Ferentz Won't Confirm/Deny KOK Indiana Talk

Knowing that K'Okeefe ran the spread before coming to Iowa, I'm beginning to wonder if he is just a fish out of water trying to run KF's offense. If he leaves for a HC job, KF needs to find someone who has been running the Iowa offense well elsewhere. I understand the loyalty aspect of hiring the guy that once gave you a job, but don't hire a spread guy to run your pro-style offense.
Knowing that K'Okeefe ran the spread before coming to Iowa, I'm beginning to wonder if he is just a fish out of water trying to run KF's offense. If he leaves for a HC job, KF needs to find someone who has been running the Iowa offense well elsewhere. I understand the loyalty aspect of hiring the guy that once gave you a job, but don't hire a spread guy to run your pro-style offense.

Iowa was averaging 30 pts a game up and including the MSU game, and several of those games could have had higher scores, including v. MSU, who only has 1 B10 loss. We lose two guards (Gettis, McMahon) and our line play goes from good to not so good (for lack of better description) and all of a sudden KOK is a fish out of water (to use your phrase - but many others have been used to describe him). Keep in mind our line was pretty raw to start with given we lost 2 starters to the NFL, 1 who was a starter but got hurt v. MSU last year and would have made the NFL save his knee injuries, and a long time starter at center. You look at that and then look and see how the group played up through the MSU game and you have to be pretty impressed with the offense and also have to consider what really happened this year.

Injuries at positions we were too thin at to start with is where people should be looking if they are wanting to place 'blame'. Namely OL, LB and RB.
Thank god Indiana isn't in our division. If that were the case something tells me KOK would use his intricate knowledge of Iowa's defesive schemes to average 40 ppg against Iowa and would go undefeated against us.
Iowa was averaging 30 pts a game up and including the MSU game, and several of those games could have had higher scores, including v. MSU, who only has 1 B10 loss. We lose two guards (Gettis, McMahon) and our line play goes from good to not so good (for lack of better description) and all of a sudden KOK is a fish out of water (to use your phrase - but many others have been used to describe him). Keep in mind our line was pretty raw to start with given we lost 2 starters to the NFL, 1 who was a starter but got hurt v. MSU last year and would have made the NFL save his knee injuries, and a long time starter at center. You look at that and then look and see how the group played up through the MSU game and you have to be pretty impressed with the offense and also have to consider what really happened this year.

Injuries at positions we were too thin at to start with is where people should be looking if they are wanting to place 'blame'. Namely OL, LB and RB.

Iowa consistently ranks in the middle of nowwhere to towards last in offense in the nation year in and year out.

Sure injuries play a roll (for every team) but this offense has been poor for an entire decade.
Iowa consistently ranks in the middle of nowwhere to towards last in offense in the nation year in and year out.

Sure injuries play a roll (for every team) but this offense has been poor for an entire decade.

2001, 2002, and 2005 all fall within the last decade. Granted, 3 for 10 is not good at all. But it's not like it's bad EVERY year. I'm still hopeful that we open things up a little bit with a QB who's got the arm to make all the throws.
Ultimately the problem with the offense is KF. If KOK doesn't agree with the offensive philosophy, he should challenge Ferentz on it. Otherwise he's complicit. And KOK's glaring clock management and in-game failure to adapt simply cannot be ignored.

Ferentz needs to find an OC who can run a creative, efficient offense from the pro set and hand the keys over. The current philosophy sucks.
2001, 2002, and 2005 all fall within the last decade. Granted, 3 for 10 is not good at all. But it's not like it's bad EVERY year. I'm still hopeful that we open things up a little bit with a QB who's got the arm to make all the throws.

I can't remember the exact stats but I'm pretty sure Jon has posted that we never ranked any higher than in hte 30's nationally in offense and our average is somewhere in the mid 60's
Here's the deal though. I don't think that KOK is a legitimate candidate for the Indiana job. But I think he is ready to move on to a head coaching position. We all know how these things seem to work. Ferentz gets Indiana to fake interest in KOK. Maybe even gets him an interview. IU hires someone else, but they've done a great service to KOK by getting his name out there. He then gets a job at a MAC school(or equivalent).

That, or "He then gets a nice raise from Iowa". Kirk is well known for having his assistants' backs, it was a key reason Soup came here.

KOK may leave or he may stay but either way this Indiana rumor helps him.
That, or "He then gets a nice raise from Iowa". Kirk is well known for having his assistants' backs, it was a key reason Soup came here.

KOK may leave or he may stay but either way this Indiana rumor helps him.

