I got the 'Rona a few days ago, and I'm through the worst of the physical part. Day one and two sucked big time, day 3 was better, and today is better yet. For me it was equivalent to a bad cold that I've had multiple times.
Most of you probably know that I like to cook and eat food, and I have a pretty diverse palette. I also lost almost all of my taste and 100% of my smell. Here's my situation in detail:
-I can sense some sweet tastes. I can't really differentiate between what's what, but I can tell it's sweet. If I'm eating a brownie I know it's got sugar in it but that's about it. I can't make out chocolate, etc.
-Meat, cheese, bread, spice, vinegar (dill pickles, etc) I have absolutely nothing. I tried hot Cheetos and got the sting from the spice, but zero flavor. Anything savory ain't there at all. It's like I'm eating some weird kind of textured soy product with literally no discernable taste sensation.
-I can pick up the salt on Ritz crackers a tiny bit so that's pretty much what I've been eating.
- Liquids are weird. Gatorade is almost non-existent other than I can sense it's sweet, and all flavors taste identical, which is like VERY watered down KoolAid. Cola flavored drinks just tastes like watered down flat versions. Like if you drink a fountain Coke that's gone flat and all the ice has melted watering it down. Lemon Lime flavored drinks like Sprite or 7Up are somewhat close to the original, which is weird. Now get this...Minute Maid peach punch from the carton...tastes EXACTLY like it did before. On one hand it's fucking glorious because it's the one thing I can actually enjoy, but on the other hand it's pretty much straight up sugar and flavoring so I can't just drink that for the next month. But, whatever they put in that shit at the factory defeats the 'Rona taste gremlins.
-It's just fuckin' gone. Zero, zilch, nada. As in literally nothing.
-I stuck my nose right in a bottle of rubbing alcohol and inhaled, and got zero. I did get a faint burn from the alcohol, but no smell telling me it was alcohol whatsoever.
-Tried fresh cut onion, the strongest horseradish my buddy could find, deodorant right on my nose, you name it. There's just nothing there whatsoever.
Anyway, here's my question for those of you who lost your taste and/or smell...
How long did it take to come back (if it did), and what was your experience?
This is hell. I'm physically fine now, but because I love to cook and smell and eat food of many different varieties, you could say it's a very important part of life for me. What I have going on now is like watching Avatar in black and white with earmuffs on.
Most of you probably know that I like to cook and eat food, and I have a pretty diverse palette. I also lost almost all of my taste and 100% of my smell. Here's my situation in detail:
-I can sense some sweet tastes. I can't really differentiate between what's what, but I can tell it's sweet. If I'm eating a brownie I know it's got sugar in it but that's about it. I can't make out chocolate, etc.
-Meat, cheese, bread, spice, vinegar (dill pickles, etc) I have absolutely nothing. I tried hot Cheetos and got the sting from the spice, but zero flavor. Anything savory ain't there at all. It's like I'm eating some weird kind of textured soy product with literally no discernable taste sensation.
-I can pick up the salt on Ritz crackers a tiny bit so that's pretty much what I've been eating.
- Liquids are weird. Gatorade is almost non-existent other than I can sense it's sweet, and all flavors taste identical, which is like VERY watered down KoolAid. Cola flavored drinks just tastes like watered down flat versions. Like if you drink a fountain Coke that's gone flat and all the ice has melted watering it down. Lemon Lime flavored drinks like Sprite or 7Up are somewhat close to the original, which is weird. Now get this...Minute Maid peach punch from the carton...tastes EXACTLY like it did before. On one hand it's fucking glorious because it's the one thing I can actually enjoy, but on the other hand it's pretty much straight up sugar and flavoring so I can't just drink that for the next month. But, whatever they put in that shit at the factory defeats the 'Rona taste gremlins.
-It's just fuckin' gone. Zero, zilch, nada. As in literally nothing.
-I stuck my nose right in a bottle of rubbing alcohol and inhaled, and got zero. I did get a faint burn from the alcohol, but no smell telling me it was alcohol whatsoever.
-Tried fresh cut onion, the strongest horseradish my buddy could find, deodorant right on my nose, you name it. There's just nothing there whatsoever.
Anyway, here's my question for those of you who lost your taste and/or smell...
How long did it take to come back (if it did), and what was your experience?
This is hell. I'm physically fine now, but because I love to cook and smell and eat food of many different varieties, you could say it's a very important part of life for me. What I have going on now is like watching Avatar in black and white with earmuffs on.