Fran Looking Around?

Your story doesn't really address my comments though. I'm not saying he did but Fran could have easily lied about there being any contact or maybe he did not know of any contact his agent may have made. Perhaps it was just a coincidence and the plane needed to refuel before heading to MN or maybe Fran's agent told them he wasn't interested after they landed. It just seems like too much of a coincidence for there not to be at least a hint of smoke. That's the only point I'm trying to make. I doubt he's actually going anywhere.

Yeah. If you're calling Fran a liar, I've got nothing for that. I can only report what I'm told. Folks can take it wherever they want from there.
Yeah. If you're calling Fran a liar, I've got nothing for that. I can only report what I'm told. Folks can take it wherever they want from there.

Rightfully so. I'm not calling him a liar. I'm just saying it's possible or that maybe he didn't know there was contact made by a representative.

It's doubtful Fran's going anywhere anytime soon and I'm perfectly fine with that. This story has helped pass the time at least. ;)

Any hire that Barta would "make" would have to go past donors first.

People who think Gary Barta is the one out making connections with and hiring basketball and football coaches are out of their minds-level naive.

Rowing, golf, track...yeah.

Basketball and football? Those are off limits and are Barta's hires only on paper.
Agree 101%.But he raises money. And he deflects criticism aimed at the HC's ect.He has a value in certain areas..But if he quits 'warm' beer 'ok' with me.
Rightfully so. I'm not calling him a liar. I'm just saying it's possible or that maybe he didn't know there was contact made by a representative.

It's doubtful Fran's going anywhere anytime soon and I'm perfectly fine with that. This story has helped pass the time at least. ;)

You wrote that Fran "could have easily lied to me." I have no way of knowing whether he did or didn't. Like I wrote, I have nothing to counter with if you're calling him a liar.

As for the agent or another rep connected to Fran or a search firm from Arkansas, that also was addressed in the story I posted.

You should read it. :)
Rightfully so. I'm not calling him a liar. I'm just saying it's possible or that maybe he didn't know there was contact made by a representative.

It's doubtful Fran's going anywhere anytime soon and I'm perfectly fine with that. This story has helped pass the time at least. ;)
You wrote that Fran "could have easily lied to me." I have no way of knowing whether he did or didn't. Like I wrote, I have nothing to counter with if you're calling him a liar.

As for the agent or another rep connected to Fran or a search firm from Arkansas, that also was addressed in the story I posted.

You should read it. :)
It would also be just as easy to surmise that LoboLair guy is trolling all of us by seeing the flight first, and concocting his story after the fact for clicks.

We could take any private flight log and make up our own "coaching interview chain."

Not saying that's for sure what happened, but it's pretty easy to do.

For instance, I could look up a private flight that went from say, Tuscon to Ann Arbor to West Lafeyette to Gainesville and post on Twitter about my unnamed source who says UofA is travelling around talking to football coaches.
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3 hours? That's barely enough time to land, deplane, take a leak, travel and get back to the plane...with maybe a 1 hour, 1 1/2 hour meeting. That could be done on the phone.

You must not have flown charter before. Wheels down and your out of the plane 10 seconds later. 3 hours is plenty.
You wrote that Fran "could have easily lied to me." I have no way of knowing whether he did or didn't. Like I wrote, I have nothing to counter with if you're calling him a liar.

As for the agent or another rep connected to Fran or a search firm from Arkansas, that also was addressed in the story I posted.

You should read it. :)
I just wanted this day to be about more awesome spring football content, not this wild Fran speculation thing. Make it stop Rob ;)
You wrote that Fran "could have easily lied to me." I have no way of knowing whether he did or didn't. Like I wrote, I have nothing to counter with if you're calling him a liar.

As for the agent or another rep connected to Fran or a search firm from Arkansas, that also was addressed in the story I posted.

You should read it. :)

I have already read it Rob. You can only report what you're told and I get that. I'm not calling Fran a liar.

All I'm saying is that it's a possibility that Fran could have lied about him or a representative having been in contact with the Arkansas search committee. Even if it was just him saying he wasn't interested.

It's also possible Fran had no clue about any contact made on his behalf by a representative. Perhaps a rep met and said Fran wasn't interested or wasn't taking any meetings with search committees etc.

