Fire Ferentz

Fire Ferentz

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I always thought that I would be the last Kirk holdout........ but alas.....I just don't know anymore. Somebody tell me we still need this staff:(
I always thought that I would be the last Kirk holdout........ but alas.....I just don't know anymore. Somebody tell me we still need this staff:(

You're not, we do...just some drastic changes needed, which will not come anytime soon.

BTW isn't it Oddball, not oddjob, or am I missing something?
I'm usually not for rash responses. I thought Iowa could win out after the Arizona loss last year...but this is ridiculous. If you can't beat possibly the worst team in the FBS two years in a row, then you have no business being a coach, let alone the highest paid in the Big Ten. Ferentz is a terrible coach. He is terrible at getting his team ready for a game, and terrible at in game strategy. If you give him six weeks before a bowl game against a new team he rarely plays, he's alright. Big Ten opponents have figured out his telegraphed strategy. Everyone in the world but him could know a team is going for it on fourth down or on an onside kick. He could never understand being that deceptive, it just isn't nice. I'm done with him. Fire Ferentz.
I'm not sure if firing is right...but sometime soon it has to come back to the fact that:
A. The coaches didn't have a gameplan/didn't have them ready to play.
B. The coaches are not recruiting talent
C. The Coaches are not making adjustments.
I'm not sure if firing is right...but sometime soon it has to come back to the fact that:
A. The coaches didn't have a gameplan/didn't have them ready to play.
B. The coaches are not recruiting talent
C. The Coaches are not making adjustments.

I would also like to add that the coaches and most players show absolutely no emotion or enthusiasm. Coker was one of the only players that really looked like he was fired up.

And I don't understand the people saying "Well I would rather have them look calm and focused and professional than have them look amped up and fired up."

Umm...What? The emotion and intensity is why so many people love college football over pro football. It is the fact that these players aren't getting paid(unless you are tOSU) and they are playing their hearts out. I was actually envious watching the Gopher sideline and seeing how they got pumped up and excited(including their staff) and then looking over at our sideline and seeing a bunch of emotionless zombies.

Where is the heart and the desire to give it everything you have? Where is the leadership?
Ferenty will coach at Iowa as long as HE wants to coach. With Barta giving Ferentz basically a lifetime contract, there simply is no way Iowa can fire Ferentz.

However, if Ferentz truly loves coaching at Iowa then it is up to HIM to assess all of his coaches and himself and his methods.

I don't know if O'Keefe needs to be fired or whether Ferentz just needs to let the man do his job and turn Iowa's offense loose. I wonder how the uptempo would have worked yesterday, especially in and near the red zone? Remember the uptempo that this staff experimented with for about 3 quarters and how successful it was...probably too successful.

Norm Parker just needs to be encouraged to retire. The man can't and doesn't recruit in homes anymore and he is unable to walk around practice and get into people's faces. His basic vanilla defense just does not work these days, and his unwillingless to adapt just is not acceptable.

The real problem is that these coaches are Ferntz's friends. His friends are more important to him then the status of the Iowa football program. Not only is Ferentz a very poor game day coach...he is a very poor CEO of a football program. And at $4,000,000 a year that is exactly what he is...a CEO. He needs to act like a CEO and do his job.
I think Kirk has forgotten the team with the most points wins. He needs to try to score eveytime we have the ball. Three time this year we had opportunities to score but he chose to run out the clock. All three ended up in losses.
Maybe another head coaching opportunity will come up for KOK. His named popped up with a few schools last year and he looked into them.

Norm will probably retire at the end of the year.

These are the best case scenarios because Ferentz will never let them go on his own.
Maybe another head coaching opportunity will come up for KOK. His named popped up with a few schools last year and he looked into them.

Norm will probably retire at the end of the year.

These are the best case scenarios because Ferentz will never let them go on his own.

I think you're right. Changes need to be made - not necessarily firing KF, but it's time for this staff to prove they can adjust to the game. Also I think you're right that KF will never do it on his own - the coordinators aren't going anywhere unless they choose to. KF will never fire anyone.

I'm not really holding my breath on KOK getting another HC job.. Maybe, but he's been here 13 years and who has come calling?

Norm - the odds seem high that he will be retiring soon. We'll see what happens there.

