Ferentz' Contract

The recent NYTimes article that ranked states college football love and Iowa was behind only Alabama, Nebraska, and Oklahoma.....#4 in college football fan love.....so no wonder when the teams are bad, there is much gnashing of the teeth.


And Kirk's lawyer begins negotiating with Barta
When people start talking about what a good person he is I get terribly worried that we've lost sight of WHY he is the head football coach. It's to WIN freakin games. The way to WIN freakin games is to RECRUIT very well then have the brains to be a good developer and GAME DAY coach which Ferentz is TERRIBLE (see multiple special team gaffs). It's ridiculous to pay someone that much money because he's a good person. Hell I've never been charged for a felony hire me for a 10M dollars...if that's our standard now for head football coaches.
The more frustrating thing to me is consistently getting beat to lesser teams. For the most part the Hawks have played well against higher ranked competition.
Now that's rankling.

This post needs a major qualifier. For the most part, Iowa has played well against higher ranked competition coached by Joe Paterno, Lloyd Carr and Ron Zook, none of whom coach at the collegiate level anymore. Ferentz has gotten trucked by OSU. Just absolutely trucked, save for 2004 when they were breaking in Troy Smith. He trucked Dantonio once when Dantonio had a highly ranked team in 2010, but other than that, when MSU has been good, they have trucked us. Wisconsin trucks us when they are good. The rest of the Big Ten has pretty much sucked in his tenure, with the exception of Purdue having a few decent teams in Tiller's era that Kurt beat.

All I'm saying is if you take away the games coached by Paterno, Carr and Zook (FL bowl and 2007 IL game), Ferentz's record against higher ranked competition is pretty bad, with a handful of exceptions.

Query how many Rose Bowls Hayden would have gone to had Michigan taken the nose dive it has over the past several years whilst Hayden was coach.