Maybe the flight just landed to refuel or maybe the flight info is fake. Those are also possibilities.

I never intended to engage yet alone help fuel any speculation beyond posting the flight info I found interesting because it was a slow morning at work.

Please more football content. :D
I have already read it Rob. You can only report what you're told and I get that. I'm not calling Fran a liar.

All I'm saying is that it's a possibility that Fran could have lied about him or a representative having been in contact with the Arkansas search committee. Even if it was just him saying he wasn't interested.

It's also possible Fran had no clue about any contact made on his behalf by a representative. Perhaps a rep met and said Fran wasn't interested or wasn't taking any meetings with search committees etc.

Maybe the flight just landed to refuel or maybe the flight info is fake. Those are also possibilities.

I never intended to engage yet alone help fuel any speculation beyond posting the flight info I found interesting because it was a slow morning at work.

Please more football content. :D

Big athletic departments at Iowa, Arkansas, Minnesota. Lot of possibilities.

Back to football tomorrow.
Man am I late to the party or what? All I can surmise from this is that an AR private plane came to IC for 3 hours... But at some point Fran was on way to Des Moines during that time frame. So to what extent there was contact with them or Frans agent or someone else associated with him is anyones guess. All I know is is that flight didn't just come to Iowa city and stop for a maid rite....
I think this is nothing more than a bargaining chip. We have been told how many times that the ultimate goal for the McCaff crew is for Connor and Pat to play together on their Dad’s team. They are 5 months away from that possibly happening, if he went elsewhere who knows if that would ever happen and it certainly wouldn’t happen for at least another season.
I totally agree with this he’s not leaving while his boys are in college,just hope barta isn’t duped into a new more lucrative contract
I'm surprised you think so little of the Jon Millers and the Rob Howes of the world. Who got the last laugh? Was it the Butler fans or was it you and Gutless Gary? You can go ahead and say it...we already know the answer. It wasn't you and Gutless Gary.

I think a lot of those guys. Miller and Howe didn't say anything about Iowa making a bad hire when they hired TL - they didn't know. I know they didn't cause I consume their product. They didn't. You are literally making shit up dude. Why? To make me look bad? To make yourself look better? It's a weird character trait. I don't get it. I asked you for proof that "basketball people" in the know knew it was a bad hire and you told me to go to the Butler message boards. I didn't make that up. You also said I was making "convoluted leaps" in regards to people thinking the TL hire was a good one based on his credentials. That's not a leap, that's what it was..... yes yes I know, not by beautiful basketball minds like yours.
He's the 10th highest paid coach in the B1G, I have zero doubt that Fran thinks he's underpaid.

I'm sure he does feel underpaid given what he views he has done from where it started. Now his overall resume is pretty underwhelming on a national perspective. Given Arkansas just fired a coach that has similar if not better results. Fran likely feels he should be closer to top 7 paid. I think he's paid comparable to his results. Make the Sweet 16 and don't trademark the "Fran Fade" anymore then get paid more. The guy is the only coach in America who gets nearly half a million $$$ to just MAKE the NCAA Tournament. Rick Branes got $250k for making the Sweet 16 for crying out loud. Then again Iowa's expectations are much lower than most schools.
Honestly I kind of welcome someone to poach Fran. It might give us the backbone to start poaching from other power 5 schools. There are a couple right now that I think could have immediate success.

All in all Fran is a mediocre coach in the B1G. I won't lose any sleep over losing mediocre. Outside of Foster (who I believe a great recruiter could lock down) there aren't any major recruiting losses from Fran going. It looks like a zero sum game at worst. So I will just watch amused from the sideline as this unfolds.

I want Fran to stay here as long as Barta is the AD. If Fran does leave and Barta is still the AD he absolutely needs to hire a head coach who can, and whose staff can, recruit players that don't look like they grew up in Iowa if you catch my drift.

Iowa needs to not hire a low-major/mid-major head coach. That's the problem. Auburn, and Nebraska hired successful Power 5 head coaches. Nebraska basketball has higher expectations than Iowa. At least it comes across that way. They made a great hire and got a coach in demand. Maybe they had an "in" with Fred from his ties to the state...then Iowa needs to look that route in the future when Fran is gone. Settling of the "woe is me, we are just little ol' Iowa" mentality while Nebraska is over there not giving a damn is frustrating.

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