ESPN pulls live coverage on Stanford band after it mocks state of Iowa

Absolutely, I'm beloved by many due to my open mindedness to new experiences; you should try it sometime. When people never venture outside of their own little corner they do indeed become myopic, and they don't necessarily have to live in the midwest to be that way. However most of the people I live around are that way. I've lived in 4 different states, done business in at least 10 others and visited nearly all of the rest of them at some point. I've travelled to 15 different countries mostly for work, a few for pleasure so I certainly never stopped learning about the world but you sound like someone who never tried to learn much to begin with. There isn't a single state I wish to fall into the ocean or be destroyed because I'm not stupid enough to believe only I know what is good or bad about a place. I found positives about nearly every place I've visited, even Alabama and Saudi Arabia. I wouldn't want to live in either place but some folks do and that's fine. I just shake my head and laugh at how many Iowans make disparaging remarks about California when they've never lived or visited there.

The fact that we have a post taking offense to the Stanford band dissing us says a lot about our underlying sensitivity to our general backwardness. There are many positives to living in Iowa; geographical variety and rich cultural experiences aren't among those positives.

Wow! Tell us more of your extensive world travels! Please teach us poor Iowa folk who frequent this message board more about the various cultures and regions you've frequented.

I just shake my head and laugh when someone defines there self worth in terms of the extent of their travels and business acumen. Those things will not last and you will become a miserable person. Oh but based on your posts it appears you already are. Couldn't imagine being stuck in such a wasteland such as Iowa with nothing to do but hang out with my family and make friends with some of the friendliest people in the world.
I couldn't care less which band embarrassed which fan base I went there so see a football game. What's most embarrassing is the way Iowa fans are talking to other Iowa fans in this pointless thread. Maybe you're just taking out your frustrations about the football teams performance out on each other but either way you just sound pathetic.


Come on. No Star Wars spoilers! I was waiting to see Darth Emo unveiled when The Force Awakens is released on VHS.
My guess is that very few of you, if any, realized what the Stanford band is/has been about for many years....decades in fact.

Do a google search for cryin out loud....they've always thrived on being controversial.

Nothing new to see here....move along.

Seff. The biggest thing I notice with the hippy spoiled band geeks that Stanford has isn't that they "troll" other teams. It's that if someone were to mock or "troll" them, they'd likely run to mommy and daddy to sue and fire anyone who would dare challenge them like the spoiled brats at Mizzou. Kids today think they are funny and clever, yet they cannot handle the harshness of the real world and need things made easy for them because their parents do nothing but cater to them.
I couldn't care less which band embarrassed which fan base I went there so see a football game. What's most embarrassing is the way Iowa fans are talking to other Iowa fans in this pointless thread. Maybe you're just taking out your frustrations about the football teams performance out on each other but either way you just sound pathetic.

Wow! Tell us more of your extensive world travels! Please teach us poor Iowa folk who frequent this message board more about the various cultures and regions you've frequented.

I just shake my head and laugh when someone defines there self worth in terms of the extent of their travels and business acumen. Those things will not last and you will become a miserable person. Oh but based on your posts it appears you already are. Couldn't imagine being stuck in such a wasteland such as Iowa with nothing to do but hang out with my family and make friends with some of the friendliest people in the world.

I don't think self worth is what's being defined here.
fOSU has the best, most creative band. Iowa's band is lamer than Ames. We should just book a rock band for halftime.

Stanford's band is just stupid. They think they're edgy and cool, but they just suck. If you're gonna be derisive and offensive, fine. Just don't suck at it.

In artistic performance, you can wow with talent or wow with lack of it. The Stanford band does the latter.
I can't believe there are actually people who condone what the Stanford band did.

I guess things like respect, class, sportsmanship, etc. are outmoded ideals that have no place in today's world.
Why were they not banned from the Rose Bowl to begin with? The Rose Bowl committee should have had sense enough to do so after what they already did this year to get themselves banned from road games.
What it comes down to is this: either you want your team and university to be defined as a class outfit, or you don't. If you are invited to the traditionally most prestigious bowl game there is, and your "band" puts on a sophomoric show, without hardly playing any real music, and you are okay with that, and you are okay with people thinking that this amateurish performance is a true representation of your university, then go nuts, more power to you.