His assistants pay is dictated in his contract with the University, and if he tried to get KOK an additional raise right now, Barta would choke on his soup.
I can't remember the exact stats but I'm pretty sure Jon has posted that we never ranked any higher than in hte 30's nationally in offense and our average is somewhere in the mid 60's

2001: 45th in total offense, 22nd in scoring offense (with McCann at QB)
2002: 13th in total offense, 7th in scoring offense
2005: 22nd in total offense, 36th in scoring
2006: 27th in total offense, 58th scoring (really underachieved here)

Since 2006 we haven't been top 30 in either category. But the offense isn't awful EVERY year, at least statistically.
Part of me thinks that "interest" in KOK was all fabricated to give the appearance that KOK is wanted by other schools. I've always found it interesting that no one has ever approached Iowa about KOK and his being a guy they wanted to lead their program. At least they haven't to my knowledge. Probably a product of schools not being enamored with a coordinator who's offense routinely ranks in the middle of the pack.
Part of me thinks that "interest" in KOK was all fabricated to give the appearance that KOK is wanted by other schools. I've always found it interesting that no one has ever approached Iowa about KOK and his being a guy they wanted to lead their program. At least they haven't to my knowledge. Probably a product of schools not being enamored with a coordinator who's offense routinely ranks in the middle of the pack.

I am shocked -- SHOCKED! -- that anyone on HawkeyeNation would be so suspicious (disloyal?) as to suggest that anyone on this football staff would find a way to "fabricate" interest from elsewhere in order to gain prestige, sympathy or a raise. Just would never happen.
I am shocked -- SHOCKED! -- that anyone on HawkeyeNation would be so suspicious (disloyal?) as to suggest that anyone on this football staff would find a way to "fabricate" interest from elsewhere in order to gain prestige, sympathy or a raise. Just would never happen.

I hope your joking because Ferentz has probably done this three times in the last ten years.
We're all over thinking this a bit. Why wouldn't he want the gig? It's a chance to lead his own Big Ten program and $3 million total vs. a $300,000+ one year contract?

If you are O'Keefe, you at least hear what they have to say. I can't imagine why you wouldn't.
2001: 45th in total offense, 22nd in scoring offense (with McCann at QB)
2002: 13th in total offense, 7th in scoring offense
2005: 22nd in total offense, 36th in scoring
2006: 27th in total offense, 58th scoring (really underachieved here)

Since 2006 we haven't been top 30 in either category. But the offense isn't awful EVERY year, at least statistically.

LOL Way to be an optimist ;)
2001, 2002, and 2005 all fall within the last decade. Granted, 3 for 10 is not good at all. But it's not like it's bad EVERY year. I'm still hopeful that we open things up a little bit with a QB who's got the arm to make all the throws.

How far back can you go in recalling the "glory days" before you become a Nebraska fan? How many years will we have to go back to find a string of two years where we had a good offense? That distance is getting greater with every year and the more we have to look back at what we were like in 2002 the more we are going to sound like Nebraska fans.
That, or "He then gets a nice raise from Iowa". Kirk is well known for having his assistants' backs, it was a key reason Soup came here.

KOK may leave or he may stay but either way this Indiana rumor helps him.

If KOK gets a freaking RAISE after the warm steaming pile of dog crap he dumped on the new turf this year then there should be an uprising.
Knowing that K'Okeefe ran the spread before coming to Iowa, I'm beginning to wonder if he is just a fish out of water trying to run KF's offense. If he leaves for a HC job, KF needs to find someone who has been running the Iowa offense well elsewhere. I understand the loyalty aspect of hiring the guy that once gave you a job, but don't hire a spread guy to run your pro-style offense.

I've thought this many times myself. If he is good as a spread coach then why try to force a round peg in a square hole? Wouldn't it make better sense (and be more productive) to find a coach who was good at the pro-style of Offense?
How far back can you go in recalling the "glory days" before you become a Nebraska fan? How many years will we have to go back to find a string of two years where we had a good offense? That distance is getting greater with every year and the more we have to look back at what we were like in 2002 the more we are going to sound like Nebraska fans.

I'm not trying to recall the "glory days". I was responding to a statement that our offenses have been bad for an entire decade. As I pointed out, that's not true. Does that really change anything? Of course not, we haven't had a good offense in 5 years. But the point in the post I was responding to was false. That's all I was getting at.
I'm becoming more and more convinced that KOK is not the problem with the offense.

And yet, it's going to take KOK leaving and KF's offenses struggling for several more years for people (including probably KF himself) to wake up and quit defending ineptitude.

There's no excuse for Iowa's offense being this bad in an era where offenses lead the way in both the college and pro ranks.

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