Fan Etiquette in the stands

Are we able to cheer louder while standing? I had no idea.

Any idiot who watches football on a semi regular basis knows when it's time to stand and when it's time to sit. When you're the only moron standing in an entire section, it's time to sit down. Continuing to stand in that situation and ******* off everyone behind you makes you a jerk, not a superfan. If you're the only one sitting in your section don't ***** about not being able to see, stand up and stop being a whiny pain in the rear. Personally I don't go to games anymore; it's a far more pleasant and comfortable experience watching the game at home and I see the action better too.
soooo...I was in section 218 (south end zone) for the Indiana game...and we had 3 couples...probably in their mid to upper 20's..they were being total douchebags...they chose to stand nearly the entire game...even after being asked nicely,..then
yelled at by dozens of people behind them ...and even threatened with a couple of visits from the cops...and they still of them...even had the balls to go get the cops and tell them that WE were harassing THEM for yelling at them to sit down...

You should read what you wrote. They were being harassed.
Who gave you the rights to judge people? Apparently your patience is not long enough. I think your name tells how big of a head you are......
I am starting to think that it was the fans that never sit down who left the Ball State game early. If these fans were to have followed a proper sit stand rotation they would have had the energy to make it through the 4th quarter. And would not have miss the big comeback.
Get out of my yard!

Edit: I do get the OPs point, but the counterpoint is that there are a lot of Iowa fans who expect everyone to sit the entire game. These are the same fans that go to the concession stand and bathroom every nine seconds.

I've been going to games for many years, and if I want to stand, I'm going to stand. I won't be the only one standing, of course, but in my section, we have people that sit and are virtually silent the entire game. It's their right, but if I want to scream and yell while standing, I'm gonna do it.

I took my daughter to the Indiana game. I think it was the best one we ever went to together! Exciting football. Great weather and great fans! Some people get annoyed when people like to stand for the whole game. We had a few people grumble about people standing, but everyone got along. We had one lady get grumpy with us when we tried to leave to go to the restroom, but other than that, the fans were great. We had a guy in our section that was a big LTP fan. He had obviously enjoyed the homecoming festivities before the game and helped keep things lively.

Unfortunately, being in a big crowd of people, there can be things that distract us from watching the game. But you can't trade the experience of being there in person for anything! Enjoy yourselves people! Record the game at home if you want to see every play. Go Hawks! Black and Gold forever!
All this thread proves is people suck... everyone cannot be happy all the time. Stand... sit... someone complains about both... pee on me... don't pee on me... someone complains about both...

Ask my wife I hate crowds more than the next guy but less than my father in-law but come on people give this crap a rest. Go Hawks!!!!
I'm trying to imagine what I'll expect at maryland...but I'll be with the hawk fans. I hope at the end of the game we'll be down in the front row cheering the players who come to the stands to celebrate.
I think they should take all the bleachers out of Kinnick and everyone should stand the entire game.

1) Considering the corn-feddedness of many of the fans, it's actually more comfortable than having to take turns gasping for breaths just to avoid suffocating squeezed between 2 fatties, all the while enduring relentless knees to your kidneys.

2) As mentioned, it's actually quite healthy to stand more and it is being advocated by the AMA, not only for health benefits but a cure for the curse in point #1.

3) Standing is a natural position to keep you more involved in the game and motivates you to participate rather than spectate.

4) I'd think you could get another 5000 or 10,000 fans into Kinnick. This would generate roughly $5 - $8 million per year, depending on seat "contribution", which would expedite buying out KirkFer's contract.

Looks like your ideas were not well received by a few HN posters. Got some sensitive people around here.
This is rude and non PC, coming from a student. I can't wait til the people that had to "live through the bad years 60s, 70s, early 80s" just go away or die off. We get it, Iowa football used to be garbage. Stop using it to justify such a conservative, bland, vanilla fanbase and administration. It's not 1974 and the hawks are 0-9, it's 2014, and times have changed.

I have no problem with the fact Iowa was bad then. But when people are still using it as an excuse for why we dont get good recruits, why to defend KF when he is on the hotseat, why to not f***ing stand in Kinnick.

Wake up, it's not 1974.
I go to the games just expecting people to stand, especially when the game is exciting. When I take my kids they sometimes get upset if they can't see the play because everyone is standing, so I've learned to find spots where the crowd doesn't stand as much, or we just get tickets high enough in the stadium where they can see the whole field better. So it all works out fine. I try to take the kids to at least one.

Also, I don't like it when people stand in front of me and fart. Especially if they have been tailgating pretty hard that day.
To people that went to games in the 50s and 60s... why? I love Iowa as much as the next guy (not according to HN standards). But why would I go to see my university, and the Team I love get killed every weekend? I would much rather put resources towards making things better for the team.
I believe that you are thinking of 1973. In 1974 Iowa upset UCLA, destroyed Northwestern, and beat Illinois on a late Rob Fick touchdown pass. I still have a program from one of those games. I think the Illinois game.
To people that went to games in the 50s and 60s... why? I love Iowa as much as the next guy (not according to HN standards). But why would I go to see my university, and the Team I love get killed every weekend? I would much rather put resources towards making things better for the team.

You question why anyone would go to the games in the 50s? For real?

Either you are trolling or don't know much about the history of Iowa football.
To people that went to games in the 50s and 60s... why? I love Iowa as much as the next guy (not according to HN standards). But why would I go to see my university, and the Team I love get killed every weekend? I would much rather put resources towards making things better for the team.

So just what do you think pays for:
1. Building new facilities to attract better recruits.
2. More assistant and position coaches to coach up the recruits when they get here.
3. All other sports (except for men's basketball) that are pretty much black holes for funds created from FB and MBB.

Is it pixie dust sprinkled over fairy wings? Or is it these people that pay for the seats (and have paid the premium to get the good seats) for 40-50 years?
Agonizing just to read some of these comments. Some of you should just stay home and not put yourselves through the misery of sitting / standing. Allot of people would just love the chance to attend a game at Kinnick

Well with only one sellout so far, there's plenty of opportunity for them to do so.

What's stopping these ultra-diehards from dragging themselves off the couch? Afraid of missing Project Runway?
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Well with only one sellout so far, there's plenty of opportunity for them to do so.

What's stopping these ultra-diehards from dragging themselves off the couch? Afraid of missing Project Runway?

I ain't afraid of missing Project Runway. That's what DVRs are for.
I think they should take all the bleachers out of Kinnick and everyone should stand the entire game.

1) Considering the corn-feddedness of many of the fans, it's actually more comfortable than having to take turns gasping for breaths just to avoid suffocating squeezed between 2 fatties, all the while enduring relentless knees to your kidneys.

2) As mentioned, it's actually quite healthy to stand more and it is being advocated by the AMA, not only for health benefits but a cure for the curse in point #1.

3) Standing is a natural position to keep you more involved in the game and motivates you to participate rather than spectate.

4) I'd think you could get another 5000 or 10,000 fans into Kinnick. This would generate roughly $5 - $8 million per year, depending on seat "contribution", which would expedite buying out KirkFer's contract.

man do I like this guy...