Fire Barta, Fire Fran, fire them all.


Well-Known Member
3 straight lackluster seasons is enough of a trend. No defense to speak of, can't recruit a legit B1G point guard, getting your ass kicked on senior day by Rutgers, getting punked by a horrible Nebraska team to end the season. This is not where this program should be in year 9. And then there's Fran's feud with Dolphin, his failure to reign in Tyler Cook when he does stupid s--t on the court, his maniacal displays of rage that have no track record of serving to motivate his players, and the little secret extension he worked with Barta in 2017 which doubled his buyout. A deal which would never have been made known without a reporter filing a FOIA request. I have long moved on from the (well at least this isn't Lickliter) years when Fran first got here. Iowa can do better.

I don't want to hear that it is too expensive to fire Fran. The athletic department is flush with cash from TV rights and shared BTN revenue. However, those sources of money will not last forever and there are also some little-known aspects of the tax reform bill that will eat into department revenues as well such as a 21% excise tax on university salaries over $1,000,000 and the elimination of the ability to write off season ticket purchases on taxes. What is the cost of failing to act now and get serious about the program's future? Fran's buyout is affordable now, but with potential losses in revenue down the road which could also include reduced fan support from lackluster on-court play the buyout could become more of an issue.

The Board of Regents needs to act and do its job in oversight of a state run university. The secretive extension that they had no intent of telling anyone about plus Barta's little $6 million discrimination lawsuit he brought on by his mishandling of the Greisbaum/Jane Meyer fiasco should have gotten Barta canned already. I doubt anything will happen because only one word describes the situation at Iowa now: Corruption. And corruption is a nasty little cancer that is hard to get rid of (please excuse my analogy but it fits).
Barta will never fire Fran. Now that 2 of Fran’s kids will be on the team, that pretty much locks him in for another 4 years.

Harrald will not fire Barta because Harrald apparently approves of the job Barta is doing, they are friends, and because Harrald simply does not care about athletics.

Face it.....Iowa basketball is screwed for the next 4 years, minimum.
How do you fire a coach who just took his team to the Dance? The end of the season has been bad but we're still in and you can't fire a coach who got his team to what the team's goal was at the beginning of the season.
Interesting thread. If I were a totally impartial/objective outsider looking at preseason predictions and final standings below is my votes for Big 10 COY.

1 - Painter...should be unanimous
2 - Tie...Fran & Pikiell
How do you fire a coach who just took his team to the Dance? The end of the season has been bad but we're still in and you can't fire a coach who got his team to what the team's goal was at the beginning of the season.
I'm game, but this should have been done last year when the rationale was better.

Honestly you can come up with a rationale for every decision every year. "Give a coach more time", "It's just Iowa so we should just be happy", or whatever other reason someone would have. What has transpired over the last month in year 9 of a regime tells us this is a program that has at best stagnated and may be in decline, not on the rise.
The OP just gave me a thought. I wonder if Fran did reel in Cook and that caused him to quit trying.
Honestly you can come up with a rationale for every decision every year. "Give a coach more time", "It's just Iowa so we should just be happy", or whatever other reason someone would have. What has transpired over the last month in year 9 of a regime tells us this is a program that has at best stagnated and may be in decline, not on the rise.
Fran, Lickliter or Alford? You choose. No Fran could easily mean another Lickliter or Alford. We aren’t getting a top tier can’t miss established guy if we make a change.
Not that it would happen, but rather than throwing everything into complete chaos, I'd be happy to simply have Barta fired and bring in a new AD. That AD would have a year to evaluate the state of things and then make a decision. The buyout for Fran would go down a decent amount and guys like Cook (if he stays), JBo, and Moss would all be graduated by the end of that year (who have all been around for the debacles of the last 3 years)....but leave a decent nucleus of players for the new coach.

Wishful thinking, I know, but that's how I'd like to see it play out.
How do you fire a coach who just took his team to the Dance? The end of the season has been bad but we're still in and you can't fire a coach who got his team to what the team's goal was at the beginning of the season.
Ask Bob Bowlsby who fired a coach that had a sweet 16 team his last season.
Fran, Lickliter or Alford? You choose. No Fran could easily mean another Lickliter or Alford. We aren’t getting a top tier can’t miss established guy if we make a change.

I'm not going to post all the stats because that's been done before, but if you look at Fran and Alford, their tenures are very similar. I'd give a slight edge to Fran due to being better in conference a few times, but both coaches tenures have been marred by multiple late-season meltdowns. Lots of parallels. Argue all you want, but Fran isn't all that.

I don't care if there's a risk of maybe doing worse with the next hire - I'm tired of status quo. But for God's sake, don't let Barta make the next hire.

