helping them. It’s slowly getting better tho.

I was there last weekend. Had no idea how bad it was. The damage to I 29 is impressive.
Gotta be honest I have my questions about Fran but booooy I would be on the phone with Barta saying WTF you gave the guy a massive contract extension because according to Fran he was getting calls. So you belly up extend him with a new huge buyout and the D bag may walk on you?!?!? I'd be pissed if I were a Hawkeye alum, fan or administrator that just got taken to the cleaners and then Arkansas is going to clean our house by taking our basketball coach?! This is BS Fran
Lived in the swamps and rice paddies of NE Arkansas. Snakes, biting mosquitoes, trash in the ditches, humidity up the ying yang, miserable. Like Indonesia, Viet Nam.
Johnny Cash came out of that part of Arkansas so that's at least one good export.

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