Ferentz, O'Keefe and Parker and expectations


Well-Known Member
What do they all have in common, besides being football coaches at Iowa? They all have as much job security as a college football coach can have and will all, very likely, leave the University of Iowa on there own accord.

Its a free country and this message board was made for such discussion (so, more power to you, by all means keep discussing it), but all of the talk on these boards about coaching changes is all it is going to end up being. Just talk on message boards that doesn't truly matter or end up effecting any real change.

For all that they have accomplished over the last 13 years, on and off the field, and because they have proven to be good, honorable, and decent men, Kirk Ferentz and his coaching staff have earned enough good will in the AD's office to survive much, much more than just a string of mediocre seasons, especially since we won a bowl game last year and are going to another this year.

As much as these words chafe at many who will read them, this is still the University of Iowa. No more, no less. We are not Michigan, or Ohio St. or LSU or Texas. That does not mean that we have not come a LONG way from where we were in the 60's and 70's. We absolutely have grown tremendously since those days. We have a great stadium. We have great facilities. We have a tradition of winning and we have won conference championships and many bowl games. We often can compete for some of the bigger recruits. We have plenty of money and can support the entire athletics department.

As far as we have come, we are STILL not "in the same league" (figuratively speaking) as Michigan, Ohio State, LSU or Texas, on a long term basis. Of course we all want to get there. I certainly do. It would be great to be able to REALISTICALLY expect to compete for conference championships and BCS bowls every year. It would be great to be able to reload instead of rebuild. KOK would love that. Norm Parker would love that. Kirk Ferentz would love that, and Gary Barta would love that. But, unfortunately, we just simply are not there. We may very well never be.

I am not writing this to say that everything is just peachy-keen in the football program. Not at all. I absolutely have my share of frustrations with KF and his coaching staff. I think they are too predictable. I think they rely on the percentages too much. I think they play not to lose too much. I think KF needs to take to heart the saying that nothing ventured is nothing gained a bit more. I fear that the program has gotten a little stale and could use an infusion of new blood and new ideas.

Do I want KF to leave? Not at all. If he has built the program to a point where being 7-5 and heading to a bowl game is disappoing, well, sign me up for more of that. Want to try being 6-6 and being thrilled about it, like ISU? I didn't think so. (Yeah, we've beaten the #2 team in the country too... except that we were #1 at the time.) What our program needs is tweaking, not wholesale change.

We have lost a LOT of talent to the NFL over the past few years. Florida lost alot to the NFL, they were 6-6 this year. Last year's national champion Auburn is 7-5 this year. Texas was 5-7 last year and will probably end up 7-5 this year. These mega programs who can recruit more talent than they know what to do with can not sustain a high level of success year in and year out when the NFL takes all of there experienced talent. How is Iowa supposed to do any better than them? There are more people in the Dallas-Ft.Worth metroplex than there are in the entire state of Iowa.

Its great to have high expectations, but unless you want to live a life filled with disappointment, you needto temper your high expectations with a little bit of reality. As great as we ALL would love the Iowa Hawkeye football program to be rubbing shoulders with the big boys, year in and year out, the reality of the situation is that that is simply not who we are.

Kirk Ferentz earns every penny of his $3.9 million just so we can rub shoulders with them every once in a while, because he has a LOT farther to go than Michigan or Ohio State or LSU or Texas does. We could easily be Kansas or Indiana or Duke or Washington St. In the 60's through the 70's we were.
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Didn't read, solid work tho.

All I can say is this:

FATS CATS deserve to feel some serious pressure!
I skimmed it - and basically here's a quick summary of what I got out of it:

1. The coaches are good people and have accomplished alot
2. We're Iowa - not OSU or Michigan, so lower your expectations
3. KF deserves his salary
I thought it was well-written for the most part. I don't see the point of making a post that it was too much to read. If you weren't going to bother reading it, don't bother replying to it. That's just stupid and disrespectful.
I skimmed it - and basically here's a quick summary of what I got out of it:

1. The coaches are good people and have accomplished alot
2. We're Iowa - not OSU or Michigan, so lower your expectations
3. KF deserves his salary

Negative, ghostrider. I will not lower expectations.

We have a huge athletic budget. We play football in a f'n cathedral. We pay top rate. Rabid fanbase.

No, sorry, F the "we're just lil' old Iowa" bullcrap. Not buying it.
Negative, ghostrider. I will not lower expectations.

We have a huge athletic budget. We play football in a f'n cathedral. We pay top rate. Rabid fanbase.

No, sorry, F the "we're just lil' old Iowa" bullcrap. Not buying it.

I'm with you 100% Thunder.

I'm not naive to the disadvantages Iowa has compared to many other programs, but that doesn't mean Iowa can't win. It just isn't as easy to do as it is in many other places.

A few times in the past 25 years or so (1985, 2002, 2009) Iowa was in contention for a national title fairly late in the season, although it didn't happen. Hayden won 8-9+ games pretty much every year in the 1980's. KF had four Top 10 finishes in the 2000's.

Iowa has proven in the past 30 years that it can be better than a 7-5 program.
Once the OP played the "we're just Iowa" card, he lost all credibility.

