Forum Upgrade Coming Soon


Is there a setting that will auto-resize inserted or uploaded pictures to be within the boundaries of the forum layout? Seeing a bunch of uploaded pics that only show 1/2 or 2/3 of the picture because it's so large. I thought we had this problem on vBulletin as well, but you found a way to fix it. Maybe not.
Stumbled across a cool feature that I didn't know about. If you only want to reply to a particular part of someone's message, you can highlight that portion, and a "reply" link will appear. Click on Reply and it will start a reply with only the highlighted portion of the message quoted. Maybe everybody else already knew about this, but I didn't.

Is there a setting that will auto-resize inserted or uploaded pictures to be within the boundaries of the forum layout? Seeing a bunch of uploaded pics that only show 1/2 or 2/3 of the picture because it's so large. I thought we had this problem on vBulletin as well, but you found a way to fix it. Maybe not.
I will forward this on
I noticed that the breadcrumbs above the forum go Home > Forums > Forums > Football. The 2nd forums has a different URL, but they both drop you back at the main Forums page. Why the extra "Forums"?

Not a glitch per-say, but just something I noticed.

Woah...just noticed that this has been fixed. Don't know when it happened, but that's one bug down.