Fan Etiquette in the stands

soooo...I was in section 218 (south end zone) for the Indiana game...and we had 3 couples...probably in their mid to upper 20's..they were being total douchebags...they chose to stand nearly the entire game...even after being asked nicely,..then
yelled at by dozens of people behind them ...and even threatened with a couple of visits from the cops...and they still of them...even had the balls to go get the cops and tell them that WE were harassing THEM for yelling at them to sit down...

I'm just venting here.........but it's a pretty simple concept...sit when everybody sits....and stand when everyone stands....
...and have some respect for your neighbors behind you...especially if there is young children involved (which there were) - needless to say, it was the worst experience I've ever had at a football game.....

c'mon Hawkeye "fans" you're better than that.......

My post was in reference to the people standing who do not respect others.
I've been a season ticket holder for just over a decade now. I started when I was in my early 20's. Now in my 30's, I definitely believe in good stadium seating/standing etiquette. Standing is perfectly fine for a big play or during an intense part of the game like a desperately-needed 3rd down stop. You have to have consideration for the other people around you. That is part of going to the game. You aren't alone in the stadium. If you want to do whatever the hell you want to do, then stay home. You buy SEATS at a football game, not "standing spots". If you want to stand all the time, then do so in your own living room, in front of your own TV. Most people are not interested in standing for 3+ hours. However, that doesn't make them bad fans. As I said, it's all about having consideration for those around you. Go with the flow. If you get yelled at for standing up during a big play, then you have a legitimate complaint. Beyond that, there is a time for standing, and a time for sitting. Those are the rules of good stadium etiquette.

You nailed it. I love to stand and I have a very loud voice that tends to offend people, particularly when I'm yelling at Ferentz or Davis for being dumb dumbs. I've learned over the years to soft pedal it a little bit in the stadium....frankly just stand during the big plays where the defense needs a lift....
I've been a season ticket holder for just over a decade now. I started when I was in my early 20's. Now in my 30's, I definitely believe in good stadium seating/standing etiquette. Standing is perfectly fine for a big play or during an intense part of the game like a desperately-needed 3rd down stop. You have to have consideration for the other people around you. That is part of going to the game. You aren't alone in the stadium. If you want to do whatever the hell you want to do, then stay home. You buy SEATS at a football game, not "standing spots". If you want to stand all the time, then do so in your own living room, in front of your own TV. Most people are not interested in standing for 3+ hours. However, that doesn't make them bad fans. As I said, it's all about having consideration for those around you. Go with the flow. If you get yelled at for standing up during a big play, then you have a legitimate complaint. Beyond that, there is a time for standing, and a time for sitting. Those are the rules of good stadium etiquette.

This is exactly how I feel as well. Unfortunately for me, this last round of reseating put a guy behind me who quite literally begins howling at people to sit down BEFORE THE GAME EVEN BEGINS. He then proceeds to rant every single time anyone stands up at any point of the game. He also gripes and grumbles every time anyone gets up to use the restroom or grab a hot dog. He spends the entire game ****** off at the world and kvetching about it loudly behind me. Quite honestly, I have no idea why in the blue hell this old fogey buys season tickets in the first place.
Of course, the real answer is....pony up for mezzanine seats.

They'll cost ya a cool $1200 plus ticket price, per seat, but hey, you'll never have anybody stand up in front of you....or clap loudly, or yell profanities, or do much of anything really.
^^^part o the problem^^^ #itsallaboutme

Don't get me wrong, I try to sit when others are sitting around me, and get along well with the elderly couple who sit right behind me.
On the other hand, people don't have the right to scream "sit down" all the time. It's really NOT a movie, it's a football game, and I'm pretty sure I'm not part of the problem.

People stand and yell in big games, often for more than a play or two. I'm never going to be the only one standing, but if others are, and it's a big game, there's no way I'm sitting down because some crabby person wants everyone sitting (which is also part of issue here).

I've been a season ticket holder for 20 years, and I've seen obnoxious, drunk, puking , booing fans come and go. I cheer for the hawks and stand on big defensive series, not just plays. I high five the people behind me after those plays and we have a good time.

Beats the hell out of negative people who just complain about KF, GD, and people who stand.
Agonizing just to read some of these comments. Some of you should just stay home and not put yourselves through the misery of sitting / standing. Allot of people would just love the chance to attend a game at Kinnick
The section I'm in only sits for timeouts, halftime or if the game is outta control.

This is exactly what my section does as well. No one complains about it either because everyone is doing it. Maybe that's why I think the OP is being a little dramatic. It's just not a problem in my section because we're all standing most of the time.

