espn loves them some johnny manSell.


Well-Known Member
Kid can ball for real. But remember when integrity, class, and humility meant something in college sport.

I barely remember the last time there wasn't a moral or legal or integrity issue hanging over a heisman winner.

Maybe I'm just a hater but its sure hard to be happy for seemingly no class jerks like "johnny" matter how good they are. But hey, if your a really great athlete, we should love them...right ESPN?
Palmer just compared johnnies celebrity status and "brand" to that of Lebron.

Good God.

HN, am I just crazy and a hater? Or does this love bother anyone else. Or he really the "best ever"....ugh.
Kid can ball for real. But remember when integrity, class, and humility meant something in college sport.

I barely remember the last time there wasn't a moral or legal or integrity issue hanging over a heisman winner.

Maybe I'm just a hater but its sure hard to be happy for seemingly no class jerks like "johnny" matter how good they are. But hey, if your a really great athlete, we should love them...right ESPN?

I was born in 1988. No, I don't remember when any of those things meant something in college sports.
I was born in 1988. No, I don't remember when any of those things meant something in college sports.

Fair point. '76 for me and maybe I am naive and hoping for something that hasn't existed for decades.

The kid has some serious skills, and there's plenty of great athletes in the pros with little to no character. So maybe its just that I don't like to see the punk succeed.

Getting old I guess.
I'm pretty sure Jesse Palmer rubs Johnny spunk all over his body before every A&M game he does. He's a really good player, but I don't need to see him every two seconds while he's sitting on the sidelines. For Duke fans, that must have been brutal to sit through. Someone also ought to tell palmer a suit isn't supposed to fit like an under armour spandex shirt. I get it, you still lift...i'm just not sure how he gets his head in the booth.
Palmer certainly had a hard on for the kid. It was a great performance, no doubt but he acted like an epic dbag. ESPN seems to want to manufacture all of the stars. It's ridiculous.
He's a good college player but all that running around like he does want fly in the NFL. Remember Tim Tebow!
That chick fil a bowl was a good one. Wale of a game by Johnny. Will see what he is like when he gets to the bigs.
i was glad to see johnny football play tonight - actually the first game i've ever seen ene to end. and it is college - so the jumping around and firing up the D and the team should happen more.

i thought jess palmer came off at first a bit jealous (that it wasn't him or tebone) - but then he came around way too stupid.

and i don't understand the crack about ""when integrity, class, and humility meant something in college sport""

i think he has handled the celebrity perfectly - what exactly was offensive to the non-beer drinkers out here?
As he rubbed his face in that towel early in 3rd quarter, I wondered if there was something in that towel that he was snorting.
Remember, ESPN has a financial stake in the SEC, so it has to, set aside its morals, and promote anything related to SEC football.
BTN is competition to ESPN, so we'll rarely hear the B1G in a positive light.

IMO, this should be more offensive to the NCAA than some college athlete selling his jersey.
Oh, and don't get me started on the Longhorn Network.
You know, I guess you do not know That I am a GEAUX TIGERS fan . I have watched 3 bowl games this year,in all 3 ESPN was not for the SEC. The same will happen today . If you watched the Miss State Duke game all I heard at the start fo the game was how Duke could run the ball, at the start of the 4th quarter they were saying Miss State did not need to try to make plays like that . You know throwing the ball 30 yards tryng for another score . By then Miss State had pulled most of the starters . I saw $$$ calls in each game and we will see $$$ calls today Oh I am a SEC fans 2nd , I know we like to say we are the best but in our "SEC" hearts we know we are really just average , in fact maybe not even average , Almost average might be the right way to say it . Not here to talk about the good , bad, and the ugly of our weekly SEC Famly Dinners on the ground so l will stop.But I had to say something when I saw the thread . I am here to say you Iowa fans have me worried that my Tigers will get beat by 40 points . I see you talking about all your speed and power and how you team wears down the other teams in the 4 quarter , oh my . I just hope that my Tgers can find away to handle all of your teams speed and power . Then I hope that neither team has a player that gets hurt !!! 3rd hope is for a 55 gallon drum plum full of football at it's best . My last hope is that my Tigers find away to win this game . Let's pass a good time !!! it is almost Fotball Time . I will be back after the game . Oh I hope that our quaterback can handle all the pressure ,GEAUX TIGERS !!!!
The kid definitely has that "it" factor about him. Using a 1st round pick on him would be a huge, having him as your franchise QB could go sideways in a hurry.
The kid definitely has that "it" factor about him. Using a 1st round pick on him would be a huge, having him as your franchise QB could go sideways in a hurry.
The dude is either going to be like the next Drew Brees or a Cryin Leaf level of bust. I'm glad I'm not a GM who has to make the call. I'd really like to see him get just two drives with a NFL offense against a NFL defense before making the call.

ESPN used the same series of pics of the guy in a suit every single time they cut to commercial. It was a very high level of obsessive creepiness.
Fair point. '76 for me and maybe I am naive and hoping for something that hasn't existed for decades.

The kid has some serious skills, and there's plenty of great athletes in the pros with little to no character. So maybe its just that I don't like to see the punk succeed.

Getting old I guess.
Character issues aside, Manziel not only has serious skills, he is better when the game is on the line and has a flair for the dramatic - reminds me a bit of Doug Flutie.

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