But, understand that the other 99.9% of the people watching think you are fools, and are either upset that you are behaving this way or--and this is worse, and this is what I felt--are actually embarrassed FOR YOU, then I guess you must not care what other people think at all.

The problem is, that eventually someone in a position of power at Stanford WILL suddenly decide that they are tired of watching their "band" act like sophomoric ***** at a prestigious bowl game, and get rid of the whole kit and kaboodle.

When that occurs--and it will, someday, I think--then I would like to extend an invitation to all Stanford fans who are telling us "butt-hurt" Iowans to "relax" and "get a sense of humor" to come back on this board, so we can tell THEM to suddenly "relax" and "get a sense of humor" about them no longer either having a marching band appear in the Rose Parade or at the Rose Bowl, or perhaps not having a marching band at all.
Absolutely, I'm beloved by many due to my open mindedness to new experiences; you should try it sometime. When people never venture outside of their own little corner they do indeed become myopic, and they don't necessarily have to live in the midwest to be that way. However most of the people I live around are that way. I've lived in 4 different states, done business in at least 10 others and visited nearly all of the rest of them at some point. I've travelled to 15 different countries mostly for work, a few for pleasure so I certainly never stopped learning about the world but you sound like someone who never tried to learn much to begin with. There isn't a single state I wish to fall into the ocean or be destroyed because I'm not stupid enough to believe only I know what is good or bad about a place. I found positives about nearly every place I've visited, even Alabama and Saudi Arabia. I wouldn't want to live in either place but some folks do and that's fine. I just shake my head and laugh at how many Iowans make disparaging remarks about California when they've never lived or visited there.

The fact that we have a post taking offense to the Stanford band dissing us says a lot about our underlying sensitivity to our general backwardness. There are many positives to living in Iowa; geographical variety and rich cultural experiences aren't among those positives.

Good God but this is about the most insufferable post I've read in my entire life.

How many mirrors do you have in your house? Have you actually harmed yourself patting yourself on the back?

And ask yourself this: how many of those Stanford band members have ever traveled to Iowa? Do they really think that's what Iowa is like?
Good God but this is about the most insufferable post I've read in my entire life.

How many mirrors do you have in your house? Have you actually harmed yourself patting yourself on the back?

And ask yourself this: how many of those Stanford band members have ever traveled to Iowa? Do they really think that's what Iowa is like?

We need to keep our eye on the ball. Stanford's band is immaterial to our team's success.
coastal snob instead of corn-on-the-cob

oceanic azzhat instead of a cowboy straw-hat

living in a building with an elevator that stores people during the night hours instead of grain during night season

having a pool on the roof of a high rise filled with sh!!theads floating on it instead of a pool in the ground filled with pigsh!t

doing the trendy thing and buying a mid-century house because you want to rather than living in the mid-century house since the mid-century because you want to...

those first things are the things that mean you have culture.
We need to keep our eye on the ball. Stanford's band is immaterial to our team's success.

You might want to re-read the title of the thread. It's about the Stanford band, not the team's success. But both were tied together Friday in the Rose Bowl experience as a whole, and that experience included: us sucking on the field, the Stanford band trolling the state of Iowa, the stadium being kind of dumpy, and the security lines being disorganized and ridiculous. And yes, even if we'd won I'd still complain about the Stanford band (though I think actually booing them was stupid).
Stanford fans were even worse than their band. I expected them to be elitist (like Northwesters) instead they had the abrasive as of Nebraska with the "klass" of the worst Wisky fans. The band was a good reflection of the fans.
Des Moines was rated recently by Forbes as the #1 city in the United State for young professionals. NUMBER ONE. We have a low cost of living and business opportunities for people who want to work. The people in California are the rubes who don't get it. They think they can tax their way to prosperity. I was at the game. The Stanford band was ridiculous. Not funny; not cute; not clever; just DUMB
Not gonna read this whole thread, but two things stand out to me:

1) The Stanford band has been doing this a long time, trolling other schools.

2) Stanford students aren't as bright as I thought they were. California is the biggest ag state in the nation and they also produce more calves and cattle than Iowa......The thing is any idiot could figure this out with a little thing called google.....

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