Also....all that NFL talent sure didn't help much last season.
After reading the cliff notes of the other posters.

Get out of here with this were just Iowa junk. Go be a loser somewheres else.
I read your post and it is well written, but will have to respectfully disagree with about 90% of it.

My Opinion is KF should be pressured to change. When you pay one man 3.9 mil that ends up being over 4 mil then this is a business. Where is the return on the money? Where are the big ten championships? The game, no play, that help get KF that money was made by the QB. Tate called the play against LSU not KF.

Why do we treat this man as if he is a Golden Cow? The staff should be named the Untouchables, because thats what they become. He is protecting a paycheck not trying to win games. Just enough dose not cut it for me.

I think he should go, because I think he is the real problem. I know that will not happen, so at the very least let your DC go. Diabetes has effected his sight as well. How are you going to coach football if you cant see?
Once the OP played the "we're just Iowa" card, he lost all credibility.

Also....all that NFL talent sure didn't help much last season.

Well, then I guess Jon Miller has no credibility either, because he has said very similar things and I think would agree with me.

For the record, I am not saying that we are "just lil' Iowa." We are not Northwestern or ISU or Indiana or Kansas. Our football program is at a level where we can realistically expect more than the fans of Minnesota or Purdue or Kentucky or Kansas can.

All I was saying is that we are not one of the elite programs like Michigan or Ohio State or LSU or Texas yet... yet. We have too many intrinsic disadvantages to consistently perform at their level over the long term and our fans can't justify a case for realistically having the lofty expectations that those programs have.

I'm not saying we can't demand more from our football program or set lofty goals. I'm just saying we have no right yet to act like the sky is falling if our football team fails to win 9 or more games or doesn't make a January bowl game.

I agree that the Hawks could have had (probably should have had) a better record last year as well as this year and that the coaches failings were significant contributors to those disappointing records. I want them to straighten up and fly right and amend their ways as well. I just don't think it is a failing deserving of replacement yet. KF and company have done a great job in the past and I believe that can again in the future.
Negative, ghostrider. I will not lower expectations.

We have a huge athletic budget. We play football in a f'n cathedral. We pay top rate. Rabid fanbase.

No, sorry, F the "we're just lil' old Iowa" bullcrap. Not buying it.

Wanting something to be true is not the same as it actually being true. Iowa has a tremendous amount to be proud of and is certainly one of the better programs in the country, but we are still not one of the elites, as much as people around here want it to be, including myself.
Well, then I guess Jon Miller has no credibility either, because he has said very similar things and I think would agree with me..

First Jon Miller dose great things with this site, and I appreciate what he dose here. Jon is a very intelligent man and knows not to bite the hand that feeds him (information). When it comes to this kind of stuff I always take Jon's opinions with a grain of salt.
I don't think fans that try and get people to think logically meaning you take into account Iowa's population and disadvantages only want Iowa to win 7 games. I think we will have 2-3 of those or maybe even a 5 win season in a decade. But I also think KF gives us the best chance to have those 2-3 special seasons every decade as well.

You have to be able to develop talent at Iowa, your never going to stumble across top 10 recruiting classes or even top 20 on a regular basis at Iowa. Look at KF record past and current of turning out players to the NFL. What KF does need is a few classes that are not hit by attrition. If that happens he has a a good chance of being Iowa's best opportunity at those special seasons.
Ferentz is a wussy. He should play to win, not lose for 3.8 million. Take a freaking chance. Don't punt twice inside the 40 when you're getting pounded, might as well as just taken a knee on the punts also.....
Yes but we should be at least 9-3 and this year. That's the problem, we shouldn't have to lower expectations because our current staff and talent have what it takes to win those embarrassing losses. They just...don't.

Our expectations of 9-3, 10-2 or 11-1 are warranted because we ARE that good, yet we manage to play too close, or without passion, blah blah blah. And that my friend is the problem. Being the representative of the state of Iowa has nothing to do with not contending for Big Ten titles (divisional titles at the least).

One last point, you are right, we are NOT Kansas. So when we do win a BCS bowl we should expect more, because unlike Kansas we have the resources to do so.
I think that most rational Iowa fans agree with UP's thesis. Most have been said at one point or another.

The bottom line for me is this- NOTHING EVER CHANGES.

- Our defense last year with 6 to 8 NFL players can't get off the field, nothing changes.

- Our special teams blows- don't appoint a coach. Nothing changes.

- Our offense is predicatable- nothing changes.

- I could go on forever, you get the point. I think KF needs to infuse some new blood into the program now, or risk a fan base that is growing very tired of the same thing pretty much every year.
How can any fan say "We're just Iowa, we will never be good like other schools. I'm ok with that. I just need to lower my expectations." ? ? ? ?

I just don't get it. Are we not supposed to raise the bar? Isn't the goal to win a national championship? Do the players/coaches really go into a season saying "Guys... You are playing at Iowa... Don't expect to win a national championship... Feel lucky if we win the B1G. If you wanted to win NC's you should have gone to (Insert 'good' team's name here)."

I really hope our coaches don't recruit kids with the intention of never winning a NC.

I'm so tired of the "We're just lil ol Iowa" talk.

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