Football posting rules

Not often I agree with a young man attending a liberal university, and majoring in journalism, but I do agree with him here.

People are entitled to express disappointment, and disagreement with where the program is at, and where it is headed. People can even be critical of player's performance.

The threads where players are singled out are unacceptable. I speculate they are created by those who have never coached, or participated in athletics beyond high school.

I'm not talking about questioning his performance, I'm talking about insulting him. He could break you guys in two.

I posted a harshly worded, critical viewpoint after last season regarding life long I Club members, their infatuation with the Rose Bowl, KoK, holding the program back etc, and got ripped. I just can't imagine calling an athlete names, and questioning his desire to win as being more acceptable than my post. Although I will probably never post a similar thread again. It was bad judgement. It also shows that persons of differing views gets just as frustrated and ****** about not winning.
Not often I agree with a young man attending a liberal university, and majoring in journalism, but I do agree with him here.

People are entitled to express disappointment, and disagreement with where the program is at, and where it is headed. People can even be critical of player's performance.

The threads where players are singled out are unacceptable. I speculate they are created by those who have never coached, or participated in athletics beyond high school.

I'm not talking about questioning his performance, I'm talking about insulting him. He could break you guys in two.

I posted a harshly worded, critical viewpoint after last season regarding life long I Club members, their infatuation with the Rose Bowl, KoK, holding the program back etc, and got ripped. I just can't imagine calling an athlete names, and questioning his desire to win as being more acceptable than my post. Although I will probably never post a similar thread again. It was bad judgement. It also shows that persons of differing views gets just as frustrated and ****** about not winning.

Oh boy.
I dont agree with attacking a player on a personal level. On the other hand people really need to calm down about what they read on HN. Take me for example people be all crazy in my biz cause I no lika kirk. I no lika sucky football and you liky kirk.....its okay we can still be bffs.
Technically, it was "short-d!cked loser who can't satisfy a woman".

who'd I say that about, precisely? c'mon, you're a big-time reporter, surely you took careful notes and can repeat my exact statement, and the time and date of my utterance?
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"trophy hunting is the domain of short-d!cked losers who can't satisfy a woman"

Posted at 6:22 p.m. by Scorpio79

Post #8 in the thread.


Huh. You claimed that I said that directly about James Vandenburg.
Did you edit my post? 'Cause I don't see that name in there. Heckfire, I don't see ANY name in my poast!

Trophy hunting IS the domain of short-d!cked losers who can't satisfy a woman.

You a trophy hunter, Torko? Is that why you're hacked off about my opinion?
Huh. You claimed that I said that directly about James Vandenburg.
Did you edit my post? 'Cause I don't see that name in there. Heckfire, I don't see ANY name in my poast!

Trophy hunting IS the domain of short-d!cked losers who can't satisfy a woman.

You a trophy hunter, Torko? Is that why you're hacked off about my opinion?

I've never been hunting in my life, although I don't see the problem with it, though.

And no, you never specifically mentioned Vandenberg. But the inference was more than clear. Trophy hunting is for SDLWCSAW+Vandy is a trophy hunter= Vandy is a SDLWCSAW. Not exactly difficult math.

You're a world-class troll, not an idiot. You knew exactly what kind of reaction that would get, and you knew exactly why. Hunting has nothing to do with playing football, and you just happen to make that statement when everyone else is talking about a quarterback who loves hunting and happens to be playing very poorly? Please. You're far smarter than to do something that stupid, unless you knew what you were doing.
Hey evarbody, I'm World Class according to The Kid!! Yay for me!!

If I'm World Class, what the heck is Ghosto?? Cripes, he's Universe Class I guess. Dude is legit.
Yeah - says the guy who thinks that killing for fun, is the work of an *******. That's me. I don't apologize for it.

You don't like it, tough ****.
Yeah - says the guy who thinks that killing for fun, is the work of an *******. That's me. I don't apologize for it.

You don't like it, tough ****.

Someone's getting a little testy.

Look, you can hate hunting all you want. But somehow I doubt it would have come up at all if Vandy were having a good year and the Hawks were 6-0.
I would definitely call that kid from Lincoln's mommy and daddy. They'd definitely get this handled for you guys.