Thing is, and this has been discussed before - but are the coordinators simply doing what KF wants them to? I'm honestly not sure how much license the coordinators have with the gameplan and playcalling. Will a new DC just run the same stuff?

I can't really vote in this poll though.. I don't want KF fired or for things to remain status quo.. I'm in between. Just need to adjust.
We are a rebuilding team that had no business losing to a horrid ISU and Minny team. I can't defend these guys on the sidelines anymore. Something needs to change. Todays loss is unfathomable.

I try to be realistic with my evaluations of each game. I've always believed not only in the coaches, but in what they tell us. (aka, it's all about execution). I've felt that this staff is well above average and good at adapting.

Losing to a horrible, god-awful, no-talent Minnesota team TWO YEARS IN A ROW is enough for me.

Changes need to be made. Iowa's brand of football is old, tired and predictable. How else can you explain losing to a team with less than half the talent of the Hawks... twice. Let alone the loss to ISU.

If KF doesn't man up and make changes in his coaches, scheme, philosophies or a combination of them all, then I will seriously question his desire to win.

Stubborness (KF) has been the undoing of countless men.
Where did KOK coach before coming to Iowa? I remember reading somewhere that he ran a spread type offense and they scored at will and won a Div. 3 Title or something. I'm beginning to think that Ferentz is holding him back not allowing him to run the type of offense he would like. I feel Ferentz may be more of the issue at hand than KOK. Norm on the other hand is more like Ferentz being ulta conservative and not blitzing or changing defensive philosphies. Nothing will change unless Ferentz changes, and this doesn't seem to be happening any time soon unless Barta gets some nads and puts an ultimatium out there.
We win next week, Ferentz is the right coach for the job, and if you think Ferentz does not demand excellence from his players, then you do not follow this program.

We all predicted 7-5 to 8-4 which is still achievable? Why is everyone on suicide watch??

Step back from the ledge.
I think overall Ferentz is a very good CEO of the football program. We are 1 game away from being bowl eligible in 11 straight seasons, for Iowa I would say that is pretty darn good. My issues revolve around his refusal to adapt and to change In-Game philosophy. Great coaches who are also great CEO's such as Belichick and Saban BOTH have adapted their In-Game philosophies over the years. While overall their programs have stayed very steady and consistent, game plans and strategies have changed for them as the game has changed around them. To me, that is the biggest difference between Ferentz and those elite coaches, he is just too stubborn to adapt. I'm not saying I want to see him go all spread offense and blitzing defense crazy, but play to the players strengths. When Saban had both Mark Ingram and Trent Richardson, he lined up 1 at qb and the other at RB or split out and ran read option looks off of that. His offenses are traditionally "pro style", yet he was smart enough to recognize that he had two ridiculously talented athletes and got them on the field at the same time. Now, since Ingram is gone Bama doesn't use the wildcat nearly as much, again, he ADAPTS based on the players he's got.

I don't want Ferentz fired, I want to see Ferentz adapt and not be so stubborn. If he continues to refuse to change at all, then I will probably change my answer. It's a long shot, but I'm still holding out hope.
We win next week, Ferentz is the right coach for the job.

Wrong. Or at least, you aren't speaking for me. If the Hawks beat Michigan next week, it will only reinforce in my mind that we DO have the talent to beat a ranked team, yet KF always finds a way to lay an egg against someone like ISU, Minnesota or Indiana a couple times a year.

Last year? I don't have a problem with losing to OSU. It's the loss to Minnesota that really burns me, and the fact that it took a dropped pass by Indiana in the end zone to prevent us from finishing 6-6 with arguably one of the most talented teams KF has ever had, and potentially not even a bowl invite.

I can't explain WHY, but there have been FAR too many losses in recent years to teams we should be able to handle.
We all predicted 7-5 to 8-4 which is still achievable? Why is everyone on suicide watch??

I had 7-5 or maybe 8-4, but that was assuming a win over a terrible Minnesota team.

I'm backing down to 6-6 now as my prediction. Don't think we'll win @Purdue if we can't even win @Minnesota. It still wouldn't shock me to get a win at home over either Michigan or MSU, but I'm not seeing any road wins the rest of the way.

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