For everyone who said McCabe brought nothing..

What would change? He's struggling with his three ball right now (who isn't) but I still like what he does on the court and brings to the team.
I'm curious what all you fools out there think of McCabe now that it's been a year later since this thread was started. How are those burgers tasting now?

No sh!t burgers for me. I was just shocked that you tried to blame the Campbell loss on McCabe. That seem stupid to me, as that was a complete team meltdown, not just a McCabe thing.

I will say that McCabe has not advanced as much this year as I was hoping he would. He just can't get up off the floor and finish around the rim at all. I love his hustle, his toughness, and his outside shot, but all of that mean little if your 4/5 guy on the floor can't finish at the rim. He has had a few nice games, but overall his lack of explosiveness off the floor really hurts him in the BIG. He is most certainly a role player off the bench, not a starter. Not everyone can be a starter, but all players are important to winning, even the roll players.
I don't. He owned everyone last year. Now line up to eat them s**tburgers. Duffmod, you're first in line. You get it while it's still warm.

I mainly hate it because it confuses the heck out of me when I start reading the thread. This one was especially confusing because I kept checking the dates until I realized it said 2012 not 13.

But hey, if it involves Duff eating a s**tburger then by all means bump them. I think he also needs to eat one for that shot blocking thread (not Woodbury's) where he claimed we had a pretty good shot blocking team.
Iowa won't get to the next level while players like McCabe get more than garbage time minutes. End of story.

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