I've seen enough.
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I'm just excited for the beginning of next year when all the big 10 coaches forget how to coach against us so we can win again. Until the second half of the schedule of course when they "figure us out" again.
Not that it would happen, but rather than throwing everything into complete chaos, I'd be happy to simply have Barta fired and bring in a new AD. That AD would have a year to evaluate the state of things and then make a decision. The buyout for Fran would go down a decent amount and guys like Cook (if he stays), JBo, and Moss would all be graduated by the end of that year (who have all been around for the debacles of the last 3 years)....but leave a decent nucleus of players for the new coach.

Wishful thinking, I know, but that's how I'd like to see it play out.

Fire Barta immediately. The new AD comes in and demands FM hire a defensive coordinator.
I'm just excited for the beginning of next year when all the big 10 coaches forget how to coach against us so we can win again. Until the second half of the schedule of course when they "figure us out" again.

You know, I have often wondered if this is exactly why we get these late season swoons. Everyone adapts 2nd time through and we don't have the answers. Either that, or we start getting everyone's best shot and our guys don't match the intensity. Or maybe a bit of both. Not sure.

That doesn't really explain the 2014-15 season where the team actually got hot down the stretch, but it also occurs to me that year was the one time where we were flying under the radar, so maybe they weren't so focused on how to beat us. The 3 times we've fallen apart, the team was ranked, and sometimes highly so.
Interesting thread. If I were a totally impartial/objective outsider looking at preseason predictions and final standings below is my votes for Big 10 COY.

1 - Painter...should be unanimous
2 - Tie...Fran & Pikiell


A coach should be measured by not only his season record, but also his leadership, behavior, and contributions to his university and the B1G as a whole.

Fran contributed to a huge distraction (Dolphin fiasco) at a critical part of the season, then created an even bigger distraction and team detriment by chasing a ref down, throwing a temper tantrum, and getting suspended for two games. His chance at redemption was met by floundering a 16 point lead against one of the worst teams in the B1G and continuing the late season collapse that has become the norm.

Tied for second as COY? HAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAA! Only if Rutgers, Nebraska, and Ohio State are the only ones voting.

A coach should be measured by not only his season record, but also his leadership, behavior, and contributions to his university and the B1G as a whole.

Fran contributed to a huge distraction (Dolphin fiasco) at a critical part of the season, then created an even bigger distraction and team detriment by chasing a ref down, throwing a temper tantrum, and getting suspended for two games. His chance at redemption was met by floundering a 16 point lead against one of the worst teams in the B1G and continuing the late season collapse that has become the norm.

Tied for second as COY? HAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAA! Only if Rutgers, Nebraska, and Ohio State are the only ones voting.
This post is a complete waste of time...hundreds just like it. I will give you a chance to redeem yourself with something useful. List the order of finish for Big 10 COY voting.
How do you fire a coach who just took his team to the Dance? The end of the season has been bad but we're still in and you can't fire a coach who got his team to what the team's goal was at the beginning of the season.
I know it's a different sport on the pro level, but a number of times over the years an NFL coach will take their team to the NFL playoff's, lose in the first game and then get fired a day or two later.
In the last [ ] years, how many coaches have been fired that took a team that was picked to be in the bottom half of the conference to the NCAA tournament? There is the internet fan-pages world and then there's the real world.

I'm not happy about how this season has wound down, but firing Fran this year? Not going to happen, and it would be a mistake (barring some scandal).
Fran, Lickliter or Alford? You choose. No Fran could easily mean another Lickliter or Alford. We aren’t getting a top tier can’t miss established guy if we make a change.

I would say Iowa has a 60% chance to bring in someone who could spit out Fran/Alfraud type results. 30% chance they could bring in someone > Fran/Alfraud type results. 10% chance to get a Lick type coach.

Just because Iowa has a complete shit hire at one point doesn’t mean you never try again. I think there is a 90% chance we could stay at the level we were under Mr. Davis, Alfraud, Fran if we hired another HC, because history shows us that really. Lick is the only 1 off here.
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I would say Iowa has a 60% chance to bring in someone who could spit out Fran/Alfraud type results. 30% chance they could bring in someone > Fran/Alfraud type results. 10% chance to get a Lick type coach.

Just because Iowa has a complete shit hire at one point doesn’t mean you never try again. I think there is a 90% chance we could stay at the level we were under Mr. Davis, Alfraud, Fran if we hired another HC, because history shows us that really. Lick is the only 1 off here.
Won’t argue your point. But I will add that we likely lose some players. Patrick follows Fran. Joe T. (like Basabe) follows Fran. Connor plays baseball.

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