Ferentz on AJ Derby Position Change

It is like Fran said about bb players....they know who should be starting. Let it play out,and if an open competition results in Derby being buried on the depth chart,he may opt to move...or not. Playing time is the most precious commodity a coach has to parcel out...and AJ does want to be on the field.
A few things to keep in mind...while this will be AJ's second spring, he will be a redshirt freshman last year since he enrolled last spring. So his clock is not ticking too bad and he is not wasting away.

AJ will get a good glimpse this spring of how close he is to JVB. My guess is he is miles away, so he is looking at the next 21 months on the bench as a backup QB. Then this fall, he will get a look at the kind of player Rudock is as a thrower, etc.

I think he will come to the reality that he can be a three year player on defense, or fight it out to be a two year starter at QB with a kid whose passing skills and mechanics might exceed his own right now.

I think he'll wind up changing positions this summer, or after next season. Kirk talked yesterday about special teams, and they felt he could help them there. He has that carrot of playing time dangling in front of him right now as it relates to special teams and defense.

Heck, if he made the move this spring, he could fight for the starting OLB position (the Greenway position) in 2011 and would certainly be on the depth chart and on special teams. He is 6-4/225 and can run.

I will be surprised if he isn't on the defensive side of the ball within the next 12 months.
If I remember his 40 time wasn't very fast, that will limit what positins you can play at this level.

He's listed at a 4.6 on Scout, a 4.88 on Rivals. His 4.88 was run back in January of 2009, so he's had time to improve that (assuming that wasn't just a bad run for him in the first place). He's got athleticism.
He's listed at a 4.6 on Scout, a 4.88 on Rivals. His 4.88 was run back in January of 2009, so he's had time to improve that (assuming that wasn't just a bad run for him in the first place). He's got athleticism.

Thank you for the information.
I dont think we are the kind of team that can win while having our best athletes buried in the depth chart. Derby is one of our best athletes, I think he could be pushing for PT right now at another position.

You guys will probably call me crazy, but I'd like to see what CJF could at DE as well, with the talent we have at TE and our history of developing talent there, I think we would be alright. Plus you can't develop size like he has.

You're right, I think you're crazy. CF came to be the next tight end studd at iowa, so he can play te in the nfl, that's what he will be his entire stay with us.
A few things to keep in mind...while this will be AJ's second spring, he will be a redshirt freshman last year since he enrolled last spring. So his clock is not ticking too bad and he is not wasting away.

AJ will get a good glimpse this spring of how close he is to JVB. My guess is he is miles away, so he is looking at the next 21 months on the bench as a backup QB. Then this fall, he will get a look at the kind of player Rudock is as a thrower, etc.

I think he will come to the reality that he can be a three year player on defense, or fight it out to be a two year starter at QB with a kid whose passing skills and mechanics might exceed his own right now.

I think he'll wind up changing positions this summer, or after next season. Kirk talked yesterday about special teams, and they felt he could help them there. He has that carrot of playing time dangling in front of him right now as it relates to special teams and defense.

Heck, if he made the move this spring, he could fight for the starting OLB position (the Greenway position) in 2011 and would certainly be on the depth chart and on special teams. He is 6-4/225 and can run.

I will be surprised if he isn't on the defensive side of the ball within the next 12 months.

Updated weights have him in the 230's. He SCREAMS OLB.
QB A.J. Derby - 225 to 232 (+7)
A few things to keep in mind...while this will be AJ's second spring, he will be a redshirt freshman last year since he enrolled last spring. So his clock is not ticking too bad and he is not wasting away.

AJ will get a good glimpse this spring of how close he is to JVB. My guess is he is miles away, so he is looking at the next 21 months on the bench as a backup QB. Then this fall, he will get a look at the kind of player Rudock is as a thrower, etc.

I think he will come to the reality that he can be a three year player on defense, or fight it out to be a two year starter at QB with a kid whose passing skills and mechanics might exceed his own right now.

I think he'll wind up changing positions this summer, or after next season. Kirk talked yesterday about special teams, and they felt he could help them there. He has that carrot of playing time dangling in front of him right now as it relates to special teams and defense.

Heck, if he made the move this spring, he could fight for the starting OLB position (the Greenway position) in 2011 and would certainly be on the depth chart and on special teams. He is 6-4/225 and can run.

I will be surprised if he isn't on the defensive side of the ball within the next 12 months.

I agree with everything you say as well as the majority in this post but football can be a funny thing. It would take just one play for a blown acl or broken ankle/collar bone and Derby would be right in the mix . . . immediately. Regardless, it's a good problem to have.
He'll never play a down as the starting QB at Iowa.
Of course Iowa told him he could play QB. But then, like the other former 22 QB's they had on their roster last year, the player sees the light and makes the change.
What if, and I qualify that as what if - Weinke decides after spring ball that he's not ever going to see the field unless Vandenberg goes down, he decides to transfer to a FCS school. Then all of a sudden you have Derby and a true freshman as a backup. Certainly changes the landscape in a hurry.
Seems like TE might be the natural position for him. Ex-QB's tend to make very good receivers as they understand defenses...and where the open spots are likely to be. QB's also tend to have good hands and a general grasp of the offense...so the transition might be simpler to TE rather than LB>
I agree with everything you say as well as the majority in this post but football can be a funny thing. It would take just one play for a blown acl or broken ankle/collar bone and Derby would be right in the mix . . . immediately. Regardless, it's a good problem to have.


finally, it was said.

If JVB goes down, and JW struggles, AJ will get his shot. And you just never know....
Derby on special teams, me like.

On another note, he has a chance start at LB this fall. IF he is as good as advertised. I like the idea of him trying both QB and LB in the spring. Letting him get his feet wet at LB. But I would want him to switch back to QB full-time at the beginning of next season. At least until one of the other QBs has some practice under their belts. That said, if he can start at LB then, for the team, he should be at LB.

finally, it was said.

If JVB goes down, and JW struggles, AJ will get his shot. And you just never know....


You go ahead & move him this summer & get an impact player on the field. THEN, if an injury or two happen @ QB, you can always move him back...(that's IF Ruddock isn't clearly a better option, which I suspect he MAY be...).
There is a key point, and the coaches understand it. The player has to WANT to make the change. The only way that Derby will reach his potential in ANY position, is if he is sold on teh move. If he does not want to be a LB, he won't be a good LB. I think it will happen, but the coaches cannot do anything to force the issue.