For everyone who said McCabe brought nothing..

Just imagine how much better he'll be in a yr when he has a 7 footer to play with and a true pg gessell and marble a year older. Things are looking up.
I'll admit it, I thought at the beginning of the year McCabe was going to get lost on the bench with the addition of the new freshman coming in. Last year he couldn't hit an open 3. I thought he had poor hands and would lose the ball too easily. Now, he has added on weight and has moved to more of a power forward position making him our best low post option. He also isn't afraid to give up his body to take a charge. He isn't afraid to dive to the floor for the basketball. He is a completely different player from last year.
If are new freshman are as good as advertised and we end up being a good team, I see now reason that McCabe can't be a very strong bench player.
I'll admit it, I thought at the beginning of the year McCabe was going to get lost on the bench with the addition of the new freshman coming in. Last year he couldn't hit an open 3. I thought he had poor hands and would lose the ball too easily. Now, he has added on weight and has moved to more of a power forward position making him our best low post option. He also isn't afraid to give up his body to take a charge. He isn't afraid to dive to the floor for the basketball. He is a completely different player from last year.

If he is a low post option at all (not sure that he is), he is definitely after White and a healthy Basabe. I like McCabe's hustle plays, his outside shooting, and his ability to drive when they come on out him. But part of the problem, for me, is that he often is playing the 4 yet really isn't a low post option.
I'll admit it, I thought at the beginning of the year McCabe was going to get lost on the bench with the addition of the new freshman coming in. Last year he couldn't hit an open 3. I thought he had poor hands and would lose the ball too easily. Now, he has added on weight and has moved to more of a power forward position making him our best low post option. He also isn't afraid to give up his body to take a charge. He isn't afraid to dive to the floor for the basketball. He is a completely different player from last year.
If he is a low post option at all (not sure that he is), he is definitely after White and a healthy Basabe. I like McCabe's hustle plays, his outside shooting, and his ability to drive when they come on out him. But part of the problem, for me, is that he often is playing the 4 yet really isn't a low post option.

This is a joke right?
If are new freshman are as good as advertised and we end up being a good team, I see now reason that McCabe can't be a very strong bench player.

The only thing that will keep McCabe from being a starter for the next two and a half years will be injury, grades, or criminal activity.
The only thing that will keep McCabe from being a starter for the next two and a half years will be injury, grades, or criminal activity.

I don't know kind of sounds like a Basabe bolting to the show comment to me.
Anyone catch the little replay (McCabe wasn't the focus of it) where somebody bumped into him and promptly elbowed him back?

I call him the Hockey Player.
I caught that play, he responded to a nudge immediately and with the exact same amount of force. I was a perfect move.....

Last year Zach tried to force the ball inside to the basket and was stopped almost every time, getting the shot blocked or having an offensive foul called on him. This season he has improved his footwork and positioning, getting his shot up in traffic, making the basket almost every time. He has certainly improved.

He also has a nice three point shot that helped occasionally last season.

Zach is a pleasant surprise, bringing a toughness to the team last year and this.....
Well, I am sticking to my initial assessment of McCabe. Plays hard, emotional, but Iowa will soon be recruiting over him and he will lose playing time. There is a definite role for Zach, but I just think the 2012 class will displace him to a point.
When Zach has not been in foul trouble he has played beyond expectations, that said, let's see where he ends up at the end of the season.
... and there were a fair amount of you, how does that sh!burger taste?

I've been thinking it for awhile Duff, you just went ahead and said it for me. (Thanks) How does that crow taste now boys.

He is our hard working, unspoken leader of the team. His determination is infectious and his tough attitude represents Fran's style best...IMO. Every team needs a bulldog like Mr. McCabe, a player who will aggravate the hell out of the opponent with his persistence and craftiness, by far not the most talented player on the court but is good at what he does...and is still showing signs of improvement.
Well, I am sticking to my initial assessment of McCabe. Plays hard, emotional, but Iowa will soon be recruiting over him and he will lose playing time. There is a definite role for Zach, but I just think the 2012 class will displace him to a point.
When Zach has not been in foul trouble he has played beyond expectations, that said, let's see where he ends up at the end of the season.
Yep, agree with all of that.
Just so we are clear, people think that McCabe will be unseated from the starting lineup next year by a true freshman?

I guess I'll give some of you the benefit of the doubt, we haven't seen many players stick around and improve over the last three years because they usually transfer prior to their Jr year.

McCabe will continue to get better. We've seen the top side, next year he should display that on a much more consistent basis.

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