Ferentz coaching tree?

Yeah those Norm Parker, Phil Parker, etc hires have been turrrrible.

The offense is Kirks. This is HIS philosophy.
Plus, as a coach, you are "in a box" when the numbers and results tell you that the OC isn't doing what needs to be done to become a championship team to support the outstanding defense...and he is your son, your hire.
Plus, as a coach, you are "in a box" when the numbers and results tell you that the OC isn't doing what needs to be done to become a championship team to support the outstanding defense...and he is your son, your hire.

Kirk is the offense. When you get that maybe you will understand.
Look, pal, I believe you’ve worked around enough bidness to know that you either grow and flourish or you whither and die. Coaching at the P5 level is certainly big bidness. It feels like the Iowa football program under Kirk Ferentz has plateaued, has gone stagnant. There’s little energy or creativity. There are no young bucks pushing the herd, no one looking to make their bones and become a head coach one day. Save for one.

Not healthy, IMHO.

First off, if we beat Nebraska and win our bowl game to finish the year with 10 wins, we will have posted 47 wins in the last 5 years, which will be the best 5 year run of Ferentz's entire 21 tenure. So your assertion that it has plateaued is factually incorrect.

Second, our assistant coaching staff is younger than at any point in Ferentz's tenure. With the exception of KOK, Phil Parker, and Jay Nieman, the rest of our assistants are all pretty young....certainly younger than we've been in the coaching staff since the start of Ferentz's tenure....so again, not factually correct.
It is a different era. Pay us better for assts

Couldn't resist though. The tree looks like Charlie Browns
Not sure I give two shits about a coaching tree (Fry's awesome one notwithstanding and we'll probably never see again). Fry's coaching tree paid huge dividends between 1981 and 1991. However, I'm not so sure it does wonders for stability and continuity, as 1992-1998 can attest to.

I care about results and both men have had eerily similar results in the 41 years combined. Which pretty much only proves that there's more than one way to go about having success.
First off, if we beat Nebraska and win our bowl game to finish the year with 10 wins, we will have posted 47 wins in the last 5 years, which will be the best 5 year run of Ferentz's entire 21 tenure. So your assertion that it has plateaued is factually incorrect.

Second, our assistant coaching staff is younger than at any point in Ferentz's tenure. With the exception of KOK, Phil Parker, and Jay Nieman, the rest of our assistants are all pretty young....certainly younger than we've been in the coaching staff since the start of Ferentz's tenure....so again, not factually correct.
Not sure I give two shits about a coaching tree (Fry's awesome one notwithstanding and we'll probably never see again). Fry's coaching tree paid huge dividends between 1981 and 1991. However, I'm not so sure it does wonders for stability and continuity, as 1992-1998 can attest to.

I care about results and both men have had eerily similar results in the 41 years combined. Which pretty much only proves that there's more than one way to go about having success.
How many other HCes have a tree anything similar to Fry’s?

I don’t remember any coaching tree pics when Saban or Urban or Jimmy H or Paddy Fitz or Stoops have a game.

But I’m going by memory instead of somebody else’s chart.

It's not even really the number of coaches under Fry that went on to be head coaches, but it's the success they had that is remarkable. Synder at Kansas St!!!!
If KF decided to demote his OC to OL coach (where he did have some success), with the commensurate decrease in pay, and then brought in a $million/year hotshot OC (paid for through restructuring of his own contract), it would be the single greatest "legacy" move he could possibly pull off.

No guarantee it would work as we have seen Iowa teams struggle with coordinator transitions, but it would buy him lots of goodwill and somewhat burnish out the nepotism blemish on his legacy.
but snyder, alvarez, ferentz, stoops, mccarney, bielema, etc, etc. do get hired. i wouldn't compare PP to the pedigree of ast coaches hayden hired.

better give up your fandom then. If you don't know this is all Kirk then I don't know what to tell you. How many national titles did Hayden win again?
but snyder, alvarez, ferentz, stoops, mccarney, bielema, etc, etc. do get hired. i wouldn't compare PP to the pedigree of ast coaches hayden hired.

Kirk was 4 - 3 versus Barry head to head. Kirk was 2 - 3 versus Bielema. You'd think Kirk lost every game to these "better" coaches.
So can a guy be a part of 2 coaching trees?

Because KF is part of 2 coaching trees. Yeah, I know I am blowing your mind with this shit.:)
Hmmmm...the Kirk Coaching Tree seems to be quite, average. Or below average considering his abnormally long tenure at "average is ok and not as bad as it used to be" Iowa.

Hiring the "right coaching candidate" formula:

Family connection is a lock. Legacy Hire 101.

Ability to say nothing of substance to the media or anything critical of Kirkball.

Stability...I am here, I don't want to leave, this is a safe place to draw a salary forever.

An innate ability to do, and want to do, exactly what Kirk wants in his game plan and coaching philosophy. Dwight clones.


Personal ambition to succeed and become a head coach...LOL

A burning desire to win, not just enough, but championships...LOL

Kirk and Brian...thanks for considering me for a coaching position...I really want to coach at Iowa...I have these 10-15 great, innovative plays...LOL

Average is ok. Correct...it has worked for 20+ years!

"I'm Still Standing" Elton John theme song.

A lot of these remind me of another coach ... Bill Belichick.

Family connection is a lock - Steve Belichick is Patriots' safeties coach & Brian Belichick is coaching assistant - check
Ability to say nothing of substance to the media or critical of Patriots football - check
Stability - check (see Josh Daniels and Dante Scarnecchia) :)
An innate ability to do, and want to do, exactly what Bill wants in his game plan and coaching philosophy - check
A burning desire to win - check :)
A lot of these remind me of another coach ... Bill Belichick.

Family connection is a lock - Steve Belichick is Patriots' safeties coach & Brian Belichick is coaching assistant - check
Ability to say nothing of substance to the media or critical of Patriots football - check
Stability - check (see Josh Daniels and Dante Scarnecchia) :)
An innate ability to do, and want to do, exactly what Bill wants in his game plan and coaching philosophy - check
A burning desire to win - check :)
All leadership/hiring/coaching styles are awesome if you win championships!

If you are average for 20+ years, pissing down your leg on the big opportunity games, not so much.

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