Fan Etiquette in the stands

Ahhh one of the reasons I don't miss having season tickets ... the "fan experience." ... I see both sides of the debate. For 9 years I had season tickets and in that time witnessed both the standers and the sitters ... It's a fine line ... Back in the "glory" days fans in our section pretty much stood the entire game ... Then the excitement slowly faded and Kinnick became a little more tame.

If you are the only fans standing in your entire section, than yeah, it's a little dbagish to stand ... On the flip side ... if they are standing and truly into the game then kudos to them. If they are standing just to stand ... well ...

When you buy tickets you need to learn patience ... It comes with the territory of attending games. You will come across the drunk person, the loud person, the stodgy person, the "jam their knees into your back" person ... the "get up and leave the row 10 times" person ... you see it all ... Being at Kinnick is a great experience ... Honestly, though, I don't miss the fan part of it ...
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I've been a season ticket holder for just over a decade now. I started when I was in my early 20's. Now in my 30's, I definitely believe in good stadium seating/standing etiquette. Standing is perfectly fine for a big play or during an intense part of the game like a desperately-needed 3rd down stop. You have to have consideration for the other people around you. That is part of going to the game. You aren't alone in the stadium. If you want to do whatever the hell you want to do, then stay home. You buy SEATS at a football game, not "standing spots". If you want to stand all the time, then do so in your own living room, in front of your own TV. Most people are not interested in standing for 3+ hours. However, that doesn't make them bad fans. As I said, it's all about having consideration for those around you. Go with the flow. If you get yelled at for standing up during a big play, then you have a legitimate complaint. Beyond that, there is a time for standing, and a time for sitting. Those are the rules of good stadium etiquette.

thank you - finally a voice of reason............
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I usually stand at the top of the steps between the north and west stands. Great view, lean back against the wall. Same usher every week, he doesnt care.
Some interesting observations in this thread and some stubborn unwillingness to see other people's viewpoints, for instance:

1. If your section or area stands all the time then you dont have a "situation" like other sections or areas. There are a lot of sections where people sit most of the time.

2. The most cogent response was they sell "seats" and you have seats. I used to have seats around the 40 yard line after many years of working my way up to those seats. I now sit around the goaline, east grandstand, 42 rows up. If no one is standing in front of me I can see the field fine and I can yell at the top of my lungs. As a great play unfolds we rise and stand and scream. If people in front of me dont stand I dont really stand but sometimes start to come up from my seat.

3. Someone said it is hard to get a ticket to Kinnick and people can't get into games, incorrect, there are always a lot of tickets available outside Kinnick on game day. I have had to practically give tickets away to even big games at times so dont give season ticket holders that crap about "you might as well stay home if you dont want someone always standing in front of you".

4. Many people in the stands, like me, were buying season tickets and going to the games throughout crap years like the 60's and 70's so dont tell them or me to stay home.

5. The people who walk in front of you during a play to go get a coke or take a whiz are really stupid and not polite.

6. It is great to give the high fives to people around you after a huge play, some of those people have never sat by you before but we still give high fives while standing.

C'mon man....

You want to know what is less polite than walking in front of someone during a play to get to the bathroom? Wizzing on the person in front of you so that you don't walk front of someone during a play to get to the bathroom.

I'm all for courtesy in the stadium--which includes patience with those that have to relieve themselves.
Also, please consider toning down the language when children are around.

I understand it is a football game, not a symphony, but please also understand that it is a football game, not the Thunderdome.
C'mon man....

You want to know what is less polite than walking in front of someone during a play to get to the bathroom? Wizzing on the person in front of you so that you don't walk front of someone during a play to get to the bathroom.

I'm all for courtesy in the stadium--which includes patience with those that have to relieve themselves.

Lol I must say I am a little surprised at how precocious several people in this thread seem to be regarding their precious Kinnick experience. It's a god damn football game people. Not trying to be a jerk here... but what do you expect? The majority of people in the stadium are drunk. Of course manners aren't exactly going to be at the top of their priority list. It's not a tea party.

