Fellow Forum Posters

That seems to be the bar for those of us in our teens in 1987 - 1988. Lol.

There are those who drove to Seattle thru blizzard conditions in Nebraska and Wyoming, where the snowflakes looked like snowballs in the mountains of Utah, who also had a difficult time navigating Deadman Pass in Oregon, and stopped at the Ranch Motel as soon as it came into sight.....



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Yeah, I am not blaming the refs at all. Again, Nebraska took advantage to the way the game was called and Iowa just laid down and took it. Iowa lost that game. That said, he was being hammered both during the inbounding and then immediately after. He also got the fouls called- but - like for instance - right before the inbound pass was stolen, the reason Jordan wasn't ready for the pass is that he was basically picking himself up off the floor from being leveled and no call before that. One spot, there was an inadvertent horn that sounded, right after Iowa got the ball in to Connor, who was being fouled like crazy and then Iowa had to re-set up - in a play where there was a ton of more fouling.

Our guards couldn't match the intensity or physical play that Nebraska had down the stretch and they folded. Iowa is soft - no other word to describe it.

Have to agree. At one point I was watching Bo and the defensive player pushing and banging up against each other like a pair of linemen in football. Worst officiating in college basketball that I have ever seen. The zebras should be facing suspension if not termination.
That's fine spin doctoring. Yet somehow I find it feeling tremendously un-tremendous. With a squad full of upperclassmen, this season has turned into the barely keeping our heads above water. The talent that we have is the best it's been under Fran and the results are lack luster to say the least. I'm not one bit satisfied. Need a deep NCAA run now to salvage respect for this season.

I was being half-facetious because Fran called it "tremendous". But if you put his comment in context regarding how bad we were last year and the toughness of the B1G, I'd say his comment isn't as ridiculous as people are making it out to be.
Keeping it real, basically every poster is right in this thread.

Did Nebraska play out of its mind and get lucky? Absolutely. There's not much you can do defensively when a team is chucking up desperation threes, and they all go in. That literally was a one in a thousand result for Nebraska, but, give them credit. They played their arses off at the end.

Is this staff once again showing that they can't put a consistently competitive team on the court? Also absolutely. The bottom line is recruiting. For whatever reason, Fran just can't recruit at PG, and, doesn't seem to understand the importance of the intangibles - grit, determination, leadership, mental toughness, etc. He recruits the nice kids from nice families, that nicely fold and lose games when the going gets tough.
Keeping it real, basically every poster is right in this thread.

Did Nebraska play out of its mind and get lucky? Absolutely. There's not much you can do defensively when a team is chucking up desperation threes, and they all go in. That literally was a one in a thousand result for Nebraska, but, give them credit. They played their arses off at the end.

Is this staff once again showing that they can't put a consistently competitive team on the court? Also absolutely. The bottom line is recruiting. For whatever reason, Fran just can't recruit at PG, and, doesn't seem to understand the importance of the intangibles - grit, determination, leadership, mental toughness, etc. He recruits the nice kids from nice families, that nicely fold and lose games when the going gets tough.
That pretty much sums up my point. It wouldn't have mattered who or how we were guarding Palmer and Watson at the end of regulation. They were in an all time zone. They could have shot from half court and they would have gone in. It was like watching Ty Webb channeling his inner Zen on the putting green.
Keeping it real, basically every poster is right in this thread.

Did Nebraska play out of its mind and get lucky? Absolutely. There's not much you can do defensively when a team is chucking up desperation threes, and they all go in. That literally was a one in a thousand result for Nebraska, but, give them credit. They played their arses off at the end.

Is this staff once again showing that they can't put a consistently competitive team on the court? Also absolutely. The bottom line is recruiting. For whatever reason, Fran just can't recruit at PG, and, doesn't seem to understand the importance of the intangibles - grit, determination, leadership, mental toughness, etc. He recruits the nice kids from nice families, that nicely fold and lose games when the going gets tough.

He also doesn't recruit athleticism. We have to be the least athletic power conference program. When Rutgers and other bottom feeders are clearly more athletic than you it's a problem.
Our entire team must practice with the QB red jerseys on. It's like they have never seen contact before. The recurring theme is that we cant play through physicality. Why is it that over and over again we look like children that need saved by the refs whistle?
You can't count on drawing 20 fouls a game in the B1G.

Finesse basketball doesn't work in the B1G. Plain and simple. Until Fran figures that out we will be a middle of the pack team in the good years and worse in the down ones. Yay!

And yet.... Nebraska had 25 fouls called on them. We shot a very respectable 21-32 from the line (16-21 for all players other than Cook). Our free throws down the stretch didn't cost us the game. Cook had a very off game; I tend to agree with some others on here that his knee is bothering him more than he would say.
Hear me out. Fran has played the better freshman over the veteran repeatedly at Iowa. If Joe T. is that good I think he plays a lot of PG minutes. Connor backs him up. JB plays a lot of shooting guard. If Moss moves on JB could start at SG.
Are their rumors that Moss is leaving?
Things average out.

We "luck out" with two game-ending 3's and everybody chuckles.
We lose a tough one and everybody goes bonkers.

10-10....it clearly states who we are. Good, bad or indifferent.
3) Cook is a lazy player, his cuts are half speed and his footwork is bad which gets him out of position many times
After watching my first women's basketball game ever on Sunday I was amazed at Megan Gustafson's hands. If cook had hands like her he would never turn the ball over. I was really impressed with how fast she was able to catch, turn and shoot accurately
And yet.... Nebraska had 25 fouls called on them. We shot a very respectable 21-32 from the line (16-21 for all players other than Cook). Our free throws down the stretch didn't cost us the game. Cook had a very off game; I tend to agree with some others on here that his knee is bothering him more than he would say.
18 of those were intentional. They were practically in the double bonus before they had a foul called on them, it was crazy
After watching my first women's basketball game ever on Sunday I was amazed at Megan Gustafson's hands. If cook had hands like her he would never turn the ball over. I was really impressed with how fast she was able to catch, turn and shoot accurately

I've said it before and I'll say it again (and likely take a lot of guff for it): The women's game, while still an athletic game, is more about fundamentals than athleticism.

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