Fastest White Guy Ever

This whole thread is based on a false premise. The fastest white man ever is Rex Kramer.

[ame=]Rex Kramer: Danger Seeker - YouTube[/ame]
Lemaitre finished 6th last night. At only 22, he should have a bright future ahead.Another interesting result relevant to this thread: David Rudisha of Kenya won the 800m in record time (1st man to go sub-1:41). A Kenyan 800m winner is not remarkable; they have won 4 times since '88, most recently in Beijing. However, all previous champions have come from the Kalenjin group of tribes, known for their small stature and slight builds. Rudisha is from the Masai tribe, known to be tall and muscular. He was the first ever gold medalist from his tribe (his father won a silver in the 4x400). It was cool to see how much it meant to him to win the gold for his tribe, as well as for his country.The 800m record was held by Wilson Kipketer for 13 years (1:41.11) before Rudisha started whittling away at it 2 years ago (now 1:40.91). How long until someone goes under 1:40?

smoothest runner i have ever seen is rudisha. he also runs on kenya's 4x400 team. with the right training he could do damage in the mile too.
Yeah I saw the race last night. It's hard to focus on anyone else when Bolt runs like that. But that guy can fly!
Bolt has already cemented his legacy, but what do you think would do the most to grow it even further:
  • Sweep 100m and 200m again in Rio
  • Set the 400m record, holding all 3 at the same time (probably within his grasp if he trained at that distance)
  • Become the first human to long jump over 30 feet (some have speculated that he could)

1) i dont think he can win in would be remarkable but unlikely.
2) doesnt have the training diligence to become the best 400 runner as referenced by the reason he runs 100 and 200.
3) long jump is the place i think he should try to extend his reputation at. maybe the triple jump...he is built to dominate at either if he can learn the technique.
Bolt has already cemented his legacy, but what do you think would do the most to grow it even further:

  • Sweep 100m and 200m again in Rio
  • Set the 400m record, holding all 3 at the same time (probably within his grasp if he trained at that distance)
  • Become the first human to long jump over 30 feet (some have speculated that he could)

That's a great question. All three options would be great and I can see him doing any or all of them.

Winning the 400 (world record) would have to take the cake though. That would be total dominance and the most impressive. Not to call the 400 'easy' but I don't think he is too far off, I think he would be very competitive right now.

Winning the 100 and 200 again in Rio is something I expect him to do. And will be unreal in historical context. No has ever defended the 100 title, let alone 3 peat.

And I can imagine him long jumping for 30 feet. That seems like a natural barrier to break, 10 sec barrier, 4 min mile, the 30 foot jump has a ring to it.

My one criticism of bolt, I can't stand the way he refuses to ever finish a race hard. He can celebrate for the next four years/lifetime if he wants, why he needs to start celebrating with 10m left is peculiar and immature to me.
2) doesnt have the training diligence to become the best 400 runner as referenced by the reason he runs 100 and 200.

He hasn't shown the necessary diligence yet, and perhaps that is something that can't change (the whole "tiger can't change its stripes" thing). However, I think this is the thing most within his grasp. There was a rumor that he might run on the Jamaican 4x400 in this Olympics, but Jamaica DNFed in the heats.
I don't get racist remark. To me , they all my brothers and sisters since we all come from one human parents called Adam and Eve. Not the pron stuffs Shane

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