Fan Etiquette in the stands


Well-Known Member
soooo...I was in section 218 (south end zone) for the Indiana game...and we had 3 couples...probably in their mid to upper 20's..they were being total douchebags...they chose to stand nearly the entire game...even after being asked nicely,..then
yelled at by dozens of people behind them ...and even threatened with a couple of visits from the cops...and they still of them...even had the balls to go get the cops and tell them that WE were harassing THEM for yelling at them to sit down...

I'm just venting here.........but it's a pretty simple concept...sit when everybody sits....and stand when everyone stands....
...and have some respect for your neighbors behind you...especially if there is young children involved (which there were) - needless to say, it was the worst experience I've ever had at a football game.....

c'mon Hawkeye "fans" you're better than that.......
I feel your pain man. Several years ago we had a big dude and his big lady friend about 7 rows in front of use who kept standing and were the only ones standing out of 15,000 people in two sections.

Every play the people behind then had to stand and then more had to stand and it was stupid. People grumbling about it and so I finally yelled at them to sit down unless people stood in front of them. They got pizzed but I told them to look around and they were the only ones standing.

ONe of the few times I have had someone acting out of order except for some people who like to yell obscenities at hawk players they think are bad. I dont like people yelling at hawk players.
I agree sitting behind an overstander is annoying. I always wait for the people around me to stand since I am a big guy. I have also learned to live with knees against my back.
I would feel for you more if this didn't make me think that hawk fans need to f***ing stand up and cheer. I mean if you're really old, or really young, fine. But get up and cheer once in a while. It used to be pathetic at Carver. It was like the fans were watching a movie in a theater

And I get what you're saying. I know that it's annoying when this happens. But if they're the only two standing in the entire section, that section needs to wake up
I would feel for you more if this didn't make me think that hawk fans need to f***ing stand up and cheer. I mean if you're really old, or really young, fine. But get up and cheer once in a while. It used to be pathetic at Carver. It was like the fans were watching a movie in a theater

And I get what you're saying. I know that it's annoying when this happens. But if they're the only two standing in the entire section, that section needs to wake up

Give it a rest. I and lots of us cheer and yell plenty.

It was just a boring arse part of the game and these two people kept standing totally oblivious to the people sitting behind them. They were morons.

I dont mind at all having to stand and cheer especially when our defense is on the field.

You know these last few years the offense can be pretty boring.
I feel your pain man. Several years ago we had a big dude and his big lady friend about 7 rows in front of use who kept standing and were the only ones standing out of 15,000 people in two sections.

Every play the people behind then had to stand and then more had to stand and it was stupid. People grumbling about it and so I finally yelled at them to sit down unless people stood in front of them. They got pizzed but I told them to look around and they were the only ones standing.

ONe of the few times I have had someone acting out of order except for some people who like to yell obscenities at hawk players they think are bad. I dont like people yelling at hawk players.

At least they were getting exercise - you burn more calories standing than sitting dontchaknow!
Your section is pretty boring then. My recollection may be a little fuzzy, but my section is pretty much standing whenever the game is being played. People sit when there is a timeout or break in the action, but for the most part we're up if the game is being played.

As far as I'm concerned, if people want to stand and cheer while the game is being played that is their right. If you don't have that mentality and you get stuck behind them then that sucks. Yes, it would be nice if they were courteous and acted like those around them, but if the game is being played and they want to stand up then so be it. If you want to see it then stand up with them.
Meh before I got to the University as a student I sat with my uncle. My god if you tried to cheer at all, the oldies would tell you to sit down and shut up. Even at a night game 30 seconds in. Honestly I think if you are going , you should try to be apart of the stadium environment. Home always provides a comfy seat and no people standing.
Get out of my yard!

Edit: I do get the OPs point, but the counterpoint is that there are a lot of Iowa fans who expect everyone to sit the entire game. These are the same fans that go to the concession stand and bathroom every nine seconds.

I've been going to games for many years, and if I want to stand, I'm going to stand. I won't be the only one standing, of course, but in my section, we have people that sit and are virtually silent the entire game. It's their right, but if I want to scream and yell while standing, I'm gonna do it.
I would feel for you more if this didn't make me think that hawk fans need to f***ing stand up and cheer. I mean if you're really old, or really young, fine. But get up and cheer once in a while. It used to be pathetic at Carver. It was like the fans were watching a movie in a theater

And I get what you're saying. I know that it's annoying when this happens. But if they're the only two standing in the entire section, that section needs to wake up

Really!! 2 Yahoos are standing and everyone else is wrong? Ever dawn on you that some people are Really Old and they can't stand through a whole game. I was at an NCAA Tournament Game a couple of years ago and the Yahoos that stood there the whole game had a older gentleman with a cane who couldn't jump up every play and I think he accepted that he would miss some but not the whole game because of inconsiderate fans. Stand up when it is warranted but no need to stand the whole game!
Meh before I got to the University as a student I sat with my uncle. My god if you tried to cheer at all, the oldies would tell you to sit down and shut up. Even at a night game 30 seconds in. Honestly I think if you are going , you should try to be apart of the stadium environment. Home always provides a comfy seat and no people standing.

Ever watch a game at Kyle Field (even on TV)? Man, I don't think they ever sit at A&M! Perhaps some SEC venues are like this as well...
Give it a rest. I and lots of us cheer and yell plenty.

It was just a boring arse part of the game and these two people kept standing totally oblivious to the people sitting behind them. They were morons.

I dont mind at all having to stand and cheer especially when our defense is on the field.

You know these last few years the offense can be pretty boring.

If it was the first half, the entire stadium should have been standing the whole time. That's the kind of football today's fans would like to see. It was very un Iowa like.

If it was the second half they had no business standing. Most everybody should have been leaning on each other from falling asleep. That was more normal for KF coached Iowa teams the past 5 years or so.
just be glad you weren't yacked on. and god forbid you have a young'un with you - better off being in a dive bar with a bunch of sailors.
I think they should take all the bleachers out of Kinnick and everyone should stand the entire game.

1) Considering the corn-feddedness of many of the fans, it's actually more comfortable than having to take turns gasping for breaths just to avoid suffocating squeezed between 2 fatties, all the while enduring relentless knees to your kidneys.

2) As mentioned, it's actually quite healthy to stand more and it is being advocated by the AMA, not only for health benefits but a cure for the curse in point #1.

3) Standing is a natural position to keep you more involved in the game and motivates you to participate rather than spectate.

4) I'd think you could get another 5000 or 10,000 fans into Kinnick. This would generate roughly $5 - $8 million per year, depending on seat "contribution", which would expedite buying out KirkFer's contract.
I stand all the time when other people are standing.

If a big play is coming up and the lower rows start to stand then everyone stands.

Yeah, maybe big money old people (I am older) dont want to stand

I have no problem standing so DP5555 or whoever you are you are way wrong.
I would feel for you more if this didn't make me think that hawk fans need to f***ing stand up and cheer. I mean if you're really old, or really young, fine. But get up and cheer once in a while. It used to be pathetic at Carver. It was like the fans were watching a movie in a theater

And I get what you're saying. I know that it's annoying when this happens. But if they're the only two standing in the entire section, that section needs to wake up

So if you take your significant other to see "Gone Girl" or some other movie, the place is packed, then it is OK for you to be the only one talking and talking loudly enough to bother everyone else.

Doofus ideas
I like to stand a lot. But I also have some common decency and know that there are people behind me. So, I basically get up for every big play and third down, but otherwise show some respect to those behind me.

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