@ "Fans" who left the game early

No I obviously don't think Iowa fans invented this. Good grief I never came close to saying or implying that. But I certainly can reserve judgement against those for leaving early. It's as much my right to do that as it is for those who do it is to leave. Sure you have the right to leave. But that sure makes you someone whos tickets I wished went to someone else instead. To me that's quitting on your team. It's that simple. I want my kid to not quit at anything he does. So I'm not going to do it. Is Iowa going to win every game and look good doing it? No but they are my team. Always have been and always will. I can't ask them kids to not quit playing hard if I'm going to quit on them. I just don't understand why if your willing to leave early why in the hell you go to begin with.
Any body else see that move "The Fan" with Robert DeNiro? I can't quite put my finger on it, but something I heard recently reminded me of the DeNiro character.
Point #1: If you were not at the game and you have the balls to criticize anyone that was actually there (i.e. paid their money and helped to support the program financially), then it's YOU that is the crappy fan, not to mention a giant douchenozzle to boot.

Point#2: I have had season tickets for 25 years, missed only one home game during that time (funeral last year), have attended several road games, have only left early twice (both weather related), and was one of the last handful of people left in the stadium after the Tennessee Tech monsoon game a few years back. My fan credentials are impeccable. And it took everything that I could muster to stay in my seat during the break between the 3rd and 4th quarters after watching that garbage display of football. Was I glad that I stayed? Absolutely not. That was a garbage performance against a garbage team, and people act like we won the freaking Super Bowl. I've been to over 150 games, seen some great wins, heartbreaking losses, many butt-kickings, and a ton of crap in between, and that was NOT a game to remember or one to be proud of.
I am as proud of this win as any other. A 10 win mac team is nothing to sneeze at. For much of every call and every lucky bounce was going against Iowa, but the team endured where other teams may not. It is not uncommon for mac teams to win against major conferences anymore
I will remember this one fondly as I do games such as the one against Tulsa 21 years ago. That was another exciting ending with a TD plus a 2 point conversation Paul Burmeister to Scott Slutzker. Jim Zabel love love loved it! One could also say 1986 at Minnesota with the 2 late field goal attempts was another one where Iowa did not play well early but came back.