Ferentz said Weisman is Medically Cleared to Play


will be a matter of how effective he can be. Will get light work today and tomorrow and Thursday will be a big day.
I'm still holding out hope for Weisman. If for nothing else, using him around the goal line. But then again, we do have Rogers back there. I just don't see Garmon and Canzeri having the size to punch it in and I gave up all hope of hitting a TE on a quick slant. Pounding it in when we get close has been the only way we score.
I am not getting my hopes up. Anyone that has had a sprained ankle knows how limiting they can be. It entirely depends upon the severity. I guess since he is "medically cleared", perhaps it is not too severe.

Aside from that, what is the deal with Bullock? This guy has been out a month. I realize concussions are a sensitive topic these days in football, but missing 4 games is really something.
Hes got no shot. Its not surprising hes cleared, he was never un cleared. You cant further damage an ankle. They can talpe the **** out of it and he can go. The issue is he cant be effective. Hes probably 50-50 for two weeks from now at best but its like we wont see him until Nov. He might be able to play sooner at FB but I cant see that happening.
Hes got no shot. Its not surprising hes cleared, he was never un cleared. You cant further damage an ankle. They can talpe the **** out of it and he can go. The issue is he cant be effective. Hes probably 50-50 for two weeks from now at best but its like we wont see him until Nov. He might be able to play sooner at FB but I cant see that happening.

How do you know he was never uncleared or cleared or that he won't be back for 2 weeks? Do you have knowledge you could share? I am a new poster and I am curious. I have played with a sprained ankle so I guess I am just wondering if I missed something.
[COLOR=#FF0000 said:
Aside from that, what is the deal with Bullock? This guy has been out a month. I realize concussions are a sensitive topic these days in football, but missing 4 games is really something[/COLOR].

Jahvid Best has been out 12 months with a concussion. The bottom line is that a battery of neurological tests need to be passed in order for a guy to go after a concussion. If one of those boxes isn't checked, the guy doesn't go. For Damon, one or more is still not checked. Plain and simple.
Hes got no shot. Its not surprising hes cleared, he was never un cleared. You cant further damage an ankle. They can talpe the **** out of it and he can go. The issue is he cant be effective. Hes probably 50-50 for two weeks from now at best but its like we wont see him until Nov. He might be able to play sooner at FB but I cant see that happening.

How do you know he was never uncleared or cleared or that he won't be back for 2 weeks? Do you have knowledge you could share? I am a new poster and I am curious. I have played with a sprained ankle so I guess I am just wondering if I missed something.

I have ZERO information, but just observed that it looked eerily similar to Austin Blythe's injury from a few weeks ago. Austin did the same grimaces, tried to tape it, tried to run on it and do some lateral moves and couldn't go. Austin has yet to return. Again, I have zero info on it, but I think we have to mentally move on, assuming he won't play until we see him back on the field.

Not defending what anyone said, just my 2 cents worth.
"can't further damage an ankle"

oh really? and i love how duff talks like he's the doctor on iowa's staff looking at mark's injury. give it up duff, you don't know anymore than anyone else on this board and talking like you do is getting quite old
He cant injure it further because IF he plays hes gonna have it taped to the point he wont be able to injure it further. Its not a break, you cant do further damage.

The last RB that suffered this kind of injury was Marquis Simmons and he missed well over a month.
I agree with Duff here, no shot at all Weisman plays nor do I think he should. Let him rest this week and see how it goes for N'western.
It's a freaking bum angle. For anybody that has ever had one knows that they hurt like a #$% and can take a few days to feel better or much longer.

Now when you are talking about a football player it all comes down to playing on it. Sure he can suit up and hit the field this week but if he does the chances he will be anywhere close to 100% are slim and none.

Why do people make things so difficult?
If KF has shown us anything, he is quite comfortable with playing less than 100% starters (evidence: Tate, Coker) if they say they are good to go. I expect Weisman to be out there against psu based on Jon's commentary.

And I bet Weisman is thinking that Canzeri and Garmon just might put up a such a good show against PSU that it makes things murky for him again. Being a tough cookie, the Golem will be all for taping up his ankle with burlap and giving it a go.
If KF has shown us anything, he is quite comfortable with playing less than 100% starters (evidence: Tate, Coker) if they say they are good to go. I expect Weisman to be out there against psu based on Jon's commentary.

And I bet Weisman is thinking that Canzeri and Garmon just might put up a such a good show against PSU that it makes things murky for him again. Being a tough cookie, the Golem will be all for taping up his ankle with burlap and giving it a go.

I mean you are just kidding yourself here. Not all "bum ankles" are created equal. This is a severe inside sprain. Again we will be lucky if hes back in two weeks, and its more likely that its Nov before hes close to 100%.
I mean you are just kidding yourself here. Not all "bum ankles" are created equal. This is a severe inside sprain. Again we will be lucky if hes back in two weeks, and its more likely that its Nov before hes close to 100%.

Hes got no shot. Its not surprising hes cleared, he was never un cleared. You cant further damage an ankle. They can talpe the **** out of it and he can go. The issue is he cant be effective. Hes probably 50-50 for two weeks from now at best but its like we wont see him until Nov. He might be able to play sooner at FB but I cant see that happening.

How do you know he was never uncleared or cleared or that he won't be back for 2 weeks? Do you have knowledge you could share? I am a new poster and I am curious. I have played with a sprained ankle so I guess I am just wondering if I missed something.

Just ignore 90% of Duffman's posts.
An M.D. wouldn't be able to give a conclusion without examining the injury in person, but Duff knows it all clear across the interwebz...

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