Fran Is Quantitatively Steve Alford Now

Alford took over for Tom Davis. In Mr. Davis's last 3 years, Iowa was 62-31 overall, 30-20 in the Big Ten, and finished 2nd, 5th, and 3rd in the Big Ten. His last 3 years Iowa went to the 2nd round of the NCAA, 1st round of the NIT, and Sweet 16 in the NCAA. Alford was supposed to take Iowa to the next level but the Iowa program was in good shape.

Fran took over for Lickliter. In Lickliter's 3 years as head coach of Iowa, he had a 38-57 overall record, 15-39 in the Big Ten, and finished 8th, 10th, and 9th in the Big Ten. Iowa didn't make it to the postseason during the Lickliter era. Fran was tasked with pulling Iowa out of the basement.

Accordingly, it was completely expected that Iowa would struggle mightily for at least Year 1 of Fran's tenure. Indeed, that is exactly what happened with Iowa finishing 11-20 overall, 4-14 in the Big Ten for a 10th place finish and no postseason. However, Fran quickly turned things around and has brought some respectability back to the Iowa program. Yes, there is still work to be done. Last year was no fun. But I expect last year to be a blip on the radar and for Iowa to continue its upward projection under Fran.

If you ignore Fran's first year, his total record is 135-90 overall (0.600) and 60-53 (0.531) in the Big Ten. The Iowa program has improved with Fran as head coach. The same could not be said about Alford's time at Iowa.
You should post more
1) Fran hasn’t “turned things around.” A “turn-around” is what Hayden Fry or Barry Alvarez did at their respective programs.

2) Fran has plateaued mightily and is now slipping.

Whoaaaaa here. Listen I am not a Fran fan, but common. He absolutely brought us back from the Abyss that Lick put us into. Now I don't think he will ever be anything other than another Alford, he certainly does deserve credit for getting us out of sucktatude.
If you ignore Fran's first year, his total record is 135-90 overall (0.600) and 60-53 (0.531) in the Big Ten. The Iowa program has improved with Fran as head coach. The same could not be said about Alford's time at Iowa.
If you take away Fran's first year, his total record is 146-102 (.588) and 63-63 (.500) in the B1G.

Not sure where you came up with those numbers. :rolleyes:
I like Fran. I think he's a player's coach and that's huge. He sticks up for his players, and he's outspoken about calling out cheating shit stains like Calipari and Pitino.


If we're being honest, he's a carbon copy of Alford after 8 years.

--Alford was .589 overall and .477 in B1G

--Fran is .586 overall and .481 in B1G.

--Alford took 3 teams to the NIT and 3 teams to the NCAA, getting past the first round once and making the E8.

--After 8 years Fran has taken 3 teams to the NIT and made 2 NCAAs getting to the 2nd round twice (that play in game doesn't count; I don't give a F what anyone says). Alford didn't get that joke of a chance at a play-in, so regardless, it's getting wiped out for this.

I'm sorry, I know Alford was a dick and everyone hated him, but if the Hawks don't got to the dance and win a couple games (not gonna happen), he's officially worse than the 'Fraud and it's time to go. While I think Daddy Warbucks is untouchable on the football side of things, I don't think Fran has quite as much security. Either way, it's up to the donors, not, Farta.

Let's go donors...tell Gary where the bear shits.
At least you are consistent. Your anger and bad attitude supply is limitless. Somebody get this guy a puppy. Let me guess, you found Fred Rogers to be a worthless loser in life as well.....

Wait a week and check back

Pretty much.

After a win against a good opponent: Lifetime contract!
After a bad loss: Fire him immediately!

Or that's about how the tone of message boards changes from game to game.

I'm also guilty of riding the waves of emotion to some extent, but I at least try to keep the bigger picture in mind. Or at the very minimum, judge things on a larger sample size than just a game or two, a partial season, etc.
I like Fran. I think he's a player's coach and that's huge. He sticks up for his players, and he's outspoken about calling out cheating shit stains like Calipari and Pitino.


If we're being honest, he's a carbon copy of Alford after 8 years.

--Alford was .589 overall and .477 in B1G

--Fran is .586 overall and .481 in B1G.

--Alford took 3 teams to the NIT and 3 teams to the NCAA, getting past the first round once and making the E8.

--After 8 years Fran has taken 3 teams to the NIT and made 2 NCAAs getting to the 2nd round twice (that play in game doesn't count; I don't give a F what anyone says). Alford didn't get that joke of a chance at a play-in, so regardless, it's getting wiped out for this.

I'm sorry, I know Alford was a dick and everyone hated him, but if the Hawks don't got to the dance and win a couple games (not gonna happen), he's officially worse than the 'Fraud and it's time to go. While I think Daddy Warbucks is untouchable on the football side of things, I don't think Fran has quite as much security. Either way, it's up to the donors, not, Farta.

Let's go donors...tell Gary where the bear shits.

Lol... you do not like Fran. Why would you start your post that way. And your timing of this makes no sense. There no momentum for this right now. If they lose their first game of BTT and their name isn't called selection sunday, you will probably gain some support.

Until then you might as well stop watching. Your basically in the same place as a NBA fan wanting the first pick in next years draft.

Me I actually want to see this team succeed. Fran had a bad spell of recruits not working out that led to last years product but I think his other pieces and new additions have given me hope again. He's also been much more reserved on the sideline, coaching better defense, and not making as many baffling decisions with distribution of minutes and substitutions.

Obviously the main goal is to make the tournament, but I am also holding on to hope that Fran actually performs well in the Big Ten tournament for once. Iowa fans really havn't seen that since Alford days.
Alford---pompous jerk ON and OFF the court. Took over a 'good' P5 program, took it down a notch with on-the-court results, AND off-the-courst issues.
FM---kind of a jerk on the court (to the other teams and refs, at least). Seemingly good guy off the court. Took over a P5 program in 'shambles'--arguably the worst handful or years in IA history, and very quickly brought us up to 'respectability'--basically on-par with the BIG10.

Therefore, there is almost NO COMPARISON between the two. Argument over!
There's not much difference between Alfraud and Fran. Neither of them can win a title in a P5 conference. NO. BTT titles don't count. The same shitbag AD fired one for mediocrity and hired and extended the other, who produce similar results as the guy he fired. Which I find comical. Almost as comical as the posters scrambling to find some distinction between the 2 coach's results.
If you take away Fran's first year, his total record is 146-102 (.588) and 63-63 (.500) in the B1G.

Not sure where you came up with those numbers. :rolleyes:

I subtracted the records from the 2010-2011 season from the Total record shown in the below table I found on the Iowa Hawkeye Men's Basketball Wikipedia page ('s_basketball). Looks like the totals in the chart are off, but that is where I got the inaccurate numbers. Regardless, the overall point of my post was to point out comparing Alford taking over for Davis to Fran taking over for Lickliter is not an apples to apples comparison given the state of the Iowa program when each took over.

Season School Overall Big Ten Big Ten Standing Postseason
2010–11 Iowa 11–20 4–14 10th
2011–12 Iowa 18–17 8–10 7th NIT 2nd Round
2012–13 Iowa 25–13 9–9 6th NIT Runner-Up
2013–14 Iowa 20–13 9–9 6th NCAA Play-In Round
2014–15 Iowa 22–12 12–6 3rd(T) NCAA 2nd Round
2015–16 Iowa 22–11 12–6 3rd(T) NCAA 2nd Round
2016–17 Iowa 19–15 10–8 5th(T) NIT 2nd Round
2017–18 Iowa 14-19 4-14 11th(T)
2018–19 Iowa
Total 146-110 (.570) 64–67 (.489)
I subtracted the records from the 2010-2011 season from the Total record shown in the below table I found on the Iowa Hawkeye Men's Basketball Wikipedia page ('s_basketball). Looks like the totals in the chart are off, but that is where I got the inaccurate numbers. Regardless, the overall point of my post was to point out comparing Alford taking over for Davis to Fran taking over for Lickliter is not an apples to apples comparison given the state of the Iowa program when each took over.

Season School Overall Big Ten Big Ten Standing Postseason
2010–11 Iowa 11–20 4–14 10th
2011–12 Iowa 18–17 8–10 7th NIT 2nd Round
2012–13 Iowa 25–13 9–9 6th NIT Runner-Up
2013–14 Iowa 20–13 9–9 6th NCAA Play-In Round
2014–15 Iowa 22–12 12–6 3rd(T) NCAA 2nd Round
2015–16 Iowa 22–11 12–6 3rd(T) NCAA 2nd Round
2016–17 Iowa 19–15 10–8 5th(T) NIT 2nd Round
2017–18 Iowa 14-19 4-14 11th(T)
2018–19 Iowa
Total 146-110 (.570) 64–67 (.489)
A lot of similarities exist with Fran & Steve. I think it's definitely apples to apples, but it's probably like comparing a Crimson Gold Apple to a Franny Smith Apple or maybe a Crimson Gold to a Ginger Gold. Maybe you should touch up on your apple vocabulary. ;)
I subtracted the records from the 2010-2011 season from the Total record shown in the below table I found on the Iowa Hawkeye Men's Basketball Wikipedia page ('s_basketball). Looks like the totals in the chart are off, but that is where I got the inaccurate numbers. Regardless, the overall point of my post was to point out comparing Alford taking over for Davis to Fran taking over for Lickliter is not an apples to apples comparison given the state of the Iowa program when each took over.

Season School Overall Big Ten Big Ten Standing Postseason
2010–11 Iowa 11–20 4–14 10th
2011–12 Iowa 18–17 8–10 7th NIT 2nd Round
2012–13 Iowa 25–13 9–9 6th NIT Runner-Up
2013–14 Iowa 20–13 9–9 6th NCAA Play-In Round
2014–15 Iowa 22–12 12–6 3rd(T) NCAA 2nd Round
2015–16 Iowa 22–11 12–6 3rd(T) NCAA 2nd Round
2016–17 Iowa 19–15 10–8 5th(T) NIT 2nd Round
2017–18 Iowa 14-19 4-14 11th(T)
2018–19 Iowa
Total 146-110 (.570) 64–67 (.489)
Almost a five year run of twenty plus win seasons. Pretty sure that Dr Zone never accomplished that.
Dr with .65 overall and .54 in B1G.
Lute at .64 and .56 in B1G.

Bowlsby really must not have liked Tom...

Bowlsby wasn't the only one. Mr. Davis was personable, likable, etc. But he was NOT a "glad-hander" in many ways, thus, the guys "behind" the guys put up no resistance to his "retirement"/non-renewal.