I don't approve of many of the things people are complaining about in this thread. I agree some of them can be annoying. However, you're at a football game! This is what goes on. It's part of the experience whether you like it or not. If it bothers you enough to come whine on a message board about it then you really might want to consider watching the games from your couch in the near future. None of the things anyone is complaining about are ever going to change. Either figure out a way to deal with it or don't put yourself in that situation. Especially if you allow it to bother you enough that you're considering violence as a rational response. That's just plain idiotic. Good luck explaining that to the wifey....

You: "Umm honey... I... ugh... I'm gonna need you to bail me out because I punched some guy during the game today."


You: "Well umm because he was like being really rude and standing in front of me. And he just wouldn't sit down. Not even after I asked him nicely!"

Brilliant. Just do yourself a favor and stay home or simply learn how to take a deep breath and realize that it's part of the experience whether you like it or not.
I sat in section 125 5 rows up. Kings pick was like right in front of us. And Mike Hardys family was in front of us and he has a hot sister so her and a friend were standing and dancing most of the game to the music etc and I have ZERO complaints about the view I had. After every big play they were high fiveing and hugging us. I stood probably 3/4ths of the game as did most in our area and I never heard anyone around complaining. It was one of the most fun games I've ever attended. To have some kind of universal rule stating when you can and can't stand won't work. I like to stand I get excited and fired up. I figure if you want to sit the whole flipping time you have a couch at home. Going to the game means your getting a seat to get a view. That view can be obstructed by other fans your angle of seeing the field etc. If you want an unobstructed guaranteed view then stay home or get front row tickets.. Pretty simple. The school really can't legislate whats being debated here so I don't see anything changing. It's not the schools fault if your behind someone big and fat and your short kind of thing. It's like going to a concert to an extent. Who your sitting with is the luck of the draw. Those that are that bent out of shape about it and don't enjoy themselves there after spending the time and money to go just blows my mind. I can't comprehend doing that and hating every min of it I just can't....
We had some over-standers in our old section, one year. After the first game or two, the majority of the section behind them just stood up. A couple of kids were having a hard time seeing and people took turns putting them on their shoulders. It wasnt ideal but i was fairly young. I could see it irritating some people. Not something I would complain about, personally.
I sat in section 125 5 rows up. Kings pick was like right in front of us. And Mike Hardys family was in front of us and he has a hot sister so her and a friend were standing and dancing most of the game to the music etc and I have ZERO complaints about the view I had. After every big play they were high fiveing and hugging us. I stood probably 3/4ths of the game as did most in our area and I never heard anyone around complaining. It was one of the most fun games I've ever attended. To have some kind of universal rule stating when you can and can't stand won't work. I like to stand I get excited and fired up. I figure if you want to sit the whole flipping time you have a couch at home. Going to the game means your getting a seat to get a view. That view can be obstructed by other fans your angle of seeing the field etc. If you want an unobstructed guaranteed view then stay home or get front row tickets.. Pretty simple. The school really can't legislate whats being debated here so I don't see anything changing. It's not the schools fault if your behind someone big and fat and your short kind of thing. It's like going to a concert to an extent. Who your sitting with is the luck of the draw. Those that are that bent out of shape about it and don't enjoy themselves there after spending the time and money to go just blows my mind. I can't comprehend doing that and hating every min of it I just can't....

Yah, you probably didn't mind that a bit, eh? You dog, you scallywag....:D
Look, I said in my post that I'm not 'that guy' and I am considerate of those around me, but the part of your post that I bolded is flat out wrong. When it comes to simply standing or sitting your ticket does give you the right to do whatever you want. Clearly not everyone agrees in terms of this whole standing/sitting debate, but if someone has a ticket to the game and they want to stand the whole time they can absolutely do so. It's not like you can go up to a security guard and say "Sir I've asked the guy in front of me several times to sit down and he won't. Could you please tell him to sit down!?". Do you realize how ridiculous you would look?

