Forum Upgrade Coming Soon

We'll be working on tweaking things today. Post any issues you are seeing or have, in this thread. thank you
Thanks, keep posting things here.

Also, there is a New Posts list, on the right side of page...and you can click on where it says 'New Posts' and that shows you the latest posts, like we had before
image linking test

GIF test

Tweet test

Is there a way to link the tweet so that it shows up in the post?
there will be. That is what I was testing...we had a mod in place, but we need to reinstall it. Once fixed, it will render in the tweet image style you are familiar with which will really work well here on the boards, something we did not have before.
Is there a "what's new" that I'm not seeing.

Doesn't seem to be. There is a "new post" off to the side once you navigate to a forum. Would be nice to just have the "new post" button on every page, so you could easily jump to the new posts from anywhere.
Doesn't seem to be. There is a "new post" off to the side once you navigate to a forum. Would be nice to just have the "new post" button on every page, so you could easily jump to the new posts from anywhere.
Yes, will be looking to see if this is the least, we have it on the right hand side if it is not. Most other Iowa forums, I don't know that there is even that, but I am not an expert on them as I do not visit them regularly.
You can also see what posts you have replied in...your avatar will be in the lower right of the avatar of the person who began the thread


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Is there a way to show more posts per page in a thread? I think the old format let you set it to 40, but I don't see that setting in this new format. I'm only able to see 20 posts on a page right now.

Thanks Jon. Looks good.