@ "Fans" who left the game early


:mad: You should all be ashamed of yourselves for your lack of faith and confidence in your team. It was a two score game with plenty of time left. You missed IMO the greatest comeback and quarterback performance since 2011. You missed dominant play by the Iowa defense forcing a 3 and out then a turnover late. I stuck with the team yelling and screaming until the last snap. I unlike you was confidant in victory from start till finish despite the early and mid game setbacks. Next time reclaim your status as loyal Iowa fans by sticking with your team. These kids work their tails off for victory please do your part. That is all.
Would you be saying this if the final score is 13-3?? People can't predict the future and Iowa has shown nothing for 3 and 1/2 quarters.
Hopefully the fans that stayed give the fans who left who sit next to them tons of crap next week....gutless turds!
:mad: You should all be ashamed of yourselves for your lack of faith and confidence in your team. It was a two score game with plenty of time left. You missed IMO the greatest comeback and quarterback performance since 2011. You missed dominant play by the Iowa defense forcing a 3 and out then a turnover late. I stuck with the team yelling and screaming until the last snap. I unlike you was confidant in victory from start till finish despite the early and mid game setbacks. Next time reclaim your status as loyal Iowa fans by sticking with your team. These kids work their tails off for victory please do your part. That is all.

Would you be saying this if the final score is 13-3?? People can't predict the future and Iowa has shown nothing for 3 and 1/2 quarters.

Of course he would and so would I. I love being
in the stadium on game day. Win or lose it's a great
time. Security has to ask me to leave... lol
:mad: You should all be ashamed of yourselves for your lack of faith and confidence in your team. It was a two score game with plenty of time left. You missed IMO the greatest comeback and quarterback performance since 2011. You missed dominant play by the Iowa defense forcing a 3 and out then a turnover late. I stuck with the team yelling and screaming until the last snap. I unlike you was confidant in victory from start till finish despite the early and mid game setbacks. Next time reclaim your status as loyal Iowa fans by sticking with your team. These kids work their tails off for victory please do your part. That is all.

Shut up, moron. They paid for the tickets and they can do as they please.
:mad: You should all be ashamed of yourselves for your lack of faith and confidence in your team. It was a two score game with plenty of time left. You missed IMO the greatest comeback and quarterback performance since 2011. You missed dominant play by the Iowa defense forcing a 3 and out then a turnover late. I stuck with the team yelling and screaming until the last snap. I unlike you was confidant in victory from start till finish despite the early and mid game setbacks. Next time reclaim your status as loyal Iowa fans by sticking with your team. These kids work their tails off for victory please do your part. That is all.

Having trouble believing this part.
Gary Dolphin would disagree with you too! I am not saying someone can't leave they are just wrong to do it and she be ashamed.
Fans that call out other fans for being not as good fans are not people I want to hang out with.
I could see the clock, time out situation and such late in the game and could tell that there was enough time for a comeback. All it needed was 2 fast stops and 2 touchdown drives.
For three and a half quarters it was a miserable experience watching this game on TV. For the last seven minutes of the game Iowa played like national champs........ Speechless and no way to explain what I just saw. Can we please destroy ISU please so I can relax the last quarter of the game.
I honestly believe that Iowa can blow out the Clowns. I called it in 2009 also when many people were questioning me and I ended up being right. It ended up being 35-3 with Iowa holding a major turnover advantage. Something like that can happen again. Remember that was right after the UNI game.

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