What about the fan who can't/doesn't want to stand the whole game? Since you say your ticket gives you the right to do whatever you want, doesn't his ticket give him the same right? Apparently not. You seem to have a special ticket that gives you special privileges.

Based on your comments....yes, you are "that guy".
Since some people are having problems figuring out when to stand and when to sit maybe the university could help out. On the billboard it could flash instructions when it is time to do each. Perhaps they could also add instructions such as rattle key chains, yell, stomp feet, etc etc. This could all help clear up confusion.
What about the fan who can't/doesn't want to stand the whole game? Since you say your ticket gives you the right to do whatever you want, doesn't his ticket give him the same right? Apparently not. You seem to have a special ticket that gives you special privileges.

Based on your comments....yes, you are "that guy".

No I just have a special mindset. It's called going with the flow, and not letting little things bother me. If I'm at a football game and the people in front of me are standing I stand up. No big deal. It's not a special privilege at all. I pay good money for season tickets, and when I go to a football game I understand there's probably going to be some annoying people that I have to deal with every once in awhile. Am I going to let it ruin my experience? Hell no I'm not.
Donate more $$. Then you'll be sure to sit with the rich ol folks and won't have to worry so much about standing.
I don't recall a lot of fans sitting on their hands during the 22 game home win streak from 2002-2005. That's when teams were scared to play at Kinnick. However, if there's a reason that you can't stand that's one thing and I would surely sit down the whole game if that were the case. I mean most people sit during timeouts/TV timeouts and the half. That doesn't leave that much time really. It seems that some people are just at the game for different reasons. I guess if someone politely asks you to sit down then sit down. While I prefer to stand I wouldn't want to ruin someone's experience. Hey good thing we don't have people ringing cowbells in our ears like Miss St we would have people sitting down and wearing ear plugs at the games.
While I agree it's good to be polite and considerate to those around you I draw the line at those who sit on their hands and chastise fans who stand up and cheer on big plays. And it's not just Kinnick either. I've been to Carver-Hawkeye and was the one of a few people in my section who stood and sang the fight song. Many others sat on their hands. I've been to the UNI-Dome during high school football playoffs and scolded because I was yelling and cheering at times.

And it's not necessarily the "blue hairs" that many talk about. I've been to nursing homes with relatives where residents gathered together to watch Iowa games on TV, football and basketball. I heard more howling and yelling while watching there than in many a game at the stadium. If someone is acting like one of the bleacher creatures @ Wrigley, fine. They deserve a talking to. But those who come to a sporting event and expect peace and quiet need to stay home and allow a few more cheering fans to purchase their tickets.
Some interesting observations in this thread and some stubborn unwillingness to see other people's viewpoints, for instance:

1. If your section or area stands all the time then you dont have a "situation" like other sections or areas. There are a lot of sections where people sit most of the time.

2. The most cogent response was they sell "seats" and you have seats. I used to have seats around the 40 yard line after many years of working my way up to those seats. I now sit around the goaline, east grandstand, 42 rows up. If no one is standing in front of me I can see the field fine and I can yell at the top of my lungs. As a great play unfolds we rise and stand and scream. If people in front of me dont stand I dont really stand but sometimes start to come up from my seat.

3. Someone said it is hard to get a ticket to Kinnick and people can't get into games, incorrect, there are always a lot of tickets available outside Kinnick on game day. I have had to practically give tickets away to even big games at times so dont give season ticket holders that crap about "you might as well stay home if you dont want someone always standing in front of you".

4. Many people in the stands, like me, were buying season tickets and going to the games throughout crap years like the 60's and 70's so dont tell them or me to stay home.

5. The people who walk in front of you during a play to go get a coke or take a whiz are really stupid and not polite.

6. It is great to give the high fives to people around you after a huge play, some of those people have never sat by you before but we still give high fives while standing.

C'mon, man! I used to go to the games with my dad and he had prostate problems. You gonna tell me that he's stupid because he can't hold it? Really?