Fan Etiquette in the stands

So if you take your significant other to see "Gone Girl" or some other movie, the place is packed, then it is OK for you to be the only one talking and talking loudly enough to bother everyone else.

Doofus ideas

Wow, you're comparing going to a movie with a football game. Maybe that is part of the problem.
soooo...I was in section 218 (south end zone) for the Indiana game...and we had 3 couples...probably in their mid to upper 20's..they were being total douchebags...they chose to stand nearly the entire game...even after being asked nicely,..then
yelled at by dozens of people behind them ...and even threatened with a couple of visits from the cops...and they still of them...even had the balls to go get the cops and tell them that WE were harassing THEM for yelling at them to sit down...

I'm just venting here.........but it's a pretty simple concept...sit when everybody sits....and stand when everyone stands....
...and have some respect for your neighbors behind you...especially if there is young children involved (which there were) - needless to say, it was the worst experience I've ever had at a football game.....

c'mon Hawkeye "fans" you're better than that.......
Probably cyfans and their jealousy over seeing a real football team.
I've evolved on this issue over the years.

I used to be one of those "I'll stand whenever I want to, and everyone else needs to get off their butts or stay home" kind of people, but after a particularly negative experience at a road game where a bunch of idiots were standing incessantly, I realized what a complete pain in the rear it can be for most people.

I realize if it's 3rd down or a key defensive series or something, then fine, stand away. But there are a whole bunch of times during a game where it's just inappropriate to do that. Respecting the people around you and trying your best (within reason) not to negatively impact their experience should be an important concern for anyone attending just about any event above the level of an elementary school talent show.
I see... So you expect the players to give it their all when they're on the field; but you don't find it necessary to give your all at the game? Sheesh... tavernhoks.
I see... So you expect the players to give it their all when they're on the field; but you don't find it necessary to give your all at the game? Sheesh... tavernhoks.

If our defense was "giving it all" for most of the game on Saturday, then this program has a hell of a lot bigger problems than fans sitting on their hands during the game. That pathetic effort wasn't worth the time and energy that it takes to rise to my feet.

Iowa's defense clearly took most of the game off, and I did too.
We had three guys in front of us stand for much of the game. They had kids and older folks behind them. Just flat out inconsiderate. I was embarrassed for these fans. Go to student section if you want to stand for the entire game.
Just because you have the right to stand doesn't mean you are not an imbecile.
Get out of my yard!

Edit: I do get the OPs point, but the counterpoint is that there are a lot of Iowa fans who expect everyone to sit the entire game. These are the same fans that go to the concession stand and bathroom every nine seconds.

I've been going to games for many years, and if I want to stand, I'm going to stand. I won't be the only one standing, of course, but in my section, we have people that sit and are virtually silent the entire game. It's their right, but if I want to scream and yell while standing, I'm gonna do it.

^^^part o the problem^^^ #itsallaboutme
Unless there is a child, 80 year old, or someone with a prothstetic leg behind me then I'm standing. Its a college football game. You stand AND walk at a PGA golf event. Stay home in your recliner and watch on the TV. Come on man!
I've evolved on this issue over the years.

I used to be one of those "I'll stand whenever I want to, and everyone else needs to get off their butts or stay home" kind of people, but after a particularly negative experience at a road game where a bunch of idiots were standing incessantly, I realized what a complete pain in the rear it can be for most people.

I realize if it's 3rd down or a key defensive series or something, then fine, stand away. But there are a whole bunch of times during a game where it's just inappropriate to do that. Respecting the people around you and trying your best (within reason) not to negatively impact their experience should be an important concern for anyone attending just about any event above the level of an elementary school talent show.

rollingthunder -- I will buy you a beer -- ^^^you nailed it^^^
Unless there is a child, 80 year old, or someone with a prothstetic leg behind me then I'm standing. Its a college football game. You stand AND walk at a PGA golf event. Stay home in your recliner and watch on the TV. Come on man!

^^^^part of the problem^^^ #itsallaboutme
If our defense was "giving it all" for most of the game on Saturday, then this program has a hell of a lot bigger problems than fans sitting on their hands during the game. That pathetic effort wasn't worth the time and energy that it takes to rise to my feet.

Iowa's defense clearly took most of the game off, and I did too.

rollingthunder -- I take that beer I was gonna buy you back...^^^terrible take on the defense^^^^
If our defense was "giving it all" for most of the game on Saturday, then this program has a hell of a lot bigger problems than fans sitting on their hands during the game. That pathetic effort wasn't worth the time and energy that it takes to rise to my feet.

Iowa's defense clearly took most of the game off, and I did too.

Congrats... That was the dumbest post of the day!

Don't worry, no speech is needed.
I've been a season ticket holder for just over a decade now. I started when I was in my early 20's. Now in my 30's, I definitely believe in good stadium seating/standing etiquette. Standing is perfectly fine for a big play or during an intense part of the game like a desperately-needed 3rd down stop. You have to have consideration for the other people around you. That is part of going to the game. You aren't alone in the stadium. If you want to do whatever the hell you want to do, then stay home. You buy SEATS at a football game, not "standing spots". If you want to stand all the time, then do so in your own living room, in front of your own TV. Most people are not interested in standing for 3+ hours. However, that doesn't make them bad fans. As I said, it's all about having consideration for those around you. Go with the flow. If you get yelled at for standing up during a big play, then you have a legitimate complaint. Beyond that, there is a time for standing, and a time for sitting. Those are the rules of good stadium etiquette.
Seems pretty simple to me.

Stand when there's a big play or when the defense is being called on (again) to save the day.

For the rest of it, sit down! It's why the benches are there.
To every thing there is a season,
A time to sit,
A time to stand,
A time to dance,
A time to clap,
A time to cheer,
A time to jeer,
A time to leap,
A time to whistle
And a time to win!

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