I want to be clear. I'm always considerate of those around me. I would never be that guy who stands the entire time if everyone is sitting down. Especially not if there were small children or handicap folks behind me. However, I'm also considerate of the people who sit in front of me and you know what? If they want to stand up and watch the game then I'm not gonna whine about it. I'll just stand up and watch the game as well. It's as simple as that. Clearly this thread is evidence that some people have a different opinion regarding what their ticket purchase gives them the right to do. That doesn't mean anyone is right or anyone is wrong. It just means you need to understand that there is a chance you're going to be sat next to someone who feels differently than you do about standing. If they happen to be in front of you then that's a bummer, but you might as well deal with it like an adult because there are no stadium rules outlawing people from standing to watch a football game.
Some interesting observations in this thread and some stubborn unwillingness to see other people's viewpoints, for instance:

1. If your section or area stands all the time then you dont have a "situation" like other sections or areas. There are a lot of sections where people sit most of the time.

2. The most cogent response was they sell "seats" and you have seats. I used to have seats around the 40 yard line after many years of working my way up to those seats. I now sit around the goaline, east grandstand, 42 rows up. If no one is standing in front of me I can see the field fine and I can yell at the top of my lungs. As a great play unfolds we rise and stand and scream. If people in front of me dont stand I dont really stand but sometimes start to come up from my seat.

3. Someone said it is hard to get a ticket to Kinnick and people can't get into games, incorrect, there are always a lot of tickets available outside Kinnick on game day. I have had to practically give tickets away to even big games at times so dont give season ticket holders that crap about "you might as well stay home if you dont want someone always standing in front of you".

4. Many people in the stands, like me, were buying season tickets and going to the games throughout crap years like the 60's and 70's so dont tell them or me to stay home.

5. The people who walk in front of you during a play to go get a coke or take a whiz are really stupid and not polite.

6. It is great to give the high fives to people around you after a huge play, some of those people have never sat by you before but we still give high fives while standing.
Whole lot of selfishness in this thread. Kudos to those who "get it". It's not that hard, people. Be considerate of those around you. Don't be "that guy" and stand when everyone else is sitting. Your ticket does not give you the right to do whatever you want.

No, you don't have to sit the whole is football after all...but there is also NO REASON to stand the whole time. Conversely, those that like to sit need to be tolerant of those who stand for big plays.

Stand for big plays/situations, sit the rest of the time. How hard is that to understand?
The original OP lost me at threatening with physical violence, especially with young kids around. I get it, but if you can't beat em, join em. Stand up and cheer??? Obviously the cops did not deem they were doing anything wrong if they did not remove them from the stadium. I get conscious of standing in front of those who will not stand behind me. Seems as if I am always on the cutoff row. Those in front stand those behind me won't. I finally have to make the decision to stand so I can enjoy the game and those behind me will have to make their own decisions?
You people are scaring me. Because of my work, I can usually attend only 1 fb game per season. I've been pretty fortunate. I've never had anyone dropping F bombs and yelling curse words, people have stood when it's needed and sat the rest of the time.

I plan on going to the jNW game with my 8 year old son for his first game. We're looking forward to riding the Hawkeye Express and seeing all the sights and sounds of Iowa football. I'm getting nervous that we may end up behind some foul mouthed lout who stands the entire game and has bad gas.

Hoping my luck continues and I'm surrounded considerate Hawkeye fans. GoHawks!
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Whole lot of selfishness in this thread. Kudos to those who "get it". It's not that hard, people. Be considerate of those around you. Don't be "that guy" and stand when everyone else is sitting. Your ticket does not give you the right to do whatever you want.

No, you don't have to sit the whole is football after all...but there is also NO REASON to stand the whole time. Conversely, those that like to sit need to be tolerant of those who stand for big plays.

Stand for big plays/situations, sit the rest of the time. How hard is that to understand?

Look, I said in my post that I'm not 'that guy' and I am considerate of those around me, but the part of your post that I bolded is flat out wrong. When it comes to simply standing or sitting your ticket does give you the right to do whatever you want. Clearly not everyone agrees in terms of this whole standing/sitting debate, but if someone has a ticket to the game and they want to stand the whole time they can absolutely do so. It's not like you can go up to a security guard and say "Sir I've asked the guy in front of me several times to sit down and he won't. Could you please tell him to sit down!?". Do you realize how ridiculous you would look?
You people are scaring me. Because of my work, I can usually attend only 1 fb game per season. I've been pretty fortunate. I've never had anyone dropping F bombs and yelling curse words, people have stood when it's needed and sat the rest of the time.

I plan on going to the jNW game with my 8 year old son for his first game. We're looking forward to riding the Hawkeye Express and seeing all the sights and sounds of Iowa football. I'm getting nervous that we may end up behind some foul mouthed lout who stands the entire game and has bad gas.

Hoping my luck continues and I'm surrounded other considerate Hawkeye fans. GoHawks!

You should be OK because my experience is the foul mouthed people are a minority and they shouldnt cus badly in front of those people who dont want to hear it.

But I will say from about 2007 to 2012 we had a guy behind us who was so negative, crapping on players, and f bombing all the time. It got old real fast.

Believe this, after the 2009 season when Stanzi made his first incompletion of 2010 at home this guy was screaming at stanzi, calling him crap, and saying KF was crap and should replace Stanzi. Total idiot and must have been related to JVB.

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