Fran & Dolph

It seems unlikely that they would watch the game together at all because they hate each other and the McCaffery's were pushing to get Dolph fired. :rolleyes:
The only reason why anyone thinks they hate each other is because Barta told us. Seriously, you think these guys like each other after everything we've learned? Maybe the two are just trying to bury the hatchet. Seems more plausible than believing they've been buddies this entire time. :rolleyes:
The only reason why anyone thinks they hate each other is because Barta told us. Seriously, you think these guys like each other after everything we've learned? Maybe the two are just trying to bury the hatchet. Seems more plausible than believing they've been buddies this entire time. :rolleyes:

You've spent the last week pushing the narrative on here that the McCaffery's were trying to get Dolphin pushed out. You tell me.
@RobHowe We all know Fran's temper gets the best of him more than the vast majority of coaches (or people) out there. And whether a person likes it or not (I'm not here to debate that), do you think after two suspensions and the outcry/embarrassment with this one that Fran will change up how he handles himself?

Or do you think that his personality is what it is and that it's just a time bomb ticking until the next flip out? It can't not be a gut punch to be a grown man with a seven-figure job and have reporters asking your boss in a press conference if he's going to fire you if you do this for the third time. Is this something Fran takes home with him and evaluates about himself, i.e. being honest and saying "I'm acting like an idiot; I need to chill out," or does he say, "This is who I am, take it or leave it..."
The only reason why anyone thinks they hate each other is because Barta told us. Seriously, you think these guys like each other after everything we've learned? Maybe the two are just trying to bury the hatchet. Seems more plausible than believing they've been buddies this entire time. :rolleyes:

There is a big window between liking someone and hating someone. There are lots of people I dont necessarily like, but pretty much no one I hate. I dont think there are many people out there that would railroad someone like that just because they dont really like them.
Based on Fran's comments in the presser yesterday, do you think he thinks he did anything wrong? I got the impression Fran thinks the only bad thing that happened was that somebody heard it.
The point of my post to Rob was aside from wrong/not wrong whether he’ll change his modus operandi.

But since you’re going there, yeah I think it was dumb. I swear like a sailor and have some pretty bold opinions, but I’ve never once flipped out at work. Never. And trust me there is some shit that really makes me mad.

I don’t dislike Fran as a coach. I think his players like him. But he’s essentially excusing stupid temper tantrums by saying he sticks up for “his guys” like they’re getting shot and stabbed in a parking lot by a bunch of mercenaries with no one else to turn to. Like he’s Hannibal dropping in at the last minute to save the rest of the A-Team before they go down in a hail of gunfire.

It’s a fucking basketball game and a ref got mad at your kid. Guess what? Connor is still rich, still has all his arms and legs, can still tweet, and didn’t get hurt even a tiny bit. Stop being a drama queen and admit that you were being a big ass crybaby because you got beat by 20 points in a kids’ basketball game.

Again, I still mostly like Fran as a coach. He’s just a giant dumbass sometimes because he has no self-control.
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You're right. No way the guy that went after a ref in the hallway screaming "motherfucker, disgrace, and cheater" would have anything to do with Dolph's suspension. I'm sure Fran never spoke with Barta about it at all. Fran's an outsider looking in. :rolleyes:

In all seriousness, we know Fran and Dolph have had issues. There had been "ongoing tensions" before the first suspension.

I just think people went overboard with Fran's involvement in suspension No. 2. Dolph said yesterday that he called Fran last week for advice. And then Fran says he invited to watch the game with him on Saturday.

They're not best buds but it also doesn't seem like Fran is trying to get Dolph fired, which quite a few folks ran with last week.
@RobHowe We all know Fran's temper gets the best of him more than the vast majority of coaches (or people) out there. And whether a person likes it or not (I'm not here to debate that), do you think after two suspensions and the outcry/embarrassment with this one that Fran will change up how he handles himself?

Or do you think that his personality is what it is and that it's just a time bomb ticking until the next flip out? It can't not be a gut punch to be a grown man with a seven-figure job and have reporters asking your boss in a press conference if he's going to fire you if you do this for the third time. Is this something Fran takes home with him and evaluates about himself, i.e. being honest and saying "I'm acting like an idiot; I need to chill out," or does he say, "This is who I am, take it or leave it..."

I'll let Fran answer:

Gary better be careful he doesn’t eat more than his share. Fran might pick up a chair and throw it down and call Gary and mother effing eater. :D

Sometimes you just have to laugh at things and move on.
From what I gathered during the presser, he only has to leave the court during games. Everything else is wide open.
Must be a difference between the University levying the suspension vs the conference. Because in 2014 he wasn't allowed in the arena and had to watch in his office.
Count me in the camp that doesn't really think the Fran situation was a big deal. He swore at a ref. Okay, he did it in the tunnel instead of on the court, I think that's just splitting hairs. Calling him a cheater was a bit much, sure, but the refs were terrible that game.

Also, people thinking Fran had something to do with Dolph's second suspension are tin foil hat wearers in my opinion. Why would Fran care that Dolph said that? The first suspension obviously had a direct impact on Fran and it was one of Fran's players. This time around it doesn't make sense that Fran would be upset and push for a Dolph suspension.