Ferentz: "Not much energy into DC search. Do that in January."

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Good to know that while Urban is out
1. doing nothing BUT finding great coaches to populate his staff, we are
2. doing nothing about finding one

You have no idea how stupid this makes you look do you?

Tell me, is Urban also getting a team ready to play in a bowl game?

If KF was trying to find a DC right now and Iowa came out and got destroyed in the bowl game then you guy's would b!tch and moan about how he should have put a game plan together before finding a coach.
If I'm a coach of another program in competition with Iowa for a recruit, the first freakin' thing I'm bringing up is the lack of a DC and the DL coach leaving. And I repeat it every chance I get.

How about this....it has to be posted for two weeks and that hasnt been done yet. Once it gets posted they have to go through the formal interview process. They are probably a little busy right now ya know, with that bowl game coming up.

The fact that there is no buzz indicates strongly that he already has his guy behind the scenes. After the bowl game they will formally post the position and in 2 weeks he will announce the guy.

Other than not appeasing you they arent missing out on anything by announcing someone now vs Jan 15th
You have no idea how stupid this makes you look do you?

Tell me, is Urban also getting a team ready to play in a bowl game?

If KF was trying to find a DC right now and Iowa came out and got destroyed in the bowl game then you guy's would b!tch and moan about how he should have put a game plan together before finding a coach.

No I wouldn't. I really don't give a **** about defending our Insight Bowl title. If we're not playing on new years day, which has become very diluted itself, a bowl win really doesn't matter that much.
If I'm a coach of another program in competition with Iowa for a recruit, the first freakin' thing I'm bringing up is the lack of a DC and the DL coach leaving. And I repeat it every chance I get.

And when the recruit voices his concerns to Iowa Kirk Ferentz says - the new DC is the guy who has been recruiting you, Phil Parker.
12-21-2011 08:32 PMEaston
Originally Posted by MissouriHerk
12-21-2011 08:22 PMimported_5446myno
Do any of you really think he's just sitting on this doing nothing for now?

Isn't that what he essentially said? ("little energy")
You get a pass since you are from Missouri. Can't expect much from you.

Another guy on this site who never stood up for himself in real life so gets it out on a computer with direct insults to other posters. Being from Missouri bears upon ability to understand KF's statement? Shall we not take him at his word?
Good to know that while Urban is out
1. doing nothing BUT finding great coaches to populate his staff, we are
2. doing nothing about finding one

OSU has two coaching staffs. Meyer has plenty of time to think about things outside, you know, coaching and preparing a team right now.

Blind faith is a beautiful thing.
Its not even really blind anymore, Kirk himself is OUTRIGHT telling us he doesn't care enough to even bother thinking about a coach.

If anyone thinks that Iowa won't get punk'd on the recruiting trail because of this, you are absolutely insane.

It is pretty damn funny. It's really not even worth it to try and reason with them, Kirk is a golden god in their eyes.

If KF dropped his pants on the sidelines and just stood there looking at the unpainted water tower as KOK calls bubble screen after bubble screen, would that be enough to say...we might need to move in a new direction?
Statement or question?

How 'bout if KF keeps his back to the field for the entire game, looking into the eyes of his players? Is that enough?

How 'bout if KF throws down his headset, runs out onto the field, grabs the ball and runs into the locker room? Enough? Yes, No?

what possible advantage is gained by NOT naming a DC if KF knows who it is?
Are you this big ofa treydoosh (or do you prefer dooshchase?) in real life?

Because you touch yourself at night.

Treychase needs to know so name him. He gets on a free message board so he deserves it. It is killing the program cause treychase doesn't know.

I am guessing these types of hires are something you will never experience in your professional life. Watch how the adults do this and you can pretend on your PlayStation next week.
what possible advantage is gained by NOT naming a DC if KF knows who it is?
That person may already have another job to finish. Or they may be looking to follow established university guidelines for hiring. Or any # of other reasons he won't be explaining to you.

Why the rush? I really don't understand the sense of frenzy. I assume it's simply a matter of getting hysterical because you aren't in a position to know what's actually going on?

KF has a pretty damn good history of hiring and a well-documented work ethic. But I'm sure instead of granting him well-built trust it's much brighter to run off the deep-end without anything on which to base your panic.
And when the recruit voices his concerns to Iowa Kirk Ferentz says - the new DC is the guy who has been recruiting you, Phil Parker.

You guys are slow.
Why not announce that publicly?
Why make it more difficult than it already is for this challenged staff.
Keeping that quiet serves what purpose?
I am guessing that the majority of the posters here are being ignorant for fun. There is no possible way that this many morons can find their way to one website at once.

Maybe getting internet access to all was a bad choice.

That is good sound logic, but honestly I've been on many boards for many teams and 3 in particular for Iowa fans and honestly I think they are that jaded and that bitter and that out of touch with reality they really do. They are the same every where, I could name you some names of them on other boards and they would be saying exactly the same stuff. The good news is they don't say much when we are winning, the bad news is they aren't prejudiced, they are equal opportunity crap throwers. And anyone not dang pis^&% and calling for heads is an apologist or a "blind follower"! But truly to get on the Internet and say what they say is honestly pretty ignorant and I could prove it if they had to disclose who they were and where they worked ahead of time. They'd get real quiet then. They wouldn't want us to know them personally so we could call them out for their BS...
See if they are that way in real life, they'd be poor employees and not very many would truly speak highly of them and if they just say it because no one knows them, then they lack courage and integrity.
No I wouldn't. I really don't give a **** about defending our Insight Bowl title. If we're not playing on new years day, which has become very diluted itself, a bowl win really doesn't matter that much.

Whatever dude, you wouldn't be on here b!tching about this staff if Iowa got beat by 35? I have a feeling you would be and would be calling for the firing of KF.
12-21-2011 08:32 PMEaston
Originally Posted by MissouriHerk
12-21-2011 08:22 PMimported_5446myno
Do any of you really think he's just sitting on this doing nothing for now?

Isn't that what he essentially said? ("little energy")
You get a pass since you are from Missouri. Can't expect much from you.

Another guy on this site who never stood up for himself in real life so gets it out on a computer with direct insults to other posters. Being from Missouri bears upon ability to understand KF's statement? Shall we not take him at his word?
Yopu have yet to demonstrate that you understood what he said. You are equating "putting little energy" inot "sitting around waiting to do anything".

KF has been preparing for this for a very long time now.
If KF dropped his pants on the sidelines and just stood there looking at the unpainted water tower as KOK calls bubble screen after bubble screen, would that be enough to say...we might need to move in a new direction?

And with every post you cement it....not very long ago (this summer on this board) many lamented why we didn't run the bubble screen anymore...?!?!
Heck you were probably one of them.
Blind faith is a beautiful thing.Its not even really blind anymore, Kirk himself is OUTRIGHT telling us he doesn't care enough to even bother thinking about a coach.If anyone thinks that Iowa won't get punk'd on the recruiting trail because of this, you are absolutely insane.
wow. Simply mind boggling....i can only laugh at this crap
Maybe he has someone hired already but they don't want it public until January.

Sorry, but i'm going back to THIS.

Do you really think Kirk/Iowa would announce who is going to be the next D coordinator (sp?) before Norm's last game?

Give it a day after the game.
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