Ferentz coaching tree?

better give up your fandom then. If you don't know this is all Kirk then I don't know what to tell you. How many national titles did Hayden win again?

you sure are good at reading things into posts that aren't there. congratulations. why is it that my opinion is wrong and yours is right?
Isn’t this only a discussion because of Hayden Fry? I’ve never heard any other coach talked about his staff and certainly not 20 years after retirement.
It is a legitimate question to ask whether Kirk’s management style, particularly his nepotistic hire and promotion of an individual who is now Iowa’s offensive coordinator, is limiting the success of this team. Iowa ranks 9th in overall offense in the B1G and 11th in scoring offense.

Hayden generally looked for the best staff he could get to Iowa City. He managed to land a number of up-and-comers who contributed to the success of his program and who then largely went on to their own successful careers.

If we had a better OC, chances are he would have helped recruit better talent at the skill positions and have come up with a better offensive scheme. I submit a more potent offense may have turned at least two of our L’s into W’s in frankly a weak West Division.

Iowa is fortunate to have a damned good FG kicker this year who in some games has accounted for at least half the team’s points. But I’m not sure what it says when we’ve attempted 32 FGs so far this season, double or even near triple what most of the other teams have tried. I don’t know about you but I’d like to see more PATs and fewer FGs.
It is a legitimate question to ask whether Kirk’s management style, particularly his nepotistic hire and promotion of an individual who is now Iowa’s offensive coordinator, is limiting the success of this team. Iowa ranks 9th in overall offense in the B1G and 11th in scoring offense.

Hayden generally looked for the best staff he could get to Iowa City. He managed to land a number of up-and-comers who contributed to the success of his program and who then largely went on to their own successful careers.

If we had a better OC, chances are he would have helped recruit better talent at the skill positions and have come up with a better offensive scheme. I submit a more potent offense may have turned at least two of our L’s into W’s in frankly a weak West Division.

Iowa is fortunate to have a damned good FG kicker this year who in some games has accounted for at least half the team’s points. But I’m not sure what it says when we’ve attempted 32 FGs so far this season, double or even near triple what most of the other teams have tried. I don’t know about you but I’d like to see more PATs and fewer FGs.

But what your post is also saying is that Phil and Norm Parker are bad hires because they didn’t get head coaching jobs. I also don’t remember being impressed at all with the mid 90s Hayden staff.

I can understand having frustrations with the current offense, but that’s a real different issue than the coaching staff from 40 years ago. Especially considering Fry and Ferenz’s success (and short comings) has been remarkably similar.
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This graphic isn't comprehensible. where does that Dan Mccarney line go? and what's it mean?

Under the Meyer subclade. Didn't Dan overlap with Meyer? Taught him everything he knew about defense. Meyer is nowhere without McCarney and Fry.

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