facebook has DJK's back


Well-Known Member
DJK's facebook page is back up and running. Given the sentiments on his 'wall postings' from his friends/fans/family he's got a world of supporters and people who care enough to be disappointed but to not turn their backs on him.

A lot of people have said a lot of things about him on these boards in the last couple of days, good bad or indifferent. My suggestion would be that if you have something you want to get off your chest regarding the man DJK, tell it to him, stop hiding behind a monicker of complete anonymity.

DJK is going to be ok, with or without some of you.
I'm not a hater on this. My own experiences make me biased, but I put this on my own FB page and I am going to share it with him. I may come off a bit sappy, but I just wanted to share...

I was gonna leave this alone, but I can't. Many folks are hatin on an IA FB playa when he made a serious mistake. That can't be argued, but instead of hating on him, why not support the team and hope that a "kid", ya a "kid" can make his life right. Y'al know someone who did sumthin alot worse than DJK, so keep your l...ove for IA FB and hope the best for someone who made our Saturdays enjoyable for the last few years.
A lot of people have said a lot of things about him on these boards in the last couple of days, good bad or indifferent. My suggestion would be that if you have something you want to get off your chest regarding the man DJK, tell it to him, stop hiding behind a monicker of complete anonymity.

DJK is going to be ok, with or without some of you.

Get real. If you are in the public eye, no matter what, you will be a topic of discussion whether you do great things or make bad choices.
DJK's facebook page is back up and running. Given the sentiments on his 'wall postings' from his friends/fans/family he's got a world of supporters and people who care enough to be disappointed but to not turn their backs on him.

A lot of people have said a lot of things about him on these boards in the last couple of days, good bad or indifferent. My suggestion would be that if you have something you want to get off your chest regarding the man DJK, tell it to him, stop hiding behind a monicker of complete anonymity.

DJK is going to be ok, with or without some of you.

people like you and Rob Howe are acting like this is a tragedy of some sorts. what happened to josh koeppel was a tragedy.....what happened to DJK was a man....yes a man as hes old enough who made several bad choices on his own and cut his own wrist......I have a hard time feeling sorry for stupid people who do things to themselves
I'm not a hater on this. My own experiences make me biased, but I put this on my own FB page and I am going to share it with him. I may come off a bit sappy, but I just wanted to share...

I was gonna leave this alone, but I can't. Many folks are hatin on an IA FB playa when he made a serious mistake. That can't be argued, but instead of hating on him, why not support the team and hope that a "kid", ya a "kid" can make his life right. Y'al know someone who did sumthin alot worse than DJK, so keep your l...ove for IA FB and hope the best for someone who made our Saturdays enjoyable for the last few years.

DJK is 23 years old...he's no kid.
Yeah..........he's not a kid. Let's not act like he's some 14 year old victim of peer pressure. He knew what he was doing, and I'm sure he knew the consequences as well.
Quote "My suggestion would be that if you have something you want to get off your chest regarding the man DJK, tell it to him, stop hiding behind a monicker of complete anonymity."

Are you kidding me? 90% of his freinds on facebook are complete strangers.
Hawkeye Nation is a family. You don't abandon your family when they screw up. Those of us acting like this is a 'tragedy' are likely ones who have made our own mistakes in life and are grateful for the grace, love and support we received from our friends family and loves ones. I'm not saying give DJK a free pass and excuse his behavior, not at all. It's okay to be disappointed, it's okay to be mad, I just hope that at some point all of us can look at this man who dedicated the past five years of his life to becoming one of us, embracing the black and gold and all of Hawkeye Nation, and forgive him for his transgressions and be there to support a fellow Hawkeye. You look at a guy like Ed Podolak who likely has his Hawkeye family to thank for the changes he has made in his life. That's the kind of fan base we need to be, dedicated to those who have dedicated a portion of their lives to our team.
The reason it seems like he has so many supporters is because he/someone deleted all of the negative comments on the fan page. I saw it Tuesday before it disappeared and there was a lot of messages that are no longer there...
Quote "My suggestion would be that if you have something you want to get off your chest regarding the man DJK, tell it to him, stop hiding behind a monicker of complete anonymity."

Are you kidding me? 90% of his freinds on facebook are complete strangers.

You're confused with the definition of anonymous.

Strangers =/= anonymous. They are strangers, but they are strangers identifiable by their actual names...thus not anonymous.
The reason it seems like he has so many supporters is because he/someone deleted all of the negative comments on the fan page. I saw it Tuesday before it disappeared and there was a lot of messages that are no longer there...

What does this have to do with the presence of positive comments indicating many people who are supportive of DJK?
Man, some of you guys act like you've never made a mistake in your life. And some are acting like the guy harmed somebody. The guy made a mistake. Did he actually hurt anybody in any way besides himself and maybe his family? No. Some people need to take a chill pill and get off of their high horse.
It doesn't just saying it represents only one side. He definitely has supporters still, including me.
Man, some of you guys act like you've never made a mistake in your life. And some are acting like the guy harmed somebody. The guy made a mistake. Did he actually hurt anybody in any way besides himself and maybe his family? No. Some people need to take a chill pill and get off of their high horse.

Of course he hurt other people how can you say he didn't. He was knowingly living with a drug dealer. The dealer who is providing this junk to people and ruining how many lives and families. No it is not a victimless crime.
Oh so we're playing the guilty by association card, huh? Of course he hurt other people? Do you know for a fact that he was selling drugs? No. And I guess it's his fault that other people decide to do drugs? Like they wouldn't be able to find it from somebody else. Please
Oh so we're playing the guilty by association card, huh? Of course he hurt other people? Do you know for a fact that he was selling drugs? No. And I guess it's his fault that other people decide to do drugs? Like they wouldn't be able to find it from somebody else. Please

I sure as heck wouldn't allow a drug dealer to be living under my roof, and if I did I would definitely feel responsible for the consequences of his actions. People with standards as low as yours are a problem in society.
Man, some of you guys act like you've never made a mistake in your life. And some are acting like the guy harmed somebody. The guy made a mistake. Did he actually hurt anybody in any way besides himself and maybe his family? No. Some people need to take a chill pill and get off of their high horse.

No, parking in front of a hydrant is a mistake. Selling cocaine is a crime. A felony is not a mistake. He engaged in premeditated illegal activity. And of course he hurt somebody. You seriously think dealing coke doesn't hurt people? Have you ever met a drug dealer? You honestly think they have a nuetral effect on the community? You think DJK's (alleged) actions have not had a negative effect on the community?

Are some of you so clueless on the effect of drug dealing that you are willing to absolve this man of all the responsibility for his actions? There is football, and there is real life. This guy is a football hero, and a real life bad guy. Yes he can be redeemed, but you have to acknowledge he is a bad guy first, and many of you refuse to accept that!

facebook is dumb.

No, parking in front of a hydrant is a mistake. Selling cocaine is a crime. A felony is not a mistake. He engaged in premeditated illegal activity. And of course he hurt somebody. You seriously think dealing coke doesn't hurt people? Have you ever met a drug dealer? You honestly think they have a nuetral effect on the community? You think DJK's (alleged) actions have not had a negative effect on the community?

Are some of you so clueless on the effect of drug dealing that you are willing to absolve this man of all the responsibility for his actions? There is football, and there is real life. This guy is a football hero, and a real life bad guy. Yes he can be redeemed, but you have to acknowledge he is a bad guy first, and many of you refuse to accept that!


You're going to get ripped on because DJK wasn't charged with dealing drugs, but I agree with the point of your article that it's ridiculous to refer to his actions as an accident or mistake.

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