ESPN pulls live coverage on Stanford band after it mocks state of Iowa

Frankly, Iowa deserved to be ripped on. Good for the Stanford band.

The team, maybe. The State and way of life, not really. It was ignorant, classless. Pretty much the Cali way.

I've always liked Stanford. It's really impressive what they have done considering their academic standards. But that was a punk move by their "clever" band.

I travel to CA a ton for work. Great place to visit. Crappy place to live, unless you have a $200+K household income, if not, you live in pretty crappy areas...or....wait for it.....the Country! Ironic, huh.
They weren't clever. They were dbag stupid. Mockery is for simpletons.

They're impressed with themselves. Nobody is impressed with them. Classic dbaggery.
That Stanford band was just pathetic all the way around. Their parade effort was horrible looking, ragtag crap. Apparently did the same at the game.

I agree with the poster above, sink CA into the ocean.
Truthfully, Iowans are stuck in the 1990s.

I would wager that us Iowans aren't the only fan base that's stuck in the 90's. They are just what some stuck in the 90's fan base would call punk a$$. They don't bother me one bit because they are the ones acting and looking like fools. More power to them. Call it artistic?
I feel my private space has been violated by the Stanford band's micro-aggression. Perhaps we need some band control executive orders?
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I believe the tree mascot was in trouble at a game before also. Lol Got into a fight with some other mascot. They definitely got it going on. It's probably been along time ago. Time really flies by when you get old.
I was much more offended by the score than the Stanford MARCHING BAND's halftime performance for god's sake.

If people were actually offended by a marching band, I'm sorry. That's pathetic.
I was much more offended by the score than the Stanford MARCHING BAND's halftime performance for god's sake.

If people were actually offended by a marching band, I'm sorry. That's pathetic.

It is the new thing, to be offended by everything.
I was much more offended by the score than the Stanford MARCHING BAND's halftime performance for god's sake.

If people were actually offended by a marching band, I'm sorry. That's pathetic.

The age of victimization is over that is unless you're on the right hand side of the aisle.
I hate California culture. I take comfort in knowing that state will sink into the sea soon.

You ever live there? I'm guessing not, you probably haven't even so much as visited, just a typical midwesterner with your myopic world view. I did, lived in both northern and southern California for about 8 years. I'm a native Iowan and for some reason thought it would be a good idea to move back here years ago. I was wrong, it was still as boring and lacking in opportunity as when I grew up here. For some reason I forgot that's why I left in the first place. Loved living in California, it's a beautiful state with a ton of different "cultures" and geography. Ocean, lakes, mountains, farm land, vineyards, pine forests, deserts, it has it all. I'm pretty much stuck here now but if I could I'd move back there in a heartbeat. There's a reason real estate is so expensive out there compared to Iowa; people actually want to live there!

As far as the band who cares? Lose the freaking Iowa inferiority complex; why should we be embarrassed about our agricultural roots? I grew up on a farm and I'm not embarrassed about it.
You ever live there? I'm guessing not, you probably haven't even so much as visited, just a typical midwesterner with your myopic world view.

Yep, I pretty much stopped reading right there.

Gee, I wonder why people would want California to fall into the sea. Amirite?
Let's be honest here. If you live in Iowa and your zip code ain't Des Moines or Iowa City, you're probably in no position to comment on things involving culture. Rural Iowa aside from some idyllic scenery and dearth of traffic absolutely sucks for the most part.
Their pre game performance was entirely ripping in Iowa for being homophobic because of our pink locker rooms.
your inferiority complex is coming through loud and clear.

I've lived a lot of places. I don't currently live in IA right now. But I'd move back to any of a hundred Iowa towns in an instant before I'd be back in California because huge swaths of the state are filled with douchecanoes like that. Try again, Scooter.