Fran goes 0-3 on good transfers...

Oh, I don't know, could it be that they have a former NBA player, an awesome one at that, as their head coach? Also, have you ever been to Nashville? They don't call it Nash-Vegas for nothing.

Good lord, people just need to relax and get your damn panties out of a bunch.

That s sexist.
Oh, I don't know, could it be that they have a former NBA player, an awesome one at that, as their head coach? Also, have you ever been to Nashville? They don't call it Nash-Vegas for nothing.

Good lord, people just need to relax and get your damn panties out of a bunch.

Las Vegas is to Nashville ... as UNLV is to Vanderbilt ... no real comparison.
Is it a stereotype if it’s statistically supported?

Let s correct it.

The physical makeup of Iowa s team (lack of quick speed ) would suggest winning would be difficult stereotypically speaking.

Let s face it. The players that left were less likely to play the game the way Fran wanted it played. Controlled pushing the ball, extra passes with few turnovers, and 1 on 1 moves.

The type of players to be playing are more common from suburban and small market areas such as Muscatine, Marion, and IC.

Can that make up win? Can that make up be construed by some as covert bias also known as a word that makes some uncomfortable?
Las Vegas is to Nashville ... as UNLV is to Vanderbilt ... no real comparison.

If the guy has zero ties to Iowa City, which he did, I can understand his decision. That's all I'm saying. I think our program is better, no doubt. However, Iowa City cannot hold a candle to Nashville, it isn't even close. Vandy is a hell of a school too.
Let s correct it.

The physical makeup of Iowa s team (lack of quick speed ) would suggest winning would be difficult stereotypically speaking.

Let s face it. The players that left were less likely to play the game the way Fran wanted it played. Controlled pushing the ball, extra passes with few turnovers, and 1 on 1 moves.

The type of players to be playing are more common from suburban and small market areas such as Muscatine, Marion, and IC.

Can that make up win? Can that make up be construed by some as covert bias also known as a word that makes some uncomfortable?
Calling the same thing a different name to make it more palatable to easily-offended people is euphemism in it's literal definition. Euphemistic people (to me) are weak-minded and not worth debating a subject with, because they put people's potential butthurtness ahead of truth. Maybe that's an admirable trait, I don't know, but to me it smells like ass and I avoid conversations with those people at all costs.

All (yes all) of the most successful college and pro basketball teams have a high percent or 100% black starting players. You or others can debate the reasons why until you're blue in the face but I have zero interest in the subject and never will. I just plain don't care.

The fact remains however, that black players as a whole are statistically and historically better on average. By a really, really long ways. The sample size is millions of games over many decades. It makes no difference to me whether it's average body size, fast twitch muscle volume, a higher VO2 MAX, a cultural effect, or a socio-economic effect. It just is...and I selfishly have better shit to do than figure it out.

Call a shit sandwich a chocolate panini if you want but it's still a shit sandwich. You're only kidding yourself.
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Still 0 for 3 because Fran didn't recruit this kid.

Sherm told me Fran starts breaking clipboards when kids laugh at him so they avoided stopping at that house.

That offer would’ve turned into a paper airplane stuck in a tree faster than Podolak could say Miller Time.
The trajectory for this program is not good, guys. The roster is not exactly loaded and a year from now it's gonna be even worse.
The trajectory for this program is not good, guys. The roster is not exactly loaded and a year from now it's gonna be even worse.

Fran is doing what coaches in the twilights of their tenures do. Running recruiting into the ground and alienating fanbases.

He’s obviously not enough of an idiot to say it publicly, but you can tell the guy hates it here. Every coach who wants to keep making millions is going to say in front of the cameras how much he loves it.

He’s an East Coast fast talker type of guy with zero ties to the area, he’s got no successes to engender the fans, and his wife double hates it here. McCaffery’s kid even says how much the shit talking affects her. I personally think his referee meltdown was more him reaching a boiling point with Iowa basketball than it was thinking a ref was a cheat.

Once Connor is done and Fran finds out PM can’t play P6 basketball, Pat will transfer somewhere small and Fran is gone. No choice but to wait it out and hope for a unicorn coach to come along afterwards (don’t hold that breath).

Fran is doing what coaches in the twilights of their tenures do. Running recruiting into the ground and alienating fanbases.

He’s obviously not enough of an idiot to say it publicly, but you can tell the guy hates it here. Every coach who wants to keep making millions is going to say in front of the cameras how much he loves it.

He’s an East Coast fast talker type of guy with zero ties to the area, he’s got no successes to engender the fans, and his wife double hates it here. McCaffery’s kid even says how much the shit talking affects her. I personally think his referee meltdown was more him reaching a boiling point with Iowa basketball than it was thinking a ref was a cheat.

Once Connor is done and Fran finds out PM can’t play P6 basketball, Pat will transfer somewhere small and Fran is gone. No choice but to wait it out and hope for a unicorn coach to come along afterwards (don’t hold that breath).

As I said earlier... with 2 kids on the roster...things could get ugly over the next year or two. I can't see Fran being here in April of 2021. (though he will have a nice payday thanks to that idiot in the AD's office)
Is it a stereotype if it’s statistically supported?

What statistics? Just watched the Bucks, Celts playoff game. Imagine my surprise for a nearly 4 minute stretch where 6 of the 10 players on the court were white. Maybe the NBA is white supremacist. Clearly white people have no business on a basketball court.
What statistics? Just watched the Bucks, Celts playoff game. Imagine my surprise for a nearly 4 minute stretch where 6 of the 10 players on the court were white. Maybe the NBA is white supremacist. Clearly white people have no business on a basketball court.
Compile for us the starting 5 players for every NBA team and the top 25 ranked NCAA teams and let us know what the percentage is.

I’ll wait here.
I hope so or that's just utter incompetency by Fran.
If he heard Virginia offered the kid and still gave an Iowa offer, he’s a dumbass that did nothing but make himself a laughing stock among the kid’s circle.

That would be like me asking Joe West if he would umpire 12u games this year for $40/game instead of working MLB for $450,000. That’s so f’ing ludicrous no one could possibly